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Trisha Mae B.





1. Calculate your BMI.

2. Know your normal BMI base on your age.
3. How many calories should you eat a day?
4. Submit a picture of low calorie foods. 5 photos in a collage and give its benefits.


1. My BMI weight: 47kg 47/1.57482

Height: 5’2 or 1.57482 BMI = 22.41

2. My BMI is 18.9 and its NORMAL base on my age at 21yrs old.

3. A total number of calories that I should eat a day according to my BMI is 2400 calories.

4. Low calorie foods

1. Broccoli is one of the most nutritious vegetables on the planet. It’s a member of the
cruciferous family of vegetables and may help fight cancer (8Trusted Source). One cup (91
grams) of broccoli has only 31 calories and over 100% of the amount of vitamin C that most
people need per day.
2. Cucumbers are a refreshing vegetable commonly found in salads. They’re also used to flavor
water along with fruits and herbs. Since cucumbers are mostly water, they’re very low in
calories — one-half cup (52 grams) only has 8.

3. Spinach is another leafy green that is loaded with vitamins and minerals and very low in
calories. It’s high in vitamin K, vitamin A and folate and has more protein than some other leafy
vegetables. A one-cup (30 grams) serving of spinach has only 7 calories.

4. Papaya is an orange fruit with black seeds that resembles a melon and is typically grown in
tropical regions. It’s very high in vitamin A and a good source of potassium. One cup (140
grams) of papaya has only 55 calories.

5. Lemons and Limes. The juice and zest of lemons and limes are widely used to flavor water,
salad dressings, marinades and alcoholic drinks. Citrus does more than just add flavor. Research
shows that lemon juice has compounds that can act as antioxidants to fight and prevent
diseases in your body. One fluid ounce (30 grams) of lemon or lime juice has only 8 calories.

1. Answer the following questions:

How does fat leave the body?

To what foods help burn body fat?

Take a video making 5 best exercises at home that burns body fat/calories
(minimum of 1 minute 30 seconds)

How does fat leave the body?

Most of us believe that fat turns into energy and is burned off during exercise or when
calories are reduced. Exercise and diet can help fats leave the body and lose weight by creating
a calorie deficit. The body will begin to break down stored fat through a series of complicated
metabolic pathways. The by-products of fat metabolism are expelled through lungs, sweat and
urine, while the energy liberated from fat is used to maintain body's biological function.

To what foods help burn body fat?

The term “fat-burning foods” may apply to those that produce fat loss by stimulating
metabolism, reducing appetite, or reducing overall food intake. All foods stimulate metabolism.
However, some types of food, such as chili peppers, might have a larger impact on metabolism
than others. Eating these foods may lead to weight loss. Consuming certain foods can lead to a
reduction in body fat. When a person adds these fat-burning foods to the diet, they can burn
fat and lose weight over time. Such fat-burning foods include eggs, nuts, yogurt, split peas,
coconut oil, green tea and oily fish.

Certain foods can help a person burn fat and lose weight. However, it is important to
remember that fat-burning foods must be part of a healthful diet overall. Also, a person must
engage in regular physical activity to burn fat and lose weight.

Take a video making 5 best exercises at home that burns body fat/calories (minimum of 1
minute 30 seconds)

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