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Name: _____________________________________

Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship

Exercises # 2

The Four Factors

Tell whether if it’s Membership, Influence, Integration and Fulfilment of Needs or Shared Emotional Connection.

_____________________1. History of experience while they are in a community.

_____________________2. Contribution and sacrifices to the community enhancing the sense of community.

_____________________3. Also understood as a sense of mattering.

_____________________4. The member gets what he/she hoped to get by joining.

_____________________5. Sense of belongingness and identification.

_____________________6. Its basis is that is to work both ways.

_____________________7. Developing the belief that there are more meaningful experiences together while they
are in the community.

_____________________8. Members need to feel rewarded in some way for their active participation.

_____________________9. The community must create an environment where members would feel that they
have a say in what happens.

_____________________10. A common symbol system.


1. We are facing a pandemic virus worldwide. As a citizen, what are the different measures you are doing to
prevent the spread of virus in your community especially we are in General Community Quarantine and
people in your area is coming in and out to obtain essential goods and services.


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