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Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Introduction and consent

CC and duration
LMP and Gravida and Para
Associated symptoms:
1. Morning sickness: N/V, sleep disturbances, depression, hyperolfaction,
decreased gustatory disrcrement, anxiety, irritability, mood changes,
decreased concentration, excessive salivation
2. GI: diarrhea, heartburn, dysphagia, odenophagia, dyspepsia, abdominal
pain, abdominal swelling, hematemesis, malena, mouth ulcers
3. Hyperthyroidism: fever, weight loss, diarrhea, tremor, neck swelling
4. GU: dysuria, frequency, urgency, flank pain, hematuria, decreased UOP
5. Endocrine: polyphagia, polydipsia, polyuria
6. CNS: headache, depression, hallucination, weakness, visual disturbances
7. General: Fever, weight loss, loss of appetite, night sweats
8. Recent illness and previous condition in the past
Past OBS Hx: Parity, mode of delivery, any complications, hx of molar or ectopic
or multiple pregnancies, current pregnancy.
GYN Hx: age of menarch, duration, quantity, intervals, intermenstrual bleeding,
pain during bleeding, any GYN procedures or surgeries
PMHX: previous hospitalization or surgeries, hx of DM, HTN, gastritis,
DHX: current drugs, previous drugs, OTC drugs, OCP, drug allergy
FHX: similar condition in the family, hx of ectopic pregnancy, molar, multiple
pregnancies, DM, HTN, and liver disease
SHX: smoking, alcohol, chat, occupation, diet and travel
Thank the patient

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