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liv e s : a p lace to s e ttle in p e a ce and quiet, far from

m arauding m on sters and clashing arm ies; a blazing fire

and a generous m eal; fine drink and fine conversation.
T hough som e halflings live out their days in rem ote
agricultural com m u n ities, others form n om ad ic bands
that travel constantly, lured by the open road and the
w ide h orizon to d iscov er the w on d ers o f n ew lands and
peop les. But even th ese w an derers love p ea ce, food,
hearth, and hom e, though h om e m ight be a w agon
jostlin g along an dirt road or a raft floating dow nriver.

Sm a l l a n d Pr a c t i c a l

T h e dim inutive halflings survive in a w orld full o f larger

creatu res by avoiding n otice or, barring that, avoiding
offense. Standing about 3 feet tall, they appear relatively
h arm less and s o have m anaged to survive for centuries
in the sh ad ow o f em pires and on the edg es o f w ars and
political strife. They are in clined to be stout, w eighing
betw een 40 and 45 pounds.
H alflings’ skin ran ges from tan to pale with a ruddy
cast, and their hair is usually b row n or sandy brow n
and wavy. T h ey have brow n or h azel eyes. H alfling m en
often sport lon g sideburns, but bea rd s are rare am ong
them and m ustaches even m ore so. They like to w ear
H a l f l in g sim ple, com fortable, and practical clothes, favoring
Re g is t h e h a l f l in g , t h e o n l y o n e o f h is k in d f o r bright colors.
H alfling practicality extends beyon d their clothing.
hundreds of miles in any direction, locked hisfingers be-
T h ey ’re c on cern ed w ith basic n eed s and sim ple
hind his head and leaned back against the mossy blanket p leasu res and have little u se for ostentation. Even the
of the tree trunk. Regis was short, even by the standards w ealthiest o f halflings keep their treasures lock ed in a
of his diminutive race, with thefluff o f his curly brown cellar rather than on display for all to see. Th ey have
a knack for finding the m ost straightforw ard solution
locks barely cresting the three-foot mark, but his belly was
to a problem , and have little patience for dithering.
amply thickened by his love of a good meal, or several, as
the opportunities presented themselves. The crooked stick K in d a n d C u r io u s
that served as his fishing pole rose up above him, clenched H alflings are an affable and cheerful people. They
between two of his toes, and hung out over the quiet lake, cherish the bon ds o f fam ily and friendship as well
as the com forts o f hearth and hom e, h arboring few
mirrored perfectly in the glassy surface o f Maer Dualdon.
dream s o f gold or glory. Even adventurers am ong
—R.A. S a lvatore, The Crystal Shard them usually venture into the w orld for reason s o f
A f f a b l e a n d Po s i t i v e
Halflings try to get along with everyone else and are loath to
make sweeping generalizations— especially negative ones.
Dwarves. “ Dwarves make loyal friends, and you can count
on them to keep their word. But would it hurt them to smile
once in a while?”
Elves. "They’re so beautiful! Their faces, their music, their
grace and all. It’s like they stepped out o f a wonderful dream.
But there’s no telling what’s going on behind their smiling
com m unity, friendship, w anderlust, or curiosity. They faces— surely more than they ever let on.”
love d iscoverin g n ew things, even sim ple things, such Humans. “ Humans are a lot like us, really. At least some
as an exotic fo o d or an unfam iliar style o f clothing. o f them are. Step out of the castles and keeps, go talk to the
H alflings are easily m oved to pity and hate to see any farmers and herders and you’ ll find good, solid folk. Not that
living thing suffer. Th ey are generous, happily sharing there’s anything wrong with the barons and soldiers— you
have to admire their conviction. And by protecting their own
w hat they have even in lean tim es.
lands, they protect us as well.”

Bl e n d in t o t h e C r o w d
H alflings are adept at fitting into a com m u n ity o f
Ex pl o r in g O ppo r t u n it ie s
hum ans, dw arves, or elves, m aking them selves valuable H alflings usually set out on the adventurer’s path to
and w elcom e. T h e com bination o f their inherent stealth defend their com m u n ities, support their friends, or
and their u nassum ing nature helps halflings to avoid explore a w id e and w onder-filled w orld. For them,
unw anted attention. adventuring is less a career than an opportunity or
H alflings w ork readily w ith others, and they are loyal som etim es a necessity.
to their friends, w hether halfling or oth erw ise. Th ey can
display rem arkable ferocity w hen their friends, fam ilies, H a l f l in g Na m e s
or com m u n ities are threatened.
A halfling has a given nam e, a fam ily nam e, and possibly
a nicknam e. Fam ily n am es are often n ick n am es that
Pa s t o r a l P l e a s a n t r i e s
stuck so tenaciously they have been p a ssed dow n
M ost halflings live in sm all, p ea cefu l com m u n ities with through the generations.
large farm s and w ell-kept groves. They rarely build
Male Names: Alton, Ander, Cade, Corrin, Eldon, Errich,
kin gdom s o f their ow n or even hold m uch land beyond
Finnan, Garret, Lindal, Lyle, M erric, M ilo, O sborn,
their quiet shires. T h ey typically don ’t r ecog n ize any
Perrin, R eed, R o s co e , W ellby
sort o f halfling nobility or royalty, instead look in g to
Female Names: Andry, Bree, Callie, Cora, Euphem ia,
fam ily elders to guide them. Fam ilies preserve their
Jillian, Kithri, Lavinia, Lidda, Merla, N edda, Paela,
traditional w ays despite the rise and fall o f em pires.
Portia, Seraphina, Shaena, Trym , Vani, Verna
M any h alflings live am ong other races, w h ere the
Family Names: Brushgather, G oodbarrel, G reenbottle,
halflings’ hard w ork and loyal ou tlook offer them
High-hill, Hilltopple, Leagallow , Tealeaf, T horngage,
abundant rew ards and creature com forts. S o m e halfling
T osscob ble, U nderbough
com m u n ities travel as a w ay o f life, driving w ag on s or
guiding boats from pla ce to place and m aintaining no
perm anent hom e.
H a l f l in g T r a it s Languages. You can speak, read, and w rite C om m on
and Halfling. T h e H alfling language isn’t secret, but
Your halfling character has a num ber o f traits in
h alflings are loath to share it w ith others. Th ey write
co m m o n with all other halflings.
very little, so they don ’t have a rich b od y o f literature.
Ability Score Increase. Y our D exterity sco re T h eir oral tradition, however, is very strong. A lm ost all
in creases by 2.
h alflings sp ea k C om m on to con verse w ith the p eople
Age. A halfling reach es adulthood at the age of in w h ose lands they dw ell or through w h ich they
20 and generally lives into the m iddle o f his or her
are traveling.
se co n d century.
Subrace. The tw o m ain kinds o f halfling, lightfoot and
Alignment. M ost halflings are law ful g ood. A s a rule, stout, are m ore like closely related fam ilies than true
they are good-hearted and kind, hate to see others in
su braces. C h oose on e o f these subraces.
pain, and have n o tolerance for op pression . Th ey are
also very orderly and traditional, leaning heavily on L ig h t f o o t
the support o f their com m u n ity and the com fort o f A s a lightfoot halfling, you can easily hide from notice,
their old ways. even using other p eop le as cover. Y ou’re inclined to be
Size. H alflings average about 3 feet tall and w eigh affable and get along w ell with others. In the Forgotten
about 40 pou nds. Your size is Sm all. R ealm s, lightfoot halflings have spread the farthest and
Speed. Your base w alkin g sp eed is 25 feet. thus are the m ost co m m o n variety.
Lucky. W h en you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability L ightfoots are m ore prone to w anderlust than other
check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must halflings, and often dw ell alongside other races or take
u se the n ew roll. up a n om adic life. In the w orld o f G reyhawk, th ese
Brave. You have advantage on saving throw s against halflings are called hairfeet or tallfellows.
bein g frightened. Ability Score Increase. Your C harism a score
Halfling Nimbleness. You can m ove through the in creases by 1.
sp ace o f any creature that is o f a size larger than yours. Naturally Stealthy. You can attempt to hide even
w hen you are ob scu red only by a creature that is at least
o n e size larger than you.

St o u t
A s a stout halfling, you ’re hardier than average and have
so m e resistan ce to p oison . S o m e say that stouts have
dw arven blood. In the Forgotten R ealm s, th ese halflings
are called stronghearts, and they’re m ost com m on
in the south.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution sco re
in creases by 1.
Stout Resilience. You have advantage on saving
th row s against p oison , and you have resistan ce
against p oison dam age.

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