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going back and forth even more practical and because most of this program are a lot

more established. Okay, not quite describe your PhD experience on so you were
describing your PhD experience but will fly this experience experience that I would also
collect the pleasure with the pain that you love the labor of love day. You know it all, you
know, it's crazy. There's a lot of like Heidi you willing to action that you feel despite the
fact that sometimes you try and Tatian are that one right there and what about the
learning and they ended after this you know the stuff experience anymore. I know
challenges because because baby arm traveling back and forth could be right on also
intensive budget and definitely every trip is very cost me whole family. That's the only
way to make it work and challenges senior study environment which is no longer at
home or in the same library herein. Every day it's kind of like yeah yeah yeah okay
prepared, where you doing you had enough basic skills and support for good to face
any challenges in their we got really coaxed when you when you first start working like
you got it all on further along the line you come to realize that not easy but it is always
more to learn. There's always a lot to do comfortable in your skin again. He started to
stack whatever you say either. Ron still along the line hi low self-esteem ready so that
accomplishments really so this brings me to this question. Have you felt anxious about
the education conference and the results in no progress on tell you everything you still
feel that measuring up to set yourself on your somehow I actually need your back in
London on the conference is always a kind of interaction one now the only one that was
initiated by the city was one of her but now I mean look on going on where I would
always try to schedule during my stay, which was usually during spring break to okay
now connection with the University sense of belonging to that institution connected the
you told you long term contracts cell recliner on my annual residency. So on my child's
going on campus, so it really helps people know and finding people back in the right
okay about student support again about your visits when you are in the in the Emirates
support you get on like efficient enough talking about emails about you know maybe a
research support was that mean I will email something. For example, I wanted to keep
the book on Brian and I'll be there on this book that I see the library. Please keep it
honest there for me because I live abroad. Support like they were always there
whenever I need and you rarely get emails more helpful than this free food too generic
when it was like about events about paying you get emails every day on you are
excluded kind of things going on when you are going
on the calendar and now I feel like they want non-unlimited time. Okay okay now Tatian,
for example, arrange for any kind of events in your place of residence to inform you
about Lexington seven eyes now because of my medical shop lobby was all around me
all still yeah there were more baby and gone to any doctrinal community network
initiated by the only the one that you told us. Providers: one. What he said should attend
to provide you with you University okay okay Kelly told research students. There is also
twitter always put to our guys to share your research ideas and inside the cave since my
study on email which falls under different things, but all that fall under the term, so it
wasn't. It wasn't based was based in London and they have canonized every two
weeks. It was a fortnight number six James Joyce society itself in college due to to get
into the societies or initiate affect. The only question now they were from the okay good
yes at the postgraduate postgraduate and stuff like that. Talk about your relationship
with your supervisor or supervisors. I don't know how many supervisors one okay okay
look after and your feelings who has access to a library or someone you can meet every
week or every two weeks when he ended by Connie and the same fields if you went
there I now know usually required more rigorous, revising, and we work something so
once a week. Sometimes my supervisor. How can you evaluate your relationship with
the supervisor what kind of support do you get all understanding told you when I first
started out was that it was born still the case, it's not slow down and pay anything that
she was very understanding. On my first year exam grade exam night program on it
was like the first sale on a month or so before case of the flu and I perforate John's cell.
I lost my hearing Carlisle on yeah it was so bad, so I can hear them and online so I had
to be wearing certain clothes so because they can do anything about this whole online
and have me back. She was able to bring the cave extended by Harris on the plane
since eardrums is something like that on very understanding of the situation should
brought the case. When I feel that she's just kind at times usually happen to find a local
advisor deferring and throwing closer our week on the plane rolled over there like email
and waiting for from her just not what she probably wouldn't have been enough time to
apply and what about the feedback you get confusion, or you have a lot of questions,
but you couldn't contact. How anyone ever questioned. Sometimes the answering time.
Sometimes she wouldn't wait told you things change and have a look. You have the
right time. You don't hear from you so I go straight to him and order not to block working
that will process you really want to finish out can help you stop working on it you forget
exactly who to going back to it is like learning all over again want to cut the train of
thoughts you have this place and time of communication to use when you talk email and
mostly email Wendy. Often these time on the type of work done with me once a week to
week so let's see twice in a row apart from the sky yeah and if you like always felt that
she was welcoming the idea of the meeting now excuses, no light on one something
that blinks green which I called the device that brings being a little off, for example
problem like she was not competent enough with technology. I know she was her
preferred methods restate adventure for her. Actually there on the screen talking to a
student to see where the only distant site also considered so they were also undergoing
part-time research that it was a different case, they could always jump on a train a lot
more Motivation throughout this experience, like have you ever felt isolated at any time.
Like have you ever thought of dropping out or learn what you always wanted me to
know yeah yeah you get is like for example I traveled all the annual meeting and the big
one that she wasn't there on my sister's wedding system and it was my sister's wedding
between the two week time I waited for her for weeks. Also, trip going to waste make
me think that I wanted to drop. Now that you know who or what you target your
frustration is definitely her family was great. So my stress whole thing yeah I know you
don't call your name but I would apply like the perception of the leading down you like
for example buddies. I don't like you always about the also employment what section of
lighting finishing the okay on no difference between me and send Nottingham on pretty
much the same degree everything on the supervisory meeting and wanted to distance
between me and that would be a lot of difference between country. What we say. What
about what about official bodies and employers. They have the same city or Phoenix or
something on University well-established University anyway do things that distance
degrees offer degree so down on the same requirement as to the degrees offered are
so technical yeah you know process with the education and place of residence to check
if there are any issues that outbound UK couple of years ago from the city on just and
she was like five degrees on PC from the distance learning that you required to go and
live there or to stay there for like weeks, but some programs, Wyandotte like it's almost
maybe this is the difference of conventional degrees and one thing we talk about this
program here on. Yeah, something like by distance or by people in different ways of
perceiving the location degree that leads now degree. I would make sure that it doesn't
do that kind might be challenging right to assert a lesser degree else you know you
students would undergo the full-time things all the time. I told you that any difference.
For example, this is the level of research. Level of competency need to show you what
they are now network is kind of like this perception to wood. Distance learning
experience. The problem you have to attend workshops on the feel of any actual library
and required for all that distance degree was not distance learning degree just like time
somewhere else close to me to do the same thing degree was quote unquote property
comments 5° get more online tests to offer distance learning. My friends who graduated
from your graduated from full time with me like a field of study onto the same work
supervisor special correction upgrades on that same procedure is what the difference
between you and those people on campus this I mean when you have a local advisor
look like if you find degree else back with you on site very stringent. Yeah. Anyway, I like
challenges that you have in mind you want to mention before we finish this on family
commitments into action with the supervisor any hardware hardware is expected from
you. You have someone from any and what about the needs of doctoral students at a
distance and taken to make the experience better. What would you suggest what would
you recommend, you know, I would suggest that if you're not totally in love with you
during don't do it. Don't be done on earlier like that with no one and all night

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