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Task 2 - Writing

Presented for: Jacqueline Buritica Ramirez CC. 55212392

Cell phone :3133537556

Group Number: 900001_161

Presented to: Tutora Norma Constanza Triana

English : Task 2 - Writing

Open and Distance National University UNAD

Psychology Program

March 03 2020

Bogota D.C

Mi name is Jacqueline Buritica.  I am thirty -eight years old. I am from Bogota. I live with
my husband and daughter. I am technologist in occupational safety and health management.
I study psychology at the UNAD university. In my spare time I like going to the movies,
comedy and suspence are my favorite genders . But my favorite one , is spend quality time
with my family , we like watching tv, we like to read and go for walk together to meet
other places.

I am five feet inches tall. I am thin and . My hair is short and dark and My skin is brown.

My day stars . I wake up everyday at 5:45 am. After that I take a shower Then I eat my
breakfast at 6:15. The next thing I do taking a taxi to go to work. I start working as a
adviser at 7 am. My work place is about twenty minutes by taxi from my house.

My first shift finishes at  1.15 in the afternoon. I take lunch at 2 pm. Then I Continue
working until 5 pm. sometimes we go  for some coffe at 6 pm with my friends.

Later on , I go back home around 8 pm. I call my mother for about 30 minutes. I serve
dinner to my family. Ater that, study until 11,30 pm. I say ¨thank you¨ for a great day. And
Finaly, I go to sleep again

las categorías gramaticales solicitadas así:

Nouns Adjectives(adjetivos Verbs (verbos) Frequency Connectors
(sustantivos) ) adverbs (conectores)
(adverbios de

1. Family Long Have sometimes After that

2. …
3. … Old Is That
4. … Go And
5. …
Like To
Work With
shower For
I am

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