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From the case, what are the risk factors present with the mother (3
points)? Give additional 2 from your readings.
From the given case, the risk factors that are associated with placenta previa that are
present with the patient includes:

Maternal age older than 35 years (the patient is 38 years old)

- Ages 35 years and above increases the chance to have placenta previa
because this age group is associated with subfertility, chromosomal
abnormalities in offspring, multiple gestation and many obstetric risks
including placenta previa.
Past cesarean deliveries.
Caesarean section had a significant relationship with placenta previa and
this risk becomes very high with escalation in number of caesarean
Women who have given birth to a lot of children have an increased
chance of having placenta previa. It may be associated with the ageing
of vasculature of the uterus.
Cigarette smoking (The patient only stops on the 4th week of her current
Smoking can cause placenta previa (a dangerous situation where
the placenta covers the cervix). It causes severe DNA damage to cells in
the placenta and significantly impairs its function
Past uterine curettage.
Scars from a past curettage can affect the implantation of the uterus and
lead to placenta previa.

 Additional 2 risk factors are those women with a large placentae and unusual
position of the baby: breech (buttocks first) or transverse (lying horizontally across
the womb)

- Belleza, M., Belleza, M., & Marianne. (2017, January 18). Placenta Previa: When the Placenta
Implants Abnormally. Nurseslabs. Retrieved May 18, 2020, from

- Francois KE, Foley MR. Antepartum and postpartum hemorrhage. In: Gabbe SG, Niebyl JR,

- Simpson JL, et al. (eds). Obstetrics: Normal and Problem Pregnancies. 7th ed. Philadelphia,
PA: Saunders;

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