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A comparative analysis of PMs concentration measured with IoT devices

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Name Family1 - Times New Roman, bold, 12

Dr. Name Family2 - Times New Roman, bold, 12
Name of the Company/University - Times New Roman, 11, Country - Bold
Name of the Company/University - Times New Roman, 11, Country - Bold
Remark: Have in mind that the large number of authors reduces the scientific value of the report!
Maximum number of authors should be 5!

More than thirty percent of deaths from stroke, lung cancer, and heart disease are due to
air pollution. Due to the current economic global situation where half of the world has
no access to clean energy, furthermore, it seems highly unlikely that internal
combustion engines will go out of business anytime soon, we face the reality that our
engines will continue to pump out harmful emissions. The main pollutants are
particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), a mix of solid and liquid droplets arising mainly
from fuel combustion and road traffic. Thus, when facing the issue of air pollution
management, the current initiatives are focused on traditional air pollution monitoring
networks that imply the use of expensive instruments (gravimetric units), which require
specialized training, a large physical footprint, and massive power draw. Although these
conventional air monitoring networks provide the basis of understanding of pollution
trends and their associated health effects, it's reasonable to comprehend the lack of
knowledge (data, higher spatial resolution) in order to satisfy the increased public
demand for more personalized information. But, the measuring of air pollution is an
evolving technology landscape; the immediate solution seems to be the Internet of
Things. This technology can revolutionize the way we monitor the environment and
how we adapt to risks and challenges. The latest developments of remote sensing
technologies promise a higher density of data and allow to capture environmental data
near real-time. Although the current market presents various solutions for air quality
monitoring, there is an issue of data accuracy, how reliable are this new sensing
This paper presents a case study to identify the confidence level of data captured by
wireless sensor networks composed of laser-based monitoring equipment. In the article
are shown the results of a comparison of PMs concentration data obtained from
gravimetric stations and two types of laser-based monitoring equipment. Furthermore, it
is presented a comparative analysis of the data captured by different types of equipment
using the same type of measurement technology. The case study is completed with a
comparative analysis of the data variability between the measurements captured with
the same type of IoT devices.
Keywords: Air pollution, PMs, IoT, Remote sensing
Papers will be reproduced exactly as submitted and will not be edited in any way.
Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum. Use of standard abbreviations is
19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019

acceptable. Place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full term for
the first time it appears. Linguistic accuracy is the responsibility of the authors.
Please note that the full paper should not exceed 8 pages including text, figures and
 Language: Papers should be written in English Language.
 Font: Times New Roman, Size 12, Colour Black
 Page Setup: It is strongly recommended to observe this given paper format. We
kindly advise you to input your paper text in this document which is already
properly formatted.
o Size: A4 paper, Portrait
o Margins: Left/Right 3 cm, Top 3 cm, Bottom 3 cm, Header/Footer 1.5 cm.
o Alignment: Justify, Line Spacing Single, Paragraph Before 6pt, After 0pt,

 Tables: number each table and put table headings above the table – Align Left.
 Figures and images: number each figure, put figure caption under the figure.
o All objects used in one figure should be GROUPED.
o All figures and images should be prepared in Full Colour!
o Drawings (figures, charts) should be prepared with minimum line weight
 Formula: Formula should be typewritten (use, e.g., Microsoft Equation Editor).
 The conference proceedings will be printed in greyscale;
 Full collection of papers will be recorded on DVD/CD in FULL Colour;

CONCLUSION – min 1000/1500 char

Summarize the results of the research/paper and write the conclusion with a few
sentences here; Articles without conclusions will NOT be published.


This section is optional.

REFERENCES /no more than 15 references for 8 page articles/

[1] Name1 N.A., Name2 S. T., Complete Title of the paper, Book/Scientific
Journal/Name of the Conference, Country, 1999, pp 45-51;
[2] Name1 N.A., Name2 S. T., Complete Title of the paper, International Scientific
Event, Country, vol. 3, pp 185-193, 2000.
Section Name

[3] Name1 N.A., Name2 S. T., Complete Title of the paper, Book/Scientific Journal,
Country, vol. 1/issue 6, pp 9-10, 2005.
 Paper with more than 15 references will be forwarded back to the authors for
correction, in order to reduce the number of the references. If not, number of
cited references will be automatically decreased. Self-citing should be maximum
10 %.
 Papers without REFERENCES will not be accepted!
 Every text citation must be listed under the heading REFERENCES at the end of
the text. In the text, every reference should be quoted at least once with indices
in the form: [1], [2], …, etc. (but include all names in the reference list in case
there are more than one author per quoted material).

1. The manuscript should be presented in English language;
2. Regular paper: min 6 full pages - maximum 8 typewritten pages, including:
title, author/s, abstract, real text, charts, drawings and literature/references;
3. Long paper + 69 EURO: maximum 12 typewritten pages, including: title,
author/s, abstract, real text, charts, drawings and literature/references;
4. Extra-long paper + 139 EURO: maximum 16 typewritten pages, including:
title, author/s, abstract, real text, charts, drawings and literature/references;
19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019
Section Name
19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019
Section Name
19th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2019

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