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Armed Progressives

1st Amendment: Absolute separation of church and state. Remove “In God We Trust”
from federal money and the pledge of allegiance if it is deemed an official
government-sanctioned pledge. No special tax status for religious organizations.
Free speech is protected in all forms.

2nd Amendment: The people have the right to be as armed as their government is.
Firearm ownership and use should not be infringed and should not be inhibited by
costly fees. Firearms safety instruction, however, should be required, encouraged
and provided with ease. Respect and knowledge of firearms should be taught in

Armed Service: Every American should be required to serve in the military for two
years after high school in some capacity. Options for non-combative social service
shall be made available. This is a character builder and creates a feeling of national
unity. Also we would be more critical of going to war if it affected every American
family regardless of socio-economic status. It won’t be someone else’s kids that have
to be in Afghanistan for 10+ years.

Economy: Cut military spending by ending our wars and removing our presence in
other sovereign nations. Legalize Marijuana federally. Put it in the hands of the
states. Regulation and state sales taxes create jobs and revenue whilst reducing law
enforcement and correctional department spending.

Medicare, social security and welfare need to be overhauled. These resources need
to be there for our people in need but they need to be coupled with programs that
help people stay healthy, get jobs and save their own money. These programs need
more efficient oversight to prevent abuse, fraud and overspending. Malpractice laws
need to be reformed so that insurance within the medical industry won’t be so
exorbitant. Social security should be set up so that each person has an individual
account that basically requires them to save some of what they earn.

Unify Western Culture to maintain it dominance in the Western World.

Be more inclusive of who that includes i.e. Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Colombia,
Venezuela, Cuba.

Bury the hatchet with Cuba. We shouldn’t have any enemies in our hemisphere.
China and the Islamic states are our problem. Not Mexico, not other Americans.

Cozy up to India, Russia, Japan and sub-Saharan Africa. Eastern Europe, the Balkans
and the Caucasus will our cultural battlegrounds. We need to have open arms to
countries willing to embrace secular capitalist values.

Linguistic imperialism. Promote English as a worldwide and unifying language.

Energy policy: America and its allies must become the middle east of renewable
and/or alternative energy. It’s the government’s responsibility to encourage,
promote and incentivize alternate modes of transportation (rail, bicycle, bus,
motorcycle, electric cars, bus, walking) Restructuring urban centers will create jobs
and revitalize urban areas. It will also help with America’s obesity epidemic.

Education: Develop a standardized, comprehensive and evolving IQ test to be used

along side school grades.

Companies that hire illegals should be heavily fined and their transgressions made
public via webfeeds.

Enable online referendum/ballot prop voting.

Keep abortion legal, safe and available. Overpopulation is not just our nation’s but
our planet’s biggest problem. Unwanted babies become mouths for the state to feed.
We can all agree that the state isn’t the best parent for a child. Welfare, foster homes
and eventually the prison system are all tax burdens. The people they produce
deteriorate our societal progress.

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