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in 2019 we have 11 years left to halve global CO2 emissions, if we want to prevent

temperature increases from exceeding 1.5˚C, comparing to the pre-industrial era.

A few weeks ago the speaker Luisa Neubauer finally realised something:
We are treating the Earth like shit. And the only reason we wouldn’t admit it is because
we want to keep our privileges, the luxuries we got used to, and our money.
The speaker is talking about the developed countries and their middle and upper-
class populations — obviously.
She has known about climate change, air pollution, destroying biodiversity and other
environmental issues for a long time. But she didn’t do much. Not even
mentioning doing — she would avoid speaking about it, because there were always
sceptics around her.
People who would say things you have probably heard, too, in one form or another:
Global warming isn’t necessarily caused by humans. Climate changes have occurred
before throughout Earth’s history.
There are different theories. Only some indicate that we are heading towards some
kind of a catastrophe.
Renewable energy cannot sustain us. It’s naive to think that. Whether we want it or
not, we are dependent on fossil fuels.
With all the strangeness and the sadness about this conference, there was one someone
who was different, someone who seemed to be quite worried, and that was Greta
Thunberg. Luisa joined her climate strike right there at the conference. It was my very
first climate strike ever. She was now certain that no one else was going to fix this for
us, and if there was just the slightest chance that this could make a difference, it seemed
almost foolish not to give it a go.
So we should take ou first steps.
Number one: we need to understand who is claimate activist. A climate activist isn't that
one person that's read every single study and is now spending every afternoon handing
out magazines about vegetarianism. A climate activist can be everyone who wants to join
a movement of those who intend to grow protect natural environments, happiness and
health for saving climate and planet from destruction for the profits of the few. And the
climate since crisis affects every part of our social, of our political and of our private
life, we need climate activists everywhere on every corner.
Second: We should to get out of that zone of convenience, away from a business as usual
that has no tomorrow. All of us has some responsibilities. We can combine them with
our achivements to save world, and make others to pay attention on protecting
environment. Like, if you are a singer you can sing about your issues, if you are a teacher,
teach it. Or you can speak about it during your interview.
Thirdly: leaving that zone of convenience works best when you join forces.
And number four, finally -- and this is probably the most important – we should start
taking ourselves more seriously. If you don't go for something, chances are high that no
one else will. That's a huge responsibility, a huge burden on everyone's shoulders. But
this also means, if we want to, we can have a say in this. We can be part of that change.
We can be part of that answer.
So why not give it a go? No one else will save the future for us. This is more than an

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