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COVID-19 News report

News Intro Begins to play with music behind it.

fades into presenter

News presenter:

Hello and welcome to Nationwide News, I'm your host Jude McGrotty.

Later, today Prime Minister Boris Johnson is presenting the plans the United Kingdom will
undergo in an attempt to limit the Coronavirus from further spreading throughout the
nation. We will be reporting the news as soon as it is released, but in the meantime, we
have got Doctor James Bradley on the call to discuss safety precaution everyone should take
in order to protect themselves from this deadly virus and to prevent further spread.

Switches to view of medical professional

Medical professional:

Thank you, Jude, this virus has proven to be fatal to many, particularly people with weaker
immune systems, for example, elderly people and people with heart and lung conditions.
Symptoms include severe headache, difficulty breathing, severe cough and fever.

To ensure that you and your family stay protected, our advice is to limit your contact with
people outside your household, particularly people wit weaker immune systems. We also
strongly advise washing your hands multiple times a day and keeping your hands away from
your face to ensure you have the lowest chance possible of catching this disease.


Thanks for this vital information James, it is now time to see how the UK is going to handle
this crisis, we have correspondent Noah Ferguson on the line at Parliament to update us on
what precautions the government is taking to counter this situation.

Switches to correspondent


Thank you, Jude, we've been informed the United Kingdom is to enter lockdown effective
immediately. All non-essential businesses are to close and only shops to remain open are
food and medical shops. People must not gather in public larger than two and you must not
meet up with someone outside of your household.

You are allowed out for one hour a day for exercise and are encouraged not to go shopping
unless it is essential. Police are expected to fine any individuals not following these rules.

Switches to Presenter


Thank you, Noah, well folks make sure to follow these rules to ensure this will all be over as
soon as possible.

Thank you for tuning into Nationwide News and we wish u the best in this tragic time.

News Outro is played with music.

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