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Curiosity is marking his insatiable quest for knowledge and continuous improvement.

As we grow we must move through difficulty rather than try to get around it if we wish to be
strengthened by life experience. Being still young makes me wonder what could possibly be better about
getting older. There is a quotation saying that “The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity
has its own reason for existing.” This quote represents my life growing up full of curiosity. Being curious
isn’t wrong, because this have a significant factor for motivation and interest. Curiosity leads a far path in
life, and do not know what contribution in can make in our life. There always times that I face situation
in which I need a reason and an explanation. As a lady who has a dreams and hopes, I know that
sometimes not all questions get an answer. I’ve always notice as time goes by that I constantly
interacting with the “what” of life. And I believe that curiosity is fascinating by what we don’t know, and
it is better to get to know things and understand them no matter how well or bad is that thing. Using
curiosity I will continue asks questions throughout my lives, and I know it will help me a lot as I continue

Demonstration is knowledge through personal experience rather than taking others’ reports for

We study to learn, we socialize to communicate, we can learn from anyone or anything and
everything we learned in this world give us a lesson in our life. I’ve learn several things as I grow- things
that will help me in the future, and things that makes my existence worth it as I make my way to reach
my dreams. The word demonstration help me become I am today and help me to become what I am in
the future. I can apply my learning to my real-life situations, so learning is practical and relevant. The
very importance of having learned or experience something is to share and demonstrate it to your life as
you grow. Demonstration is a commitment to test my knowledge through my experience, persistence,
and my willingness to learn from my mistakes. In this principle I can say I will continue learning and
sharing my knowledge to anyone as I know it will help me in my future self.

Sensation is a continued refinement of the senses to sharpen observation and response.

As we grow older we always want to observe something in order to gain information. We must
consider listening first for us to understand and give a response accurately. When there is someone who
is talking, I always listen first because it enhances my ability to interact with others and to respond in an
appropriate manner. I will apply this principle by enhancing more my senses, particularly my sight.

Sfumato is a painting technique employed by Da Vinci to create an ethereal quality in his work,
showing his ability to embrace ambiguity and change.

We can apply this principle in our growth as a person because this principle gives an ethereal quality
in our life that shows us the ability to embrace ambiguity and change. We encounter different
circumstances in our living and the only solution to that is we should accept and try to find a ways for it
to recover. I can say that the only permanent thing in this world is the uncertainty and change. In part of
growing up there’s always a changes and we should dealt with it and embrace it wholeheartedly. This
principle is helpful because they can lead to hundreds of ideas and ultimately real-world solutions that
move closer to addressing wicked problems.

Arte/Scienza is the balance between art and science of art, which has demonstrated in his whole-
brain thinking.

Science and art are there to make us understand and describe the world around us. I think that the
most primitive innate needs of humans are to understand the world around us, and then share the
understanding. We need to understand because we are terrified by things that are unpredictable, and
that don’t make sense. Science and art have an important role in our life’s we can certainly apply the
learning in different ways as we grow. It is the developing a balance between logic and imagination. I
always like to dance, it became my passion and through arts I will continue my interest in dancing in the
future. At the time of our birth until we exists, science and art are already there in our life.

Corporalita is representing his belief that a healthy mind requires a healthy body and the importance
of cultivating both fitness and poise.

Our mind and body are very connected. We can all gain from challenging ourselves to utilize parts of
body and brain that we haven’t yet utilized. Aside from developing our studies, our body should need
also to be worked on as well. We can further cultivate our creativity, as we test our physical boundaries. I
do certain things to improve my fitness and posture. I exercise moderately, for my body to become fit. I
always rest my head and keep my mind cheerful when I am about to stress. Eating healthy food and
avoid grievous moods. And also keep upright when you rise from the dining table, to improve body
posture. Doing things like this can make our fitness and posture good.

Connection is for his habit of weaving together multiple disciplines around a single idea, recognizing
and appreciating that all phenomena are connected.

I believe in the power of human connection. The way we think on what word we say and the things
we do is connected in our personality. Every circumstance we encounter has a connection in our life.
When we connect from a place of humanity, what fades into the background is where we were born, the
color of our skin, the gender we identify, the faith we practice, or whom we choose to love. Because
when we connect authentically, we realize that what unites us is far greater and more powerful than
what divides us. By having connected with others, I do not have to do it alone, because I am not meant
to do it alone. There’s always a simple recognition of the interconnected of all things and phenomena. It
isn’t always just an issue of coming up with something totally new, sometimes it about seeing the links
between how to use old things in new ways. As we grow we should not only focus on that one thing
because if you look around it there’s greater thing beside that.

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