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What your predecessors achieved in 60 years ?

TO ,
For all the BJP supporters and BJP IT cell, Modi ji often asks a
question what your predecesors has achieved for the country
in the last 60 years.This is the answer for them, as a citizen of
the country I felt it has to be conveyed to them..
Modi ji, there is no point in shouting standing on a stage and
asking question what is achieved in 60 years. Don't think that
the citizen of our country are fools. You are a Prime Minister of
a country which was under British rule for more than 200
years. The people were living just like slaves. Your illustrious
Predecesors came to power in 1947 after independence,
started with zero. There was nothing in this country except the
garbages left out by the British. India didn't even had the
resourse to produce even a pin since the British left India. The
electricity was available only for 20 villages across the country.
Telephone facility was available only for 20 rulers (kings) in
this country. There was no drinking water supply. There was
only 10 small dams. No hospitals, no educational institutions.
No fertiliser, no feeds, no water supply for cultivation. There
was no job & only starvation in the country. There were many
infant deaths. Very few military staff in the boarder. Only 4
dacota planes, 20 tankers & fully open boarder in all 4 sides of
the country. Very little roads & bridges. Empty exchequer.
Predecesors came to power in these circumstances.
What is India after 60 years ?
World's second largest army. Thousands of war planes,
tankers. Lakhs of industrial institutions. Electricity in all
villages. Hundreds of electic power stations. Lakhs of kilometre
of national highways & over bridges. New railway projects,
Airodroms, Stadiums, super speciality hospitals, most of the
Indian households with television, telephone for all the
countrymen. Cars, Buses, and all kinds of traveling facilities. All
the infrastructure to work in and outside the country, Banks,
Universities, AIMS, IITS, IIMS, Nuclear weapons, sub-marines,
nuclear stations, ISRO, Navarathna Public sector units.
Indian Army barging till Lahore years back. Split Pakistan into
2 pieces. A military of 1 lakh & commanders surrendered to
Indian army. India started exporting minerals & food items.
Bank nationalisation by Mrs. Indira Gandhi. Computers were
introduced to India & many job opportunities were created for
Indians in India and outside the country. You have become PM
using the information technology?
When you took over as PM, India was already among the top
10 economies of the world. Apart from this, GSLV, Mangalyan,
Monorail, Metro rail, International airports, Prithvi, Agni, Naag,
Nuclear submarines.... all these were achieved before you
became PM.
Please do not come to people asking what predecesors has
achieved in 60 years.
Please tell people what you have achieved in the last 3 ½ years
except changing names, doing statue and cow politics, failed
demonetisation, poorly executed GST, and making people
stand in long queues.
Hypocrite BJPians opposed FDI like anything and now BJP is
supporting FDI shamelessly.. BJP is selling India to Ambani and
Rafale deal to Anil Ambani's 2-month old company over HAL
owned by government of India is a prime example of it.. BJP
made petrol, diesel, and LPG price go up by putting more tax,
while the price of crude oil became cheaper.. Modi government
through SBI in the form of fine collected whopping Rs 1771
crore for not able to maintain minimum balance from the poor
people of India. Vikas is happening for Amit Shah's son, Amit
Shah, Shaurya Doval, Ambanis, Adani, baba Ramdev's
Patanjali group, and the people who sponsors BJP.000 crores
have been spent by BJP to clean river Ganga, this corruption
each and every one can find out by taking a dip in river

To sum up Here are some the observations of a laity in

India about your progress report.
1. Shri Narendra Modi, as PM, is not indispensable to India.
As a nation, we achieved a lot before him and we will
continue to do so after him.
2. Chowkidars are required for the rich mainly. The poor do
not need them because they don't have anything to save
or protect from others.
3. You are free to respect and worship any human being or
animal. But you don't have any right to insist on others
also to do the same.
4. Your faith and beliefs should purely be a personal affair in
a democratic and secular country.
5. The Bhakts shouldn't think that they are the wholesalers
of patriotism in the country and all others are traitors or
anti-nationals. If they think so, I invite them to name a
few freedom fighters from the Sangh Parivar.
6. The Bhakts think Hindus are the original inhabitants of
this land and Christians and Muslims are infiltrators. In
fact, Hindus have also come from elsewhere. So, the
nation does belong to everyone.
7. We are busy finding enemies within and fighting against
them. I don't think the Bhakts will ever realise that such a
nation will never progress and become a world power as
their leader promises. United we stand, divided we fall.
8. Modiji as PM is accountable to the people of his country.
He should have the courage to answer our questions. The
nation wants to know a lot of things.
9. Critics of the PM and the government are not anti-
nationals. The PM is not infallible.
10. Nehru is not the reason for all that went wrong in
this country during the first stint of Modiji as PM.
11. Propaganda movies, serials and TV channels are not
going to fetch votes, the genuineness of the candidate
12. Votes should be asked showcasing the work, not in
the name of the soldiers who lost their lives or through
13. Ram temple in Ayodhya is not the biggest issue faced
by the country today. It is poverty, unemployment,
communal tension, etc.
14. If the BJP can shed its communal agenda and focus
only on development as promised earlier by Modiji, a lot
more people will vote for the party. But, for the BJP, it is
as difficult as a leopard shedding its spots.
15. If your religion is making you to kill your fellow
human beings, there is something wrong with the way you
have perceived your religion.
16. India is in the grip of an extended economic
slowdown. Despite the Modi government taking measures,
economy is not rebounding as per expectations. Why?
17. India's unemployment rate rises to 7.78%, highest in 4
months: CMIE
18. India's unemployment rate rose to 7.78% in
February, the highest since October 2019, and up from
7.16% in January, according to data released by the
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy.
19. Fitch Solutions cuts GDP growth forecasts for 2020
and 2021
20. Bank credit growth rate witnesses sharp decline on
yearly basis
21. It has been the story of anti-climax for past several
quarters. Country folks expect new numbers to give some
good news signaling "sab change si" (all is
well) sentiment but the Indian economy fails with as
much consistency to live up to their expectations
22. Villages have borne the brunt of economic slowdown.
Consumption has been particularly low in rural areas
creating a ripple effect on the overall health of the Indian
economy. The slowdown in consumption is directly related
to declining earning or less money in pocket to spend
23. Villages have borne the brunt of economic slowdown.
Consumption has been particularly low in rural areas
creating a ripple effect on the overall health of the Indian
economy. The slowdown in consumption is directly related
to declining earning or less money in pocket to spend.

24. Decline in income is the result of loss of employment

or rise in unemployment. The CMIE data shows that
unemployment rate increased in rural areas from 5.97 per
cent in January to 7.37 per cent in February. Silver lining
could be the decline in unemployment in urban areas from
9.7 per cent to 8.65 per cent, according to the CMIE.

25. Growing unemployment is a direct fallout of

extended economic slowdown. Indian economy is growing
at a 7-year-low GDP growth rate. It was 4.7 per cent in
October-December 2019. This came on the back of a 5
per cent GDP growth rate clocked in previous quarter.
26. The road ahead is worrisome with continued slump in
manufacturing coupled with coronavirus outbreak that has
proven to be stifling global economic growth. Analysts
predict further deceleration of Indian economy on account
of coronavirus scare.
27. Following measures announced in November and
then in February Budget - including restructuring of
corporate income tax - it was expected that the
manufacturing sector would respond positively. But its
growth slowed down in February, according to monthly
survey by Nikkei Manufacturing Purchasing Managers'
Index (PMI).

28. PMI data show that manufacturing sector growth

declined from seven-year high of 55.3 in January to 54.5
in February. However, the index is above 50 showing the
sector is still expanding.

29. Meanwhile, Fitch Solutions in its latest estimate cut

down its forecast for India's GDP growth for 2019-20 from
5.1 per cent to 4.9 per cent, and from 5.9 per cent to 5.4
per cent for 2020-21. Simply put, Fitch Solutions does not
see much scope of recovery from economic slowdown in
30. Weak manufacturing, weaker domestic demand and
coronavirus-induced global supply chain breakdown have
applied fresh brakes on India's economic vehicle.

31. The grim sentiment of the market is reflected in

credit flow from the banks. It is a key indicator to gauge
the undercurrents of a major economy. In India, the bank
credit growth declined to 8.5 per cent in January
compared to 13.5 per cent during the same month last

32. The sharp decline in credit growth shows either

industries are reluctant in applying for loans or the banks
don't have enough faith in the ability of the market for
repayment. There is another explanation though. That the
banks are wary of too much of regulation by the
government, the bankers say this in private

33. So, the moot question is, why is Indian economy not
listening to the Modi government, which has been
unleashing reforms after reforms in the manner that it
thinks fit?
34. There is no clear answer even though one can enlist
a number of factors from consumption decline to
coronavirus effect.
35. One can interpret this as denial of (a problem)
economic slowdown by the government or cherry-picking
from economic indicators rather than confronting the issue
head on.

36. India is in the grip of an extended economic

slowdown. Despite the Modi government taking measures,
economy is not rebounding as per expectations. Why?
37. India's unemployment rate rises to 7.78%, highest in 4
months: CMIE
38. India's unemployment rate rose to 7.78% in
February, the highest since October 2019, and up from
7.16% in January, according to data released by the
Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy.
39. Fitch Solutions cuts GDP growth forecasts for 2020
and 2021
40. Bank credit growth rate witnesses sharp decline on
yearly basis

41. Villages have borne the brunt of economic slowdown.

Consumption has been particularly low in rural areas
creating a ripple effect on the overall health of the Indian
economy. The slowdown in consumption is directly related
to declining earning or less money in pocket to spend.

42. Decline in income is the result of loss of employment

or rise in unemployment. The CMIE data shows that
unemployment rate increased in rural areas from 5.97 per
cent in January to 7.37 per cent in February. Silver lining
could be the decline in unemployment in urban areas from
9.7 per cent to 8.65 per cent, according to the CMIE.

43. Growing unemployment is a direct fallout of

extended economic slowdown. Indian economy is growing
at a 7-year-low GDP growth rate. It was 4.7 per cent in
October-December 2019. This came on the back of a 5
per cent GDP growth rate clocked in previous quarter.
44. The road ahead is worrisome with continued slump in
manufacturing coupled with coronavirus outbreak that has
proven to be stifling global economic growth. Analysts
predict further deceleration of Indian economy on account
of coronavirus scare.
45. Following measures announced in November and
then in February Budget - including restructuring of
corporate income tax - it was expected that the
manufacturing sector would respond positively. But its
growth slowed down in February, according to monthly
survey by Nikkei Manufacturing Purchasing Managers'
Index (PMI).

46. PMI data show that manufacturing sector growth

declined from seven-year high of 55.3 in January to 54.5
in February. However, the index is above 50 showing the
sector is still expanding.

47. Meanwhile, Fitch Solutions in its latest estimate cut

down its forecast for India's GDP growth for 2019-20 from
5.1 per cent to 4.9 per cent, and from 5.9 per cent to 5.4
per cent for 2020-21. Simply put, Fitch Solutions does not
see much scope of recovery from economic slowdown in
48. Weak manufacturing, weaker domestic demand and
coronavirus-induced global supply chain breakdown have
applied fresh brakes on India's economic vehicle.

49. The grim sentiment of the market is reflected in

credit flow from the banks. It is a key indicator to gauge
the undercurrents of a major economy. In India, the bank
credit growth declined to 8.5 per cent in January
compared to 13.5 per cent during the same month last

50. The sharp decline in credit growth shows either

industries are reluctant in applying for loans or the banks
don't have enough faith in the ability of the market for
repayment. There is another explanation though. That the
banks are wary of too much of regulation by the
government, the bankers say this in private
51. So, the moot question is, why is Indian economy not
listening to the Modi government, which has been
unleashing reforms after reforms in the manner that it
thinks fit?
52. There is no clear answer even though one can enlist
a number of factors from consumption decline to
coronavirus effect.

53. One can interpret this as denial of (a problem)

economic slowdown by the government or cherry-picking
from economic indicators rather than confronting the issue
head on.

54. He’s only for big buildings, big industry…Poor

people, people like us, don’t fit anywhere in his scheme
of things.

55. You may fool all the people some of the time, you
can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you
cannot fool all of the people all the time.
56. ~ Abraham Lincoln
57. This answer is not for blaming those who support any
political parties or leaders. This answer is about those who
blindly follow political parties and leaders without rational
58. Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government,
when it deserves it. ~ Mark Twain
59. As Mark Twain said there are Lies, damned
lies, and BJP statistics

An Indian Bhakt in corona READ AT

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