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25-30 May 2020

Hello everyone! 😊 Congratulations, if you are reading this, then you have successfully completed the
requirements for the first half of this term.

Here’s how you can get the most out of Week 7:

Course Topic: Caricatures during the American Colonial Period

1. Download and study the slide presentation (with audio) on Caricatures during the American
Period (See Midterms – Lecture Presentations – Week 7 – Caricatures). Kindly use PC or laptop
to ensure that the audio will work properly.

2. Use the slide presentation as a reference in answering the questions in Exercise No. 2 (See
Midterms – Exercises – Week 7 - Exercise No. 2)

3. Use the remaining time of the week to work on your final project – local history. Have fun doing
it without compromising your safety. Consider this as an opportunity to bond with your parents,
grandparents or whoever is within your reach (face to face or online interview). 😊

4. For your next course topic/activity, kindly wait for the Week 7 Guide to be uploaded. You may
read Proclamation 1081 in advance (See Reading Materials -Midterm).

God bless you all. 😊

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