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The `C` Odyssey: UNIX-The Open Boundless C # Book ~ DELL6DCW9Z

The `C` Odyssey: UNIX-The

Open Boundless C

By Meeta Gandhi,Rajiv Shah,Tilak Shety,Vijay Mukhi

BPB Publications, 2013. Softcover. Book Condition: New. 15 x 21

cm. C is what the world is breathing today. And Books on C are
filling book shelves like believers converging on a Holy bank.
But here`s a Pilgrimage that`s a different kind of voyage. The
C Odyssey. Written in a easy, riveting and readable style, the
book touches heights that few have reached, and offers
insights that Nobody has divined. The C Odyssey is for (hose
who`d like to Learn C and for those who have learnt C.
Garnished with small programs, followed by in-depth
explanations, the journey takes the beginner by the hand,
breaking him into the mold, taking him up to a point, and
letting him free to explore on his own. The platform covered is
wide and diverse. From C under DOS to C under UNIX,
Windows, OS/2, and its interfaces with networking and
relational databases. The Odyssey has a seven stop itinerary.
Unserialized and distinct, but threaded by thin silken Bonds to
each other. The saga is a lengthy one, through lands that have
been visited separately before. Speaking the same Language
from different podiums, they abet an undisrupted flow of
thought. Odyssey 3 : UNIX-The...

[ 6.06 MB ]

R eviews

This ebook is so gripping and exciting. it was writtern very flawlessly and valuable. I found out this publication from
my i and dad suggested this ebook to understand.
-- Leif B er nha r d MD

This written publication is wonderful. It can be writter in straightforward phrases instead of confusing. I discovered this
pdf from my dad and i suggested this publication to learn.
-- Jesse Tr embla y

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