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ª Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017 Abdom Radiol (2018) 43:2037–2051

Abdominal Published online: 17 November 2017


Congestive hepatopathy
Michael L. Wells, Sudhakar K. Venkatesh
Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, 200 First Street SW, Rochester, MN 55905, USA

Abstract hepatic veins, IVC or heart can also result in impaired

hepatic venous outflow. Patients with congenital cardiac
Passive hepatic congestion may result from a variety of anomalies who have undergone surgical palliation with
distinct cardiovascular conditions. Injury to the liver the Fontan procedure are at particular risk for chronic
caused by congestion is often asymptomatic and may not passive hepatic congestion [4]. In these patients, the
be recognized clinically. Diagnosis of congestive hep- pulmonary bed is passively perfused via systemic pul-
atopathy is important as it has the potential to cause monary venous return. Over time, the pulmonary vas-
complications including hepatic fibrosis and develop- cular resistance increases and cardiac output declines
ment of benign and malignant liver masses. This review resulting in severe hepatic congestion. Extrinsic com-
will summarize the pathophysiologic mechanisms of pression upon or primary disease of the suprahepatic
congestive hepatopathy and provide both description vena cava or hepatic veins (such as Budd-Chiari syn-
and examples of its multimodality imaging findings. drome), result in impaired hepatic venous outflow and
Examples of alternative disease which may have a similar hepatic congestion.
imaging appearance will be provided. Knowledge Heart disease causing elevated central venous pres-
regarding the characteristic imaging findings of conges- sure is frequently associated with poor cardiac output
tive hepatopathy will allow for its accurate identification. and decreased hepatic perfusion. Because of this, liver
Reviewing both the benefits and limitations of imaging injury due to CH frequently occurs in combination with
performed to evaluate congestive hepatopathy and its liver injury due to ischemia [5]. The combination of
complications will help to avoid pitfalls and enable rec- congestive and ischemic liver injury is frequently
ommendation of appropriate next steps in diagnostic encountered in conditions such as constrictive peri-
evaluation. carditis, congestive heart failure, and surgical palliation
of congenital cardiac anomalies.
Key words: Passive congestion—Cardiac
failure—Cardiac cirrhosis—CT—MRI—FNH-like
Histological changes
Congestive hepatopathy results in macroscopic and
microscopic changes within the liver parenchyma [1, 6–
Congestive hepatopathy (CH) refers to liver injury in- 10]. Elevated venous pressure causes dilation of lobular
duced by impaired hepatic venous outflow. There are hepatic veins and the hepatic sinusoids. In passive con-
many types of pathology which may slow venous outflow gestion due to cardiac disease, the degree of sinusoidal
resulting in parenchymal congestion. CH most com- dilation is correlated with the degree of venous pressure
monly refers to parenchymal congestion which is the elevation [11]. Fluid and hemorrhage becomes extra-
result of cardiac disease, but it may also be the result of vasated into the perisinusoidal space of Disse. Local
abnormalities of the inferior vena cava (IVC) or hepatic steatotic change and atrophy within zone 3 of the hepatic
veins [1–3]. acinus (centrilobular parenchyma located adjacent to
Any cause of right-sided cardiac failure may result in central hepatic veins) occurs due to hepatocyte injury.
elevated central and hepatic venous pressure. Common Persistent or severe injury results in perisinusoidal and
conditions include tricuspid regurgitation or stenosis, perivenular deposition of fibrotic tissue. Over time,
cardiomyopathy, constrictive pericarditis, cor pul- fibrosis within zone 3 of the hepatic acinus may progress
monale, and left heart failure. Surgical alterations to the to form bridging fibrosis between hepatic veins [12]. This
is in contrast to the typical pattern of fibrosis seen in
conditions such as alcoholic cirrhosis or hepatitis C, in
Correspondence to: Michael L. Wells; email:
which bridging fibrosis occurs between portal triads. The
2038 M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy

pattern of fibrosis seen in CH is referred to as ‘‘reverse Arterialized large regenerative nodules or focal
lobulation’’ and specific histologic staging systems of nodular hyperplasia (FNH) are often found in chroni-
fibrosis for CH have been proposed [13]. In patients with cally congested livers [2, 5, 15]. A region of parenchyma
chronic heart disease, the degree of fibrosis is positively with compromised hepatic venous outflow and secon-
correlated with central venous pressures and right heart darily impaired portal venous inflow may become reliant
chamber dilation [13]. The degree of hepatic fibrosis on arterial supply to maintain parenchymal perfusion.
found at pathology varies between patients with similar Nodular regeneration of hepatocytes within arterially
degrees of cardiac decompensation and in between dif- supplied regions of the liver may result in formation of
ferent spatial regions of the liver [1, 10, 14]. Fibrosis these nodules in the congested liver [2]. Chronic liver
deposition is likely related to local thrombotic events injury resulting in fibrosis and cirrhosis leads to in-
within sinusoids and veins caused by static blood flow, creased risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma
and the variation in locations of thrombosis may explain (HCC) [16]. The incidence of carcinoma development in
the heterogeneity of fibrosis deposition. At gross the setting of cardiac cirrhosis is unknown.
pathologic evaluation, the hemosiderosis due to extra-
vasated red blood cells surrounding the hepatic veins and Presentation and clinical evaluation
sinusoids can be seen as reddening of the hepatic par-
Patients with CH are most often asymptomatic with re-
enchyma. The reddened areas surround normal or stea-
spect to their liver disease. Uncommonly, a patient with
totic hepatic parenchyma creating a characteristic
hepatic congestion may present with mild jaundice, as-
appearance termed the ‘‘nutmeg liver’’ [9].
cites, or right upper quadrant pain due to liver expansion
[1]. The clinical presentation is typically dominated by

Fig. 1. 63 year old male with carcinoid heart disease image shows a dilated right atrium (arrow) and small peri-
resulting in severe tricuspid regurgitation and severe pul- cardial and right pleural effusions (arrowheads). D–F Patient
monary valve regurgitation. A, B Radiographs of the chest underwent replacement of the tricuspid and pulmonary
demonstrate a prominent right atrium (A, arrow), right valves with resolution of the abnormalities described in
ventricle (B, arrow), and IVC (B, arrowhead). C Axial CT images A–C.
M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy 2039

symptoms of cardiac failure. The presence of a cardiac bilirubin levels have been shown to correlate with right
disease known to result in elevated central venous pres- atrial pressures; the total bilirubin rarely exceeds 3 mg/dL
sure is the typical indication for clinical evaluation of [1, 9]. Serum aspartate amino transferase (AST) levels may
passive congestion. be mildly elevated (2–3 times normal) [1]. In acute cardiac
Diagnosis of hepatic congestion requires exclusion of decompensation, the AST levels may be markedly elevated
other causes of liver injury in those patients with risk reflecting acute liver injury. In these cases, the cause of
factors (e.g. Hepatitis C, drug use, etc.) [17]. Systemic AST elevation is likely related to ischemic injury and the
disease such as amyloidosis or hemochromatosis may AST levels correlate with the extent of zone 3 hepatocyte
simultaneously result in heart failure and liver disease. necrosis [1, 11]. Liver synthetic function is typically pre-
Liver biopsy performed for the diagnosis of CH is gen- served in CH [1]. Mild hypoalbuminemia may be present
erally unnecessary, and is only required in equivocal or (rarely less than 2.5 g/dL) and related to nutritional defi-
complicated cases. ciency, edema, or protein losing enteropathy [1, 9]. Brain
Hepatomegaly and hepatojugular reflux may be de- natriuretic peptide levels are typically elevated.
tected at physical exam [1, 17]. Splenomegaly is uncom- Ascites may be present in patients with CH. Analysis
mon and is generally related to central venous pressure of the ascetic fluid is helpful as the combined findings of
being transmitted through dilated hepatic sinusoids to high protein content > 2.5 g/dL (thought to be due to
the portal venous system [11]. The transhepatic pressure rupture of hepatic lymphatics), serum to ascites albumin
gradient in CH is usually normal [11]. Portosystemic gradient ‡ 1.1, and elevated lactate dehydrogenase levels
varices are correspondingly uncommon due to lack of a and red blood cell count are unique and helpful to the
pressure gradient stimulating their formation. If varices diagnosis [19].
are present, it suggests that the liver is fibrotic with an
elevated transhepatic pressure gradient [18]. Treatment
Laboratory abnormalities in chronic CH are most
Symptoms and complications from CH are uncommon.
commonly represented by a mild hyperbilirubinemia,
Even the presence of cardiac cirrhosis rarely results in
which may be found in up to 70% of patients [6]. Serum

Fig. 2. Ultrasound findings of CH. A Example of a normal seen only in diastole ‘‘d’’. D Marked abnormal variation in
spectral hepatic venous waveform. Normal respiratory varia- portal vein velocity with periods of retrograde flow resulting in
tion in the waveform over time is demonstrated in this a ‘‘to and fro’’ waveform. E Elevated central venous pressures
example. B Example of normal doppler portal vein waveform. result in abnormal dilation of the right hepatic vein (arrow).
C–F 41 year old female with severe tricuspid regurgitation. F Coarsened echotexture of the hepatic parenchyma may be
C Ventricular contraction forces blood through the incompe- related to a combination of edema and fibrosis. Also note the
tent tricuspid valve resulting in retrograde flow during systole presence of ascites.
‘‘s’’. The result is a biphasic waveform with antegrade flow
2040 M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy

Fig. 3. A, B 47 year old male with constrictive pericarditis. female who underwent the Fontan operation for palliation of
CT demonstrates typical findings of cirrhosis including a tricuspid and pulmonary atresia. MRI demonstrates a mildly
nodular liver, splenomegaly and ascites. Portosystemic nodular liver with altered parenchymal perfusion, and sple-
shunts were notably absent in this patient due to the lack of a nomegaly. A large splenorenal portosystemic shunt (D, ar-
portal to systemic pressure gradient. Pressures measured at rows) was present suggesting elevated transhepatic pressure
cardiac catheterization demonstrated a marked elevation in gradient. Patient subsequently underwent cardiac catheteri-
right atrial pressure of 28 mmHg, while the transhepatic zation which demonstrated abnormal transhepatic pressure
pressure gradient was normal at 2 mmHg. C, D 33 year old gradients measuring up to 7 mmHg.

serious complications such as variceal bleeding [9]. In fications in constrictive pericarditis (Fig. 1). The vena
most cases, the patient’s prognosis is determined by the cava and azygos veins may be engorged.
presence of underlying cardiac or vascular disease.
Treatment is focused on managing the underlying cause
of CH. In patients with symptoms from hepatic con-
gestion due to heart failure, diuretics may be judiciously Ultrasound evaluation of the hepatic vasculature may be
used to treat jaundice and ascites, knowing that in pa- valuable in the setting of CH. Hepatic vein dilation can
tients with poor cardiac function this may result in be measured at grayscale ultrasound (Fig. 2). Henriksson
ischemia [20]. In patients with Budd-Chiari syndrome, found the normal right hepatic vein diameter to be
treatment may involve endovascular or surgical inter- 5.6–6.2 mm and it increased to 8.8 mm in the presence of
vention to restore hepatic venous drainage or palliate CHF and 13.3 mm in the presence of CHF with pleural
portal hypertension, possibly in combination with anti- effusion [22]. In right-sided heart failure normal respi-
coagulation therapy [21]. ratory variation in venous diameter may be lost [23].
The normal hepatic venous waveform is referred to as
a ‘‘triphasic’’ pattern but is made up of four identifiable
Radiologic evaluation waves; two antegrade pulsations and two retrograde
pulsations (Fig. 2) [24–26]. The normal pattern consists
of two antegrade waves which occur during ventricular
Radiographs have a limited role in the evaluation of CH. systole ‘‘s’’ and ventricular filling ‘‘d’’, and two retro-
Chest radiographs may demonstrate cardiac chamber grade waves which occur during atrial contraction ‘‘a’’
enlargement reflecting heart failure, pulmonary artery and from atrial overfilling at the end of systole ‘‘v’’ (note
enlargement due to cor pulmonale, or pericardial calci- that the normal v wave may be represented by a period of
M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy 2041

Fig. 4. A, B Patient with congestive hepatopathy and peri- tive hepatopathy. Periportal lymphedema represented by low
portal edema. Portal venous phase CT image demonstrates attenuation on a late arterial phase CT (C, arrowheads) re-
peripheral perfusion irregularity (A, arrows) and periportal low sults in contrast retention and periportal high signal (D,
attenuation (A, arrowheads). A T2 weighted MRI image from arrowheads) on a delayed phase MRI image. The appearance
the same patient shows corresponding periportal high T2 at delayed phase MRI may be mistaken for portal vein luminal
signal (B, arrowheads). C, D Additional patient with conges- thrombus.

relatively slower antegrade flow rather than true retro- dilated sinusoids to the portal vein resulting in the
grade flow). In the setting of tricuspid regurgitation, the abnormally increased temporal variation.
normal antegrade pulsation during systole may be In chronic hepatic congestion in which cardiac cir-
diminished or reversed. In constrictive pericarditis an rhosis is present, stiffening of the parenchyma sur-
extra retrograde hepatic venous wave (‘‘C’’ wave) may be rounding the hepatic veins may dampen waveforms
seen during the end of diastole as atrial expansion is [24]. In the presence of edema or fibrosis the accom-
abruptly limited by the noncompliant pericardium [24]. panying gray scale ultrasound images may show the
The normal portal venous waveforms show mild velocity hepatic parenchyma to be abnormally echogenic. In-
variation due to respiratory and cardiac pulsations. In creased echogenicity and the decreased penetration of
congestive hepatopathy due to tricuspid regurgitation, sound waves may also be found if hepatic steatosis is
right-sided heart pressures are transmitted through the present.
2042 M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy

Fig. 5. 48 year old female with CH due to ischemic heart dis- creased early enhancement of the liver periphery (B, arrows). C A
ease. A, B Late arterial phase CT images demonstrate reflux of delayed phase image acquired 120 s after injection clearly
contrast into the hepatic veins (A, arrows). In the late arterial demonstrates abnormal parenchymal enhancement with reticu-
phase, the liver is relatively homogenous with only mild de- lar regions of low attenuation (arrows) in the periphery of the liver.

Fig. 6. MRI findings of hepatic congestion in a 20 year old contrast show reticular regions of poor enhancement in the
female who had undergone the Fontan procedure for pallia- late arterial phase (D, arrows) which correspond with high T2
tion of complex congenital heart disease. A T2 weighted fast signal images on T2 FSE image. The abnormal regions of
spine echo (FSE) MRI demonstrates high signal in the enhancement become indistinct on the delayed phase (E).
periphery of the liver (arrows), representative of edema or F Hepatobiliary phase image from MRI exam performed with
fibrosis. B, C Corresponding DWI (C) and ADC (D) images hepatocyte specific contrast agent clearly shows reticular re-
show high signal on DWI without low signal on the ADC map. gions of poor contrast uptake in the periphery of the liver
The findings represent T2 shine through and correspond with (arrows). These findings correspond with abnormalities
high signal found on the T2 FSE image. D, E Late arterial demonstrated on the remaining sequences and may repre-
phase and delayed phase images enhanced with extracellular sent poor hepatocyte function or fibrosis.

CT and MRI transit through the parenchyma [29]. Obtaining an

abnormally early phase of enhancement despite use of
The kinetics of IV contrast enhancement are typically standard contrast bolus timing (e.g., obtaining a late
abnormal in CH. In the setting of right heart failure, an
arterial phase of enhancement when using standard
IV contrast bolus injection injected into the upper
portal venous timing) suggests slow systemic circulation.
extremities may transiently reflux into the hepatic veins The hepatic veins and IVC are typically dilated and
[27, 28]. Stasis within the hepatic veins due to congestion these are readily identified at CT or MRI, as with
leads to decreased portal venous flow. Decreased portal ultrasound. In severe cases, atypical hepatic venous to
venous flow combined with poor cardiac output results hepatic venous shunts may form [12]. Portosystemic
in abnormally delayed bolus arrival to the liver and slow
M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy 2043

shunts are frequently absent even in the presence of both on the T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted sequences
hepatic anatomic findings of cirrhosis and findings sug- (related to T2 shine through effect). Similar to CT,
gesting portal hypertension such as splenomegaly and perivenous reticular regions of edema or fibrosis are
ascites [1, 30, 31]. The presence of portosystemic shunts evident at MRI as high signal on T2 weighted and low
implies the presence of cirrhosis and an elevated tran- signal on T1 weighted images. At both CT and MRI,
shepatic pressure gradient (Fig. 3) [18]. Engorgement of these regions become more conspicuous after intra-
the perivascular lymphatics is seen at CT in MRI as venous (IV) contrast enhancement, and are generally best
periportal edema (Fig. 4) [27]. The regions of edema are seen at the portal venous phase of enhancement [12].
seen extending completely around the portal tracts. Imaging with hepatocyte specific contrast media in the
Extracellular contrast media may diffuse into the peri- hepatobiliary phase may also clearly demonstrate these
portal lymphatic space in the delayed phase, creating a parenchymal abnormalities by showing peripheral retic-
ring of enhancement which may be mistaken for a ular regions of poor uptake. Liver injury resulting in
luminal thrombus [27]. steatosis may be evident on in-and-opposed phase or
Imaging of the hepatic parenchyma with CT and Dixon based MRI sequences.
MRI demonstrates several parenchymal and perfusional
abnormalities which are highly suggestive of CH (Figs. 5,
6) [27, 28, 32]. The abnormal parenchymal findings are
characteristically most pronounced at the periphery of Passive hepatic congestion can increase the liver
the liver with the parenchyma near the hilum also being parenchymal stiffness [33]. This increase in stiffness
involved in more severe disease [18]. At non-contrast maybe detected at either ultrasound or MR based elas-
enhanced CT, reticular regions of low attenuation related tography. Prior studies have shown correlation between
to edema and fibrosis are seen which are most prominent liver stiffness and clinical improvement of heart failure
adjacent to the hepatic veins [28]. Non-contrast enhanced after administration of diuretics, pericardiectomy, or
MRI may show peripheral distribution of edema within cardiac valve replacement [33–37]. Prior study in Fontan
the parenchyma, visible as generalized increased signal patients has shown correlation between stiffness and

Fig. 7. Patient who had undergone the Fontan procedure for weighted and contrast enhanced imaging. D, E 11 year old
palliation of congenital heart disease. A, B T2 FSE (A) and patient who had undergone the Fontan procedure for palliation
portal venous phase (A) enhanced MRI show typical conven- of hypoplastic left heart. T2 FSE image shows slightly increased
tional imaging findings of CH with peripheral high T2 signal (A, signal in the periphery of the liver (D, arrows). Elastogram
arrows) and reticular regions of poor enhancement (B, arrows). shows marked abnormal stiffness (E), primarily in the periphery
C MR elastogram demonstrates abnormally increased liver of the liver. Liver biopsy was performed which showed con-
stiffness in the periphery of the liver (arrows; color scale is in gestive findings including sinusoidal dilation with only slight
units of kilopascal). The regions of increased stiffness corre- fibrosis present. The marked elevated liver stiffness is pre-
spond to the abnormal conventional imaging findings on T2 sumed to be primarily due to parenchymal congestion.
2044 M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy

Fig. 8. 55 year old male presenting with constrictive peri- compliant pericardium. Spectral waveforms also show
carditis. A Chest radiograph shows calcified pericardium (ar- abnormally low antegrade velocity in systole ‘‘s’’ when com-
rows). B Cardiac MRI shows thickening of the pericardium pared to diastole ‘‘d’’ which is a finding also found in other
(arrow) and demonstrated physiologic findings of interven- causes of right-sided heart failure. D Conventional MRI ima-
tricular dependence (not shown). C Hepatic venous spectral ges of the liver were normal. E Elastography further suggests
waveforms show an abnormal C-wave related to reversal of the presence of CH by demonstrating elevated liver stiffness
flow caused by early arrest of atrial expansion by the non- isolated to the liver periphery.

many clinical and laboratory parameters including sions, and HCC [9, 15, 38]. Differentiating liver fibrosis
pressure in the Fontan circuit, and liver fibrosis scoring from parenchymal congestion is difficult with imaging.
[38]. CH and liver fibrosis may both increase liver stiff- Both fibrosis and edema are visible as high T2 and low
ness, likely in an additive fashion. At this time, elastog- T1 signal at conventional MRI and low attenuation on
raphy methods cannot reliably distinguish the CT, and at Elastography both fibrosis and congestion
contributing components of congestion and fibrosis to may result in abnormally increased liver stiffness. Liver
liver stiffness. biopsy may ultimately be needed to differentiate between
MR elastography has the benefit of displaying three- parenchymal congestion and fibrosis but fortunately this
dimensional elastogram maps of parenchymal stiffness. is rarely a clinical necessity. In cases of advanced fibrosis
Elastogram maps show that in congestion the or cirrhosis, the liver imaging findings of CH may
parenchymal stiffness is heterogeneous, with the regions resemble other advanced chronic liver diseases. In these
of greatest stiffness occurring along the periphery of the cases, clinical history will be helpful to correctly diagnose
liver (Figs. 7, 8) [12, 39]. These regions of greatest stiff- CH, but in difficult cases biopsy may be needed to ex-
ness correspond with the anatomic abnormalities visible clude other chronic liver disease.
at CT and MRI. The pattern of stiffness within the liver Benign regenerative nodules or FNH-like masses
may represent a helpful clue to the diagnosis of CH. occurring in the congested liver most commonly
demonstrate typical benign imaging findings [15]. Benign
nodules tend to have characteristic imaging and patho-
Imaging of complications
logical findings of FNH, but are referred to as ‘‘FNH-
Congestive hepatopathy may lead to liver fibrosis, gen- like’’ due to the presence of abnormal background liver
eration of benign regenerative nodules or FNH-like le- parenchyma. The imaging features of these nodules in-
M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy 2045

Fig. 9. 34 year old female with chronic CH after the Fontan pointense relative to the background parenchyma (arrow).
procedure. A Late arterial phase CT demonstrates a hyper- D Hepatobiliary phase MRI demonstrates homogenous
enhancing hepatic mass (arrow) with background parenchy- retention of hepatobiliary contrast agent within the hepatic
mal perfusion abnormality characteristic of CH. B Mass fades mass (arrow). Multiple hepatic masses in this patient had
to isoattenuation on portal venous phase CT. C T2 FSE MRI similar imaging findings and were unchanged in size over
shows peripheral T2 hyperintensity of the liver parenchyma 31 months of imaging follow up.
(arrowheads) related to CH. The hepatic mass is T2 hy-

clude a well-circumscribed, homogeneous nodule with T2 weighted imaging. The expanded extracellular space
late arterial hyperenhancement which fades to isointen- within the liver has the potential to cause increased
sity/Isoattenuation on delayed phase imaging (Fig. 9). At parenchymal contrast retention in the delayed phase. The
MRI, these nodules are iso to mildly T1 hypointense, iso abnormally increased background parenchymal
to mildly T2 hyperintense, and tend not to restrict dif- enhancement in the delayed phase may cause benign
fusion. These nodules retain hepatobiliary contrast agent nodules to have a washout appearance, which could be
in the hepatobiliary phase. The background parenchymal mistaken for carcinoma [15].
abnormalities found in CH may result in a benign nodule Patients with passive hepatic congestion may develop
having an atypical appearance [15]. Abnormally in- HCC [15, 16]. This has been best documented in patients
creased T2 signal in the background liver has the with chronic passive hepatic congestion due to the
potential to make these nodules appear hypointense on Fontan procedure. In these patients HCC presents as a
2046 M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy

heterogeneous, rapidly enlarging mass. Findings char-

acteristic of hepatocellular malignancy such as venous
invasion, lymphadenopathy or metastases may also be
present. Clinically, serum alpha-fetoprotein levels are
frequently elevated. Differentiating HCC from an FNH-
like nodule may occasionally present a diagnostic di-
lemma and biopsy may be required for accurate diag-

Variation of imaging findings based

on the anatomic location of pathology
Congestive hepatopathy may result from impairment of
central venous blood flow at the level of the heart, hep-
atic outflow at the level of the hepatic veins or IVC, or
obstruction may occur within the liver due to occlusion
of the hepatic sinusoids and terminal hepatic venules
[sinusoidal obstruction syndrome (SOS)]. When CH oc-
curs due to SOS (also known as veno-occlusive disease),
imaging abnormalities are typically limited to the hepatic
parenchyma [40]. If the obstruction is caused by throm-
bosis of the larger hepatic veins as in Budd-Chiari syn-
drome, the hepatic parenchymal abnormalities may spare
the central liver due to the preserved venous drainage
through the caudate veins. In this case the thrombosed
hepatic veins are diminutive and have no significant
enhancement. If the level of obstruction occurs at the
heart, cardiac enlargement or pericardial thicken-
ing/calcification may be seen. Passive congestion due to
cardiac pathology leads to dilation of the IVC and hep-
atic veins in addition to the hepatic parenchymal
abnormalities. Abnormalities of contrast bolus kinetics
due to poor cardiac function may also be present such as
reflux into the hepatic veins and slow bolus transit.

Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome

Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome results from primary
injury to the sinusoidal epithelial cells, often associated
with bone marrow transplantation or use of oxaliplatin
chemotherapy [3, 41]. Gaps form in the epithelial wall
allowing accumulation of red blood cells and other
material within the space of Disse. Subsequent sloughing
of epithelial cells results in embolic occlusion of the
downstream terminal venules and post-sinusoidal Fig. 10. 70 year old patient treated with a chemotherapy
obstruction. Varying amounts of centrilobular conges- regimen which included oxaliplatin for metastatic colonic
tion and perivenular fibrosis may be seen at pathology adenocarcinoma. When compared with pretreatment CT scan
depending on the acute or chronic stage of the disease. (A), post-treatment T2 FSE MRI (B) shows new splenome-
At hepatobiliary phase imaging with hepatocyte specific galy and ascites. Hepatobiliary phase imaging with hepato-
cyte specific contrast agent demonstrates poor parenchymal
contrast agent, the liver may show peripheral regions of
retention of contrast agent throughout the liver, with a small
reticular hypointensity which appears similar to that seen region of normal uptake in the central liver. Findings are
in other causes of CH (Fig. 10) [40]. Progressive consistent with chemotherapy induced sinusoidal obstruction
enlargement of the spleen caused by portal hypertension syndrome.
may also be present.
M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy 2047

Fig. 11. A–E 24 year old female with Budd-Chiari Syn- irregularity of the intrahepatic portal branches with devel-
drome. A Portal venous phase CT image demonstrates poor opment of numerous small collateral veins. Reflux of con-
peripheral perfusion with reticular regions of low attenuation trast is seen entering the IVC across the portocaval shunt
(arrows). Hypertrophy of the caudate lobe with normal (arrow). F Hepatic venogram from a 47 year old male with
central parenchymal enhancement facilitated by persistent Budd-Chiari shows irregularity and diminished caliber of the
patency of the caudate veins (arrowhead). B Hepatic veins right hepatic vein due to prior thrombosis and recanaliza-
are diminutive without identifiable enhancement (arrows). tion. G, H CH due to extrinsic compression of the supra-
C Patient developed multiple intrahepatic venous collaterals hepatic IVC and right atrium in a 60 year old female with
(arrows) which are characteristic of chronic Budd-Chiari metastatic leiomyosarcoma. Axial CT image demonstrates
syndrome. D Late arterial phase image shows numerous peripheral hepatic perfusional findings of CH (G, arrows).
hyperenhancing regenerative nodules (arrows) which are a Coronal CT shows a large cystic mass deviating and com-
common finding in chronic Budd-Chiari syndrome. E Patient pressing the suprahepatic IVC (H, arrows) and mediastinal
was treated with a portocaval shunt. Portal venogram shows structures.
2048 M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy

Fig. 12. Acute hepatic congestion. A, B 30 year old female scan shows poor perfusion in the periphery of the liver (C,
being evaluated for routine follow up of crohn’s disease. arrows) and reflux of injected contrast bolus into the hepatic
Periportal edema (arrows) and peripheral hepatic perfusion veins (D, arrow). Patient was found to have an inferior ST
irregularity (arrowheads) was new from prior exams. Patient elevated myocardial infarction and subsequently underwent
had received an IV infusion of 2 L normal saline shortly prior right coronary artery thrombectomy with stent placement.
to the CT exam for clinically suspected dehydration. C– Follow up CT scan (E) shows resolution of the hepatic per-
E 47 year old male presenting to the emergency room after fusion abnormalities.
his motor vehicle collided with a tree. Portal venous phase CT

Budd-chiari syndrome splenomegaly, the formation of portosystemic shunts

and ascites.
Budd-Chiari Syndrome may be caused by hepatic vein
obstruction due to internal thrombosis or web, or due to
Acute vs. chronic congestion
extrinsic compression [21]. Acute presentations can be
associated with fulminant liver failure, but most patients Findings of passive hepatic congestion suggest a signifi-
present with chronic disease. Typical parenchymal con- cant underlying cardiovascular abnormality. It is
gestive findings are found in the distribution of the oc- important to remember that the imaging findings of
cluded vein or veins. The occluded hepatic veins congestion may occur acutely and due to benign causes.
themselves may be diminutive in size and not well seen. Resuscitative fluid administration may raise central ve-
In most cases the IVC remains patent, and preserved nous pressures, and in the emergency setting this fre-
venous drainage of the caudate and liver hilum into the quently results in findings of passive hepatic congestion
IVC may result in characteristic hypertrophy of the including venous expansion and periportal edema [42–
central liver (Fig. 11) [28]. The spared central liver par- 44]. A fluid bolus such as that administered along with a
enchyma tends to enhance to a greater degree in the early medication infusion may create a surprisingly large
phases of IV contrast administration, followed by amount of periportal edema and parenchymal enhance-
washout in the delayed phase. The finding of intrahepatic ment abnormality (Fig. 12). Interpreting the significance
collateral vessels is suggestive of Budd-Chiari syndrome of the imaging findings of CH requires access to an
[28]. Chronically elevated portal pressure may result in accurate medical history.
M. L. Wells, S. K. Venkatesh: Congestive hepatopathy 2049

Fig. 13. Acute hepatitis. A, B 41 year old female presenting D) 21 year old female presenting to the emergency room with
to emergency department with confusion. CT demonstrates abrupt onset of abdominal pain. CT demonstrates hep-
hepatomegaly, extensive periportal edema (arrows) and mild atomegaly and periportal edema (arrows). Patient was diag-
peripheral perfusion irregularity (B, arrowhead). Patient had nosed with viral hepatitis and symptoms resolved with
taken an overdose of acetaminophen and subsequently conservative management.
developed fulminant liver failure requiring liver transplant. C,

Simulators demonstrate transient heterogeneous enhancement [47].

These patients are frequently present in the acute care
Several diseases of the liver may appear similar to CH. In
setting where IV fluids may have been administered. The
general, these conditions are easily distinguished from
combined effects of parenchymal inflammation and in-
CH by close examination of the imaging findings and
creased systemic fluid volume may appear similar to CH.
verification of the patient’s medical history.
Hepatic infarcts
Acute hepatitis
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gions of poor perfusion in the periphery of the liver [28].
of causes (viral, drug induced, etc.) may result in hep-
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atomegaly, periportal edema, gallbladder wall thicken-
from the reticular perivenous perfusion abnormalities
ing, perihepatic fat stranding, and ascites (Fig. 13) [45,
found in CH. Multifocal small infarcts have the potential
46]. The parenchyma of these patients may also
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