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Good Friday-10-04-2020

Kibiko-Sisters House

Sia laodato Gesu Cristo!!!

The end and the new beginning. The saddest day for Christians, but also the
forgiveness day, the day when the angel is no more with the sword of fire in front of
the Heaven gates. You know why the angel was there?
The new Adam has won the fight with the devil of lies and proud, who lied the first
parents to disobey God, and to sin...You know very well that the sin was not that they
have ate an apple (I hope not an laptop from apple), but the sin was that they had
disobey God commandment, ”You are free to eat from any tree in the garden; but you
must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it
you will certainly die (Gen 2,16-17)”. Through the wood came the death into this
world, and today through the wood of cross the life has come again and won the battle.
The True discovered the lie and cancelled it.
My dear friends let*s go back in Genesis and let*s make our own the experience of
betrayal…What did the God felt… ”heartbreak, suffering”… what did the man felt
when God said to him…Go out from the Garden of Heaven…”suffering”. Yes, sins
causes suffering to both, Lord and man, and coming back at today readings we can see
that the repair of the mistake has caused even more suffering, and God had chosen to
forgive the sin through suffering.
The mystery of suffering is so hard to explain and to understand. We always want to
run away from it, but we cannot be far from it. Just look this day into the world, so
many people are suffering because of this virus, and yes it*s a very bad disease, but I
invite you now to look more deeply, how many people are suffering of hunger. The
doctors are looking for vaccination, but for hunger is a vaccination, calling food, food
that is wasted everywhere in each country. I saw on Wednesday some picture from
Yemen, people are like my arm, sorry my arm is bigger and fatter than them, and we
who have something to eat, we make claims….I don*t like that, I don*t like this…
Think about!
So many parents, grandparents are suffering in silence, because their children have
left them alone, in one hospice. So many children who want to come in this world are
aborted, is a suffering. I invite you to look at one movie on YouTube ”Silent scream”.
So many peoples on the streets are rejected, so many are persecuted, so many are
unloved, and so on….
Yes, so many types of suffering but neither one can we compare whit the suffering
which we have heard in the Passion and in the first reading. And we can see that so
many people and also us, we are not grateful for this LOVE. We forget but God
forgive…Can we explain this suffering, can we understand this suffering?....Yes, in
one word…LOVE…Yes, today is time to LOVE, but also time to hate. What can we
say about this? How do we react to Jesus’ suffering for us? We are moved to sorrow
for our sins which nailed Jesus to the cross. We are moved to repent of our sins, to turn
our backs on sin and walk from the cross as new people.
Let us remain in silence and to think at the invocation which will be repeated in
some minutes: This is the wood of the cross, on which hung the Saviour of the
world….Come let us worship… and I offer you a point to start this some minutes…..
One old man every day he went to cemetery to visit the tomb of his wife and
someone seeing him everyday, asked Him…Why do you always come to visit the
cross from your wife tomb….Because this cross tells me about my LOVE!!!

Fr. Imbrea Andrei Petrică

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