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Name: Abraham

Date:2020, april 14
Scientific Write Up

Question: Write the essential question.(Found in powerpoint).

How do differences in altitude and pressure affect temperature in Southern California’s varied
climate zones? 

Hypothesis: What happens to the volume of a marshmallow when you put it inside the syringe,
put finger over tip and pull on the plunger? What will happen if you pull the plunger? 
What is your educated guess? Explain your thinking.
Use any of the following:
I believe that the marshmallow will expand because the syringe loses air and so the syringe sucks
the air out of the syringe and makes the marshmallow expand . 
My prediction for these experiments is that the marshmallow will expand because the syringe
loses air and so the syringe sucks the air out of the siege and makes the marshmallow expand . 

Procedure: Write each step to complete your experiment.

 1. Draw a smiley face on
the side of the marshmallow with your pen.

2. Put the marshmallow inside the syringe.

3. Push the plunger down just until it is near but does not touch the marshmallow.

4. Put your finger over the tip of the syringe to form a tight seal.

5. Pull up on the plunger and observe the marshmallows.

Results: Analysis Questions

During Procedure. What happened? Was your hypothesis correct? Write your observations.
Draw your observations in your interactive notebook. Take a picture and insert in this document. 
What happened to the marshmallows? - Why?
The marshmallow expanded and 
Made the face come out and made
 it is larger.  I put multiple marshmallow
In the syringe and the same thing 

What was being increased? 

Yes the marshmallow expanded and 
Made the face come out and made
 it is larger.  
What was being decreased inside the syringe? – Why?
No, infact when i let my 
finger go the marshmallow
Turned to its origanal state

Draw particle diagrams showing the gas inside before and after the change in volumes

Conclusion: Answer the essential question. What did you learn with this experiment?
Due to the density of the air the
 air is different in other places.
 And some place have more 
Density then others. And causes 
Climate change. 

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