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What famous people of the USA are you impressed

by? Prove your answer.

In the history of USA there are a lot of famous names. The name of Henry Ford is one
of them. Ford, Henry is an American industrialist, best known for his pioneering
achievements in the automobile industry.
Henry Ford was born on his family's farm, but he did not like farming. When he was 15,
he became an apprentice in a machine shop, and at night he worked repairing watches.
In 1893 Ford built his first car. It had two cylinders, two forward gears and a reverse gear.
He drove it for a thousand miles, then sold it and built two bigger cars. Then, in 1903, he
started the Ford Motor Company.
Using light, strong vanadium steel, he built cheap cars for everyone to buy. In 1908, he
built the first Ford ‘Model T’, the ‘Tin Lizzie’, which sold for $825. By June, he was
selling a hundred cars a day. By 1927, 15 million Model Ts had been made, and the Ford
Motor Company was worth 700 million dollars.
The cars were made on an assembly line: as they slowly moved the 300 metres through the
factory, workers completed simple single tasks on them. It was boring work, but Ford paid
the highest wages in the industry, and once, when he advertised for more workers, the
police had to control the crowd who came looking for jobs.
Ford went on to produce many fine cars in America and in Europe. They were simple,
cheap and reliable: ‘You can afford a Ford’ was one slogan. However, keeping things
simple sometimes meant less choice. ‘You can have any colour you like,’ said Henry Ford
of his Tin Lizzie.
Henry Ford was a genius in many aspects of our everyday life. He changed industry,
production, and everybody's lifestyle. Many people know about him inventing some of the
first automobiles, but what came out of it for America was a new encouragement for
technology and an easier lifestyle for the average American.

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