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Nayeli Gaspar Simón 201829554 ISTII Secc.

2 2018

Chapters 1-3


1. These words come in this part of the story use a dictionary and write their meaning

Exhibit: to show something publicly.

Extraordinarily: very; more than usual.

Flatter: to praise someone in order to make them feel attractive or important, sometimes in a
way that is not sincere.

Frown: to bring your eyebrows together so that there are lines on your face above your eyes.

Passion: a very powerful feeling, for example of sexual attraction, love or other emotion.

Portrait: a painting, photograph, drawing, etc.

Soul: the spiritual part of a person that some people believe continues to exist in some form
after their body has died.

Worship: to have or show a strong feeling of respect and admiration for God or a god.

Fascinating: extremely interesting.

Charming: pleasant and attractive.

Influence: the power to have an effect on people or things, or a person or thing that is able to do


Answer these questions:

1. What are the Basil Hallward’s feelings for Dorian Gray? How did you notice it
Basil Hallward feels affected to Dorian, for the way she talks about him and expresses
herself, she even says that it is his inspiration and who makes him the best artist.
2. What are Dorian Gray´s feeling for Basil? How do you know that
Dorian felt a certain attraction since he liked his gaze, that he was tall and the way of
being indifferent to everyone when painting that he disconnected from everything.
3. What wish does Dorian make when he sees the finished portriat. Descibe in your own
words what was happing in that momento. Describe the escene, people, feeling, etc.
At first the atmosphere was like surprise and admiration, but later Dorian completely
changed his mind since the words that he had previously been told made him think since
he knew they were right and that his beauty was only temporary but in painting he
always went to be for that reason the longing that he did not age and the painting if but
he was the only one who felt that way since the others were stunned of so much beauty.
Nayeli Gaspar Simón 201829554 ISTII Secc. 2 2018

4. In Chapter 3, who has Dorian fallin love with? How did they meet?
Sibyl Vane an unrecognized actress but she seemed an excellent actress, they met when
Dorian went for a walk and came to an old theater where he did not seem anything until
he saw Vane leave and he seemed the most beautiful and began to go to daily to see her
act and stop dining with her friends.
5. Lord Henry receives a telegram. When does it happen? What information does it contain?
When Lord Henry returns from dinner, he realizes he has a new telegram and when he
opens it he is very surprised, as he is informed that Dorian Gray would marry with Silby
6. What does Lord Henry mean when he says “some Little actress”. Describe Dorian’s
When he says “some Little actress” it refers to the fact that the girl performs in an
unrecognized theater and that no one knows her since she only performs there in
addition to the fact that the girl is very young. The reaction of both Hallward and Henry
is displeasing since they do not think that she is a good girl for Dorian, but Dorian is very
convinced to do so.

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