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Case Statement

Jaggery, a natural sweetener, is produced from sugarcane in a cottage industry. It has

been a traditional Indian Agri-product, produced on a large scale and responsible for
creating a source of livelihood for farmers. A food product that is highly nutritious with
its rich source of micro-nutrients but perishable, it does not fetch a substantial profit
margin for farmers today. The problems addressed have been manifold - regional units,
an unorganized industry, too many dealers and retailers, dependency on both skilled and
unskilled labour, process inefficiency, space requirement, hygiene maintenance, quality
assurance, scaling-up problems, batch process for manufacturing jaggery.

Taking into consideration all the factors stated above, you have to formulate the plan to
improve on the pain-points of the jaggery manufacturers. The objectives have been to
investigate and establish the nutrition benefits of jaggery, to understand the current and
future market, and develop value-added products from jaggery. What would it take for
jaggery to expand its market and come back to being the traditional sweetener?

1. To be able to get this one idea into a campaign to the return of jaggery, create a
slogan or drawing to brand your campaign in the 1st Slide.
2. From 2nd slide onwards, formulate a plan to expand its market, resolving present
bottlenecks, future prospects and develop innovative value-added products.
(Extensive research is required)
3. Submit it in a PPT format of a maximum of 5 (1+4) slides, excluding the cover slide
and the thank-you slide.
4. Attach the documents supporting your primary and secondary research.

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