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Part 1

Why do the tidal rivers get a siltation problem and what happens after a river bed
is filled with silts and sediments?

The malicious impacts of high suspended strong burden and sedimentation on riverine
territories have been very much recorded (Berkman and Rabeni 1987, Carling and
McCahon 1987). The terms fine residue and sedimentation utilized in this portray
deposit under 2 mm in size, along these lines including sand (,2000 to .62 m), residue
(,62 to .4 m) and earth (,4 m) (Chang 1988,Church and others 1987).Fine silt in the
water segment increment turbidity, limit light infiltration, and conceivably lessen
essential efficiency with resultant effects on the remainder of the natural pecking order
(Davies-Colley and others 1992, Van Nieuwenhuyse and LaPerriere 1986).
Sedimentation alters the substrate by modifying its surface conditions (Graham 1990)
and the volume of fine deposit inside the hypothecs (Richards and Bacon 1994). In
extraordinary cases, fine silt cover the whole riverbed, changing channel morphology
(Doeg and Koehn 1994, Nuttall 1972, Wright and Berrie 1987), murdering amphibian
greenery (Brookes 1986, Edwards 1969), obstructing the interstices between substrate
clasps, expanding invertebrate float, and lessening the accessible environment for
benthic living beings (Petts 1984,Richards and Bacon 1994, Schaelchi 1992).This is
significant as far as both common and anthropogenic ally instigated forms on the
grounds that the degree of sedimentation shifts spatially and transiently. Singular
streams react in various manners to both regular and human effects as per their
catchment qualities, in spite of the fact that the last will in general quicken normal
procedures. There is a need to perceive and distinguish the physiochemical impacts of
sedimentation and their effect on rivers.

Wood, P. J., & Armitage, P. D. (1997). Biological effects of fine sediment in the lotic
environment. Environmental management, 21(2), 203-217. Wood, P. J., & Armitage, P.
D. (1997). Biological effects of fine sediment in the lotic environment. Environmental
management, 21(2), 203-217.

Dewey, J. F., Shackleton, R. M., Chengfa, C., & Yiyin, S. (1988). The tectonic evolution
of the Tibetan Plateau. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London.
Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 327(1594), 379-413.

Quinn, J. M., Davies-Colley, R. J., Hickey, C. W., Vickers, M. L., & Ryan, P. A. (1992).
Effects of clay discharges on streams. Hydrobiologia, 248(3), 235-247.

Wood, P. J., & Armitage, P. D. (1997). Biological effects of fine sediment in the lotic
environment. Environmental management, 21(2), 203-217.
Wood, P. J., & Armitage, P. D. (1997). Biological effects of fine sediment in the lotic
environment. Environmental management, 21(2), 203-217.

How TRM (Tidal River Management) can play a role in decreasing siltation in tidal
rivers and mitigating drainage congestion?

Assessment distinctive management choices, embrace suitable moderation measures,

and structure the premise of a continuous environmental and truly based observing
project. In catchments with high sediment loads it might be important to introduce
residue traps, settle waterway banks, and present in stream gadgets, for example,
crotches and willow posts (Brookes 1988, Jungwirth and others 1995, Sear and others
1994, Shields and others 1995). These measures lessen residue contribution to the
channel as well as assist expel with fining silt gatherings from key areas at the edge and
inside the bed of the stream. The primary point of such ventures is normally to
increment in stream morphological decent variety and environmental worth, basically
coordinated at fish natural surroundings, while simultaneously keeping up flood barrier
properties. Results have been promising, with a few ventures announcing upgrades in
the physical condition and an expansion in the quantity of fish taxa present just as an
increment in thickness and biomass (Jungwirth and others 1995, Shields 1995).

Part 2
Are farmers living close to the coast more vulnerable than those living away from
the coast? If so, why?

The straightforward answer is that the normal assets of the coast front territories are so
not quite the same as their earthly partners as to require extraordinary and unique types
of the executives. Seaside regions are significant naturally, as they give various
ecological merchandise and ventures. They as often as possible contain basic earthly
and amphibian environments, for example, the mangrove woods, wetlands and flowing
flats. Coastal regular asset utilizes reflect basically means horticulture with an
accentuation on food creation, e.g., paddy rice alongside some money crops and
riverside fisheries, which give a significant food and recompense source. Additionally
significant, in certain zones, is aquaculture with an accentuation on shrimp manufacture
for the fare market, and some salt making for residential necessities.

What are the reasons that may make a farmer living in the coastal areas more
vulnerable to a farmer living in an interior area?

Individuals are powerless on the grounds that they live in a very unique estuarine
condition confronting such dangers as: violent wind and tempest flood, land
disintegration, flood, waste blockage, saltiness interruption, dry season, structural
procedure and decaying seaside biological systems. Plus, there are dangers of
environmental change and upstream land and water employments. These dangers
influence pretty much every part of life on work decisions of the individuals. These
vulnerabilities make a setting of infirmity, which thus, demoralize ventures, limit financial
exercises and crush business openings. Restricted open, private and network assets
are expended in relief endeavors and very little is left for growing monetary exercises
and producing work.

Are farmers more vulnerable to floods than to cyclones?

No the farmers are not more vulnerable to floods than to cyclones since storm-related
disasters can ruthlessly undermine rural livelihoods Apart from their immediate effects -
death, injury, hunger and starvation - windstorms can wipe out the results of many years
of infrastructure development through the destruction of roads, bridges, irrigation
schemes and buildings, and seriously set back socio-economic progress. Islands are
particularly vulnerable: a single storm may be sufficient to destroy an island's
infrastructure and cripple its economy. Storm-related disasters pose a great challenge
to the global objective of reducing poverty and hunger in developing countries. As far as
agricultural impact is concerned, tropical storms can destroy standing crops and food
stores, kill or injure livestock, damage homes and deplete the asset base of rural
families. Fishing communities suffer from storms through loss of life at sea, wrecked
boats and damage to landing sites and equipment. Storm effects, such as increased soil
salinity after a storm surge or landslides following flash floods may affect land quality
and future land productivity.

How can you come up with a management plan to incorporate alternative

livelihoods for farms?

The vital job of fisheries and aquaculture to the jobs of networks related with waterfront
regions and inland water bodies is all around archived (Whittingham et al 2003, Bene et
al 2007, World Bank 2004, World Bank 2008) and as far as destitution decrease needs,
families in Asia connected to the fisheries part involve probably the most unfortunate
gatherings (FAO 2007a).Capture fisheries, as an open access asset, and family unit
aquaculture speak to imperative job alternatives for the poor just as a significant protein
source at the family unit level (Payne 2000) and a great many individuals from rustic
zones are occasionally or periodically rely upon angling exercises (Beneet al 2007). In
any case, these significant assets are compromised by poor-administration and
proceeded over-abuse. It is assessed that 75 percent of stocks are either completely
misused, over-abused, drained or recouping; putting most economically focused on
species for catch fisheries unstably at the edge or over the edge of maintainable use
(World Bank and FAO 2008). Worldwide, local, national, and neighborhood level
strategy producers lined up with the fisheries and aquaculture part have the undertaking
of serving a scope of interests, including: financial development targets, exchange
issues, destitution decrease, practical asset the executives, business and biodiversity
protection. In doing as such, they all the while speak to the regularly separating
premiums of various partner gatherings, for example, financial specialists in the
fisheries business, little scope fishers and poor networks reliant on fisheries assets,
biodiversity protection interests, mechanical fishers and shoppers. Furthermore,
fisheries arrangements will converge with freely decided worldwide, provincial and
national approaches on exchange, industry, business, water the board and
agribusiness. Business results that are attached to the fisheries industry and take a
gander at the eventual fate of keeping up or upgrading these results. The diverse work
results considered are:

 Improved food security

 Maintaining and upgrading riches and pay age
 Supporting multi-movement vocation systems
 Ensuring the support of security nets
 Coping successfully with defenselessness

Moderately expansive arrangement support in the Asian district for the utilization of co-
the executives methods is clear in formal fisheries strategies (FAO 2006a), indicating
how this is presently a progressively acknowledged mechanism. Co-management
speaks to a ground-level articulation of confined administration, devolution, community
level investment and better-acknowledged client rights. In this manner, if appropriately
bolstered, co-management can yield significant monetary, social and natural
advantages (FAO 2005a). Be that as it may, these components of "good administration"
are vital for co-management to work. Related approaches empowering every one of
these elements must be organized so as to operationalise co-management – especially
if states are focusing on a fundamental utilization of this administration model.
Structures for clear property and client rights and the vital decentralization of intensity
and budgetary assets, alongside limit building, are as of now not powerful enough,
constraining co-the board activities to pilot and undertaking based exercises in many
nations (FAO 2006a, Macfadyen et al 2005).

World Health Organization. (2006). Benefits and potential risks of the lactoperoxidase
system of raw milk preservation: report of an FAO.

MacFadyen, J., Savage, K., Wienke, D., & Isacke, C. M. (2007). Endosialin is
expressed on stromal fibroblasts and CNS pericytes in mouse embryos and is
downregulated during development. Gene Expression Patterns, 7(3), 363-369.

Gayanilo, F. C., Sparre, P., & Pauly, D. (2005). FAO-ICLARM stock assessment tools
II: User's guide (No. 8). Food & Agriculture Org..
Schofield, P. J. (2009). Geographic extent and chronology of the invasion of non-native
lionfish (Pterois volitans [Linnaeus 1758] and P. miles [Bennett 1828]) in the Western
North Atlantic and Caribbean Sea. Aquatic Invasions, 4(3), 473-479.

Whittingham, M. J. (2007). Will agri‐environment schemes deliver substantial

biodiversity gain, and if not why not?. Journal of applied ecology, 44(1), 1-5.

Milman, V., Winkler, B., White, J. A., Pickard, C. J., Payne, M. C., Akhmatskaya, E. V.,
& Nobes, R. H. (2000). Electronic structure, properties, and phase stability of inorganic
crystals: A pseudopotential plane‐wave study. International Journal of Quantum
Chemistry, 77(5), 895-910.

Knight, R. L., Payne Jr, V. W., Borer, R. E., Clarke Jr, R. A., & Pries, J. H. (2000).
Constructed wetlands for livestock wastewater management. Ecological
engineering, 15(1-2), 41-55. Knight, R. L., Payne Jr, V. W., Borer, R. E., Clarke Jr, R.
A., & Pries, J. H. (2000). Constructed wetlands for livestock wastewater
management. Ecological engineering, 15(1-2), 41-55.

How do you plan the transition from one livelihood to another?

Livelihoods analysis and programme focus on assets and strategies, yet the causes of
livelihood insecurity are often related to policies, institutions and process at national and
international level. People whose livelihoods are most vulnerable are often those who
have consistently been excluded or marginalized in national development policies, i.e.
who receive less public services and government investment, or population groups who
are excluded from political systems and lack political rights. To address the causes of
livelihood insecurity, there is a need to more closely link livelihoods programming with
protection and advocacy initiatives.

Part 3
How would you analyze women’s situation in disaster and their needs and
problems to survive throughout the disaster?

We live in a general public where woman and children are the most powerless
gathering. During catastrophe, this powerlessness increments. In spite of the fact that
catastrophes don't separate, the socially developed job of woman makes them the
defenseless gathering during calamity. Since woman have less access to assets, they
are survivors of the gendered division of work, they are essentially answerable for
residential obligations and they don't have the freedom of moving to search for work
following a calamity (World Bank 2005). The separated effect of fiascos on people is
fundamentally brought about by the current sexual orientation disparities manifested.
Women will in general have progressively constrained access to resources physical,
budgetary, human, social and common capital, for example, land, credit, dynamic
bodies, farming sources of info, innovation, and expansion and preparing
administrations which would all improve their ability to embrace.

How would you assess the harmful impacts of disaster over women’s physical
and mental health?

Catastrophe survivors experience a wide scope of mental reactions in various aspects.

Previously, it was accepted that fiascos influence all people also as far as wellbeing; in
any case, it has been discovered that the mental prosperity of ladies is more in danger
during disasters. However, as has been noted in certain examinations, this subject has
not gotten much attention. Nevertheless, discoveries in the field of wellbeing have
stressed the need of consideration regarding mental issues in cataclysmic events for
situational preparation. Women are at more serious danger of occurrences, for
example, viciousness and sexual maltreatment, maladies, and mental injury than men in
disasters. Thus, the appraisal of this issue in ladies is of more noteworthy significance.

Kreimer A. Social and economic impacts of natural disasters. International Geology

Review. 2001 May 1;43(5):401–5. 

International Strategy for Disaster Reduction Living with risk. A global review of disaster
reduction initiatives. United Nations Publications. 2004 3. Martin ML. Child participation
in disaster risk reduction: The case of flood-affected children in Bangladesh. Third
World Quarterly. 2010 Dec 1;31(8):1357–75. 

What can be done to improve their own preparedness techniques and recovery

When considering woman disaster solutions, it’s important to look for the following
capabilities and benefits:

 Optimized situational awareness.

 Real-time communication, data management and data transmission deliver a full
picture of the situation.
 Interoperable, collaborative environment.
 Responders save lives by improving information flow across all types of
 Support for mobile, Web-based access across a range of devices.
 All components and people are connected in fixed and field locations.
 System security and reliability.
 A combination of powerful security and performance.
 Comprehensive system manageability.

All facets of the solution are designed to work together. Change occurs rapidly in
disaster management. Mandatory policies and procedures frequently require the
modification of existing systems.

Part 4
In terms of tourist infrastructure development and construction of unplanned
resorts, hotels and cottages, how is the coastal region of Bangladesh

The travel industry can bring numerous financial, social and ecological advantages,
especially in country territories and creating nations, yet mass the travel industry is
additionally connected with negative impacts. The travel industry must be practical on
the off chance that it is deliberately overseen with the goal that plausible negative
consequences for the host network and nature are not allowed to exceed the money
related benefits. Jobs made by the travel industry are frequently occasional and
ineffectively paid, yet the travel industry can push up nearby property costs and the
expense of products and enterprises. Spot of the travel industry can be influenced by
terrorism. Visitor’s conduct can detrimentally affect the personal satisfaction of the host
network. For instance, swarming and blockage, medications and liquor issues can
happen. Cooperation with voyagers can likewise prompt a disintegration of conventional
societies and qualities. The travel industry represents a danger to a locale's way of life
and regular assets, through abuse.

How would you design a holistic management plan to minimize the effects of
marine pollution due to tourist activities and maximize the profit and livelihood
options from the tourism sector?

Marine and beach front the travel industry relies upon keeping up the wellbeing and
versatility of the marine condition with the goal that individuals can proceed to
appreciate and utilize it. The travel industry, in any case, applies genuine condition with
the goal that individuals can proceed to appreciate and utilize it. The travel industry, be
that as it may, applies genuine weights on the earth, as it prompts the structure of
frameworks (for example marinas and ports) and the utilization of the ocean by
individuals. Mass the travel industry can cause contamination like some other industry
(for example air emanations, commotion, and strong waste and littering, arrival of
sewage). Beach front and marine the travel industry is one of the primary driver of
marine litter, which thusly is a genuine danger to marine natural surroundings, species,
biological systems and the travel industry. Other negative effects incorporate
submerged clamor from drifting exercises, changes in siltation coming from traveler
related exercises, for example, sea shore recharging and alterations to unblemished
conditions through the development of infrastructure. If seaside asset framework is to
stay profitable, their administration requires an all encompassing and far reaching
approach. It might be important to characterize a wide administration zone - one
reaching out from the beach front hinterlands and swamps (the "dry side") to the
seaside waters and the remote ocean (the "wet side"); and a multi-division the
executives program must be contrived with the goal that all partners and all influenced
government offices are included. Another basic is expansive open help.

Comprehensive Co-the executives program can:

1) Limit exorbitant deferrals in venture usage

2) Limit harm to the marine condition and its assets

3) Limit misfortunes to the different clients (from asset exhaustion, get to restrictions,
and so on.)

4) Make the most proficient utilization of framework, data and innovation accessible to
marine improvement sectors. As models, Holistic Co-management program can profit a
nation or district through any or the entirety of the accompanying: Facilitating
supportable financial development dependent on common assets Conserving
characteristic natural surroundings and species Controlling contamination and the
change of shore grounds and beachfront Controlling watershed exercises that
antagonistically impact seaside zones Controlling unearthing, mining and other
adjustment of coral reefs, water bowls, and ocean bottoms Rehabilitating debased
assets Providing a system and devices for sane asset assignment. All these require
composed activities for their achievement, a need that Holistic Co-management
program can satisfy.

What kind of conflicts may arise among the smaller communities regarding
tourism and how can they be dealt with?

The traveling business, in the same way as other others, centers solely on
development, with next to zero worry for the effects. Following quite a while of basically
uncontrolled development, it has crossed a limit: in numerous goals, the travel industry
presently verifiably makes a bigger number of issues than benefits. This can take
numerous structures; maybe a million extra travelers are showing up in a capital city, or
20 extra sightseers in a little, provincial network. Dependable the travel industry alludes
to the travel industry which makes better places for individuals to live and to visit – with
the accentuation on 'to live'. Along these lines, by definition, it is something contrary to
over tourism, which decreases the personal satisfaction for neighborhood occupants
and makes an antagonistic encounter for visitors. A very much idea ground breaking
strategy is enormously significant for the improvement of the travel industry. The design
of the travel industry is growing quick step by step. New types of the travel industry are
coming, for instance manageable tourism, ecotourism, geo tourism and green tourism.
In this new strategy, numerous new ideas are refreshed, featuring the inclusion of the
neighborhood network in the travel industry area and particularly in the advancement of
the travel industry spot.

Cukier, J. 2002. Tourism Employment Issues in Developing Countries: Example from

Indonesia. Clevedon: Channel View Publications, 165-201.

Cooper, Fletcher, Fyall, Gilbert, Wanhill, 2008. Tourism Principles and Practice (4th ed,)
Essex: Pearson Education Limited.

Daily Star. 2015. Available:

tourism-next-year76548. Accessed 22 March 2016.

Daily Star. 2015. Available:

6pc-year74322. Accessed 2 May 2015.

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nid=29444. Accessed 22 July 2015.

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