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We prove it by contradicton.

To prove that there is only one

prime triple(3,5,7) , we can make use of the previous
Let us assume that there exists another prime triple other
than (3,5,7). In the previous problem , we proved that for
any integer n, at least one of the integers n, n+2, n+4 is
divisible by 3. A prime triple is of the form (p , p+2 , p+4)
where all 3 numbers are prime. But this is impossible since
one of p , p+2 , p+4 is divisible by 3 , therefore one of them
contains more than 2 factors. The only possible triple that
can form is (3,5,7) since it has 3 itself as one of the primes.
Since 3 is the only number to be divisible by 3 and be a prime
at the same time, we get only one possible triple. Hence our
assumption was wrong and we get (3,5,7) as the only
possible triple.

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