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a. Questions on which a guide does not have an answer.

Appropriate answer is “I don’t know but I’ll find out.” The guide can then use his free time
to look up the answer or consult someone else. Another solution is to say “I don’t know.
Does anyone else know?”. This will give a chance for others to participate.

b. Questions whose answers are controversial-these are about politics, religion, local
scandals or pending criminal cases.

The suitable responses to this includes: “That’s being debated here. Some feel.. and
others believe”. Another tactic is to return the question: “what do you think?”

c. Questions that are too personal-examples are “how much money do you make?” or
“why don’t you have any children?”

For questions regarding salary and working you may say “the salary range for guides in
the Philippines is from x to y” another is “I prefer not to answer that.”


1. Learn about the people and cultures of the world.

Through media, literature, school and meeting neighbors and visitors from different
countries, one can learn much about the values, habits and preference of others.

2. Travel

This can be one through eating their foods, walking in their streets, listening to their music
and etc.

3. Learn a language.

It is an expression of interest in other cultures. Learning basic expressions such as

welcome, thank you, please or May I help you.
Participate in specialized cross-cultural

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