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National Law Institute University Bhopal


Project Work As a Part of

History I

Submitted To:
Dr. Uday Pratap Singh
Associate Professor, History

Submitted By:
ROLL No : 2009 B.A.LL.B. 14
ENROL No : A-0876

The text reported in this Project is the outcome of my own efforts and no part of this
report has been copied in any unauthorized manner and no part in it has been
incorporated without due acknowledgment.

    Suvir Sharma

2009 BA LLB 14

Table of Contents


………… 4

Rise in



Buddhism in Sri


Malaysia, Indonesia and





China and East


Immediate Indian





Current Status of Buddhism……………….


The Rise, Fall and Rise…………………….,




The Rise of Buddhism

Buddhism arose in India during a period of intense intellectual and social

ferment. It was a period during which the authority of the Vedas had been
placed in doubt, the concept of god as a Supreme Being and creator was in
question, the hereditary restrictions on caste mobility were under attack,
and the efficacy of Brahminical rituals was being challenged. The authors
of the Upanishads had opened the door for various heterodox currents to
emerge in society, and amongst the most significant of these were the
Lokayatas who propagated against religious charlatans, and the
Nyayavadis whose rational epistemology created the foundation for
intense philosophical debate and encouraged the investigation of the real
world based on reason and logic, freed from the burden of superstition and
irrational adherence to burdensome rituals. Various ideological sects
competed for the attention and acceptance of the ruling elites and the
public. The most important amongst these were the Jains and the
Buddhists. Although each of the various sects made original and
interesting contributions to philosophy, it was the early Buddhists who
attempted to provide a unified philosophical system where ethical conduct
and social criticism lay at the very core of their ideological system.

According to virtually all Buddhist traditions, the Buddha, literally

meaning “awakened one” or “enlightened one”, not a proper name but
rather a title, lived many lives before his birth as Gautam; these previous
lives are described in stories called Jatakas that play an important role in
Buddhist art and education.

The Buddha was born in the 6th or 5th century BC in the kingdom of the
Shakyas, on the borders of present-day Nepal and India. As the son of
Suddhodana, the king, and Mahamaya, the queen, the Buddha came from a
Kshatriya family1.

1 DeCaroli, Robert (2004)


As a prince he lived a very sheltered life, but when he learned of the

suffering going on in the outside world, he left his life of luxury to live as
a wandering ascetic. When he was almost near death because of starvation
due to fasting and self-denial, a kind woman took him into her home and
fed and clothed him. He then knew that complete self-denial was not the
way to live. To find the way that he should live his life, Siddhartha sat
underneath a tree and meditated. After a long while, he came to the
realization that to live without harming others or oneself, one must live by
the Middle Way. 

In his lifetime, Siddhartha had lived lavishly and in starvation, but he

found neither way of life satisfying. If one lives by the Middle Way, one
eats enough to sustain oneself, but not so much that another is deprived of
food. He also found the Four Noble Truths. The first of the Four Noble
Truths is the concept that suffering exists. The second of the Four Noble
Truths is that desire is the root of suffering The third Noble Truth states
that there is a way to rid oneself of desire, and consequently, suffering, and
the fourth Noble Truth states that the Eightfold Path is the way out of
desire and suffering.

 Because of his epiphanies, Siddhartha Gautam is known as the Buddha, or

"Enlightened One." During the life of the Buddha, he traveled to many
places within India and preached his new religion to people everywhere.
After his death, many of the Buddha’s followers continued his work of
spreading the word. Buddhism spread throughout India and soon made its
way into the neighboring countries.

Rise in Popularity

Buddha used to elaborate his teachings while his followers used to uphold
those teachings. 4th century B.C to the 1st century A.D. saw the beginning
of the division of Buddhism into various schools on the basis of different
renditions of the teachings of Buddha. The Hinayana schools arose
between the Mahaparinirvana or the death of the Buddha and the end of
the 1st century B.C. Hinayana Buddhism was divided into eighteen sub-
schools after the third council. It is believed that its doctrines are
fundamentally based on the sutras taught by the Buddha, its discipline
based on Vinaya-pitaka and the analysis of the Abhidharma-pitaka.
Hinayana mainly shows the path of individual salvation called the

The third phase of Buddhism saw the rise of Mahayana Buddhism with its
two sub-schools, namely, Chitamattra or the Yogacharya and
Madhyamaka. This period is from 1st to the 7th century A.D. Mahayana
schools developed particularly during the time of Asanga, Vasubandhu
and Nagarjuna. The Buddhist Tantras started to take place after the 7th
century A.D in Tibet. Tantric Buddhism existed in India at the same time
but in an extremely secret form. It was not accessible to the common
Buddhist practitioners. It became even more popular during the time of
Saraha, Nagarjuna etc and finally entered Tibet with the blessings of guru
Padmasambhava, with Marpa the great translator.
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From the 3rd century A.D, Buddhism began to spread outside India 2. King
Ashoka played an important role in popularizing and spreading Buddhism
outside India. In 250 B.C, Mahinda and Sanghamitta, son and daughter of
King Ashoka, made Buddhism popular in Sri Lanka 3. According to his
inscriptions, Ashok sent Buddhist emissaries not only to many different
regions of the subcontinent but also into certain border areas as well. It is
certain that Ashokan emissaries were also sent to an area called
Suvarnabhumi that many modern scholars have identified with the Mon
country in southern Myanmar (Burma) and central Thailand. Somewhere
around the 3rd century A.D. onwards, Buddhism spread to Burma or
Myanmar, Cambodia, China and Indonesia. Buddhism went to Korea from
china in the 4th century A.D, to Japan from Korea in 522 A.D, to Thailand
from Burma in the 6th century A.D. and to Tibet in the early 8th century

2 Majumadar, R.C. (1946)

3 Thapar, Romila (1980)
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Buddhism in Sri Lanka

According to the Sinhalese tradition, Buddhism took root in Sri Lanka

with the arrival of Ashok's son Mahindra and his six companions. Sent as
missionaries by the Mauryan emperor, these travelers converted King
Devanampiya Tissa and many of the nobility. Under King Tissa, the
Mahavihara monastery was built, an institution that was to become the
centre of Sinhalese orthodoxy. After Tissa's death (c. 207 BC) Sri Lanka
fell into the hands of the South Indians until the time of Dutthagamani
(101–77 BC), a descendant of Tissa, who overthrew King Elara. During
this time, as a reaction to the threat posed by the South Indians, Buddhism
and Sri Lankan political formations became closely intertwined. Again, it
was probably because of this danger that the Pali canon was first written
down under King Vattagamani Abhaya in the 1st century BC. This king
also built the Abhayagiri monastery, the main centre of the various
Mahayana movements in Sri Lanka. These heterodox tendencies were
openly supported by King Mahasena (AD 276–303). Under Mahasena's
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son, Shri Meghavanna, the “Tooth of the Buddha” was brought to

Abhayagiri and made the national palladium.

During the 1st millennium AD in Sri Lanka, the ancient Theravada

tradition coexisted with various forms of Hinduism, Mahayana Buddhism,
and Buddhist Tantrism. Beginning in the 10th century—as Buddhism was
declining in India—Sri Lanka became a major locus of a Theravada
Buddhist revival. As a result of this revival, Sri Lanka became a
Theravada kingdom, with a sangha that was unified under Theravada
auspices and a monarch who legitimated his rule in Theravada terms. The
new Theravada tradition that was established spread from Sri Lanka into
Southeast Asia, where it exerted a powerful influence.

In modern times Sri Lanka fell prey to the Western colonial powers (to the
Portuguese in 1505–1658, the Dutch in 1658–1796, and finally the British
in 1796–1947). Under King Kittisiri Rajasiha (1747–81) the ordination
lineage was once again renewed, this time by monks recruited from

The monastic community in Sri Lanka is now divided into three major
bodies: (1) the Siam Nikaya, founded in the 18th century, a conservative
and wealthy sect that admits only members of the Goyigama, the highest
Sinhalese caste, (2) the Amarapura sect, founded in the 19th century,
which has opened its ranks to members of lower castes, and (3) the
reformed splinter group from the Siam Nikaya called the Ramanya sect.
Among the laity several reform groups have been established. Among
these the Sarvodaya community headed by A.T. Ariyaratne is especially
important. This group has established religious, economic, and social
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development programs that have had a significant impact on Sinhalese

village life.

Since Sri Lanka attained its independence in 1947, the country has been
increasingly drawn into a conflict between the Sinhalese Buddhist majority
and the Tamil Hindu minority. Many Sinhalese Buddhists, including some
monks, have closely associated their religion with the political agenda of
the more militant Sinhalese nationalists. A few Buddhist leaders have,
however, tried to adopt a more moderate position and to encourage a
negotiated solution, the traditional basis for Sri Lankan political formation.

Malaysia, Indonesia and Vietnam

Though some scholars locate the Suvarnabhūmi (“Land of Gold”), to

which Ashokan missionaries were supposedly sent, somewhere on the
Malay Peninsula or in Indonesia, this is probably not accurate. It is,
however, quite certain that Buddhism reached these areas by the beginning
centuries of the 1st millennium AD.
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With the help of Indian missionaries such as the monk Gunavarman,

Buddhism had gained a firm foothold on Java well before the 5th century
AD. Buddhism was also introduced at about this time in Sumatra, and, by
the 7th century, the king of Shrivijaya on the island of Sumatra was a
Buddhist. When the Chinese traveler I-ching visited this kingdom in the
7th century, he noted that Hinayana was dominant in the area but that there
were also a few Mahayanists. It was also in the 7th century that the great
scholar Dharmapala from Nalanda visited Indonesia.

The Shailendra dynasty, which ruled over the Malay Peninsula and a large
section of Indonesia from the 7th to the 9th century, promoted the
Mahayana and Tantric forms of Buddhism. During this period major
Buddhist monuments were erected in Java, among them the marvelous
Borobudur, which is perhaps the most magnificent of all Buddhist stupas.
From the 7th century onward, Vajrayana Buddhism spread rapidly
throughout the area. King Kertanagara of Java (reigned 1268–92) was
especially devoted to Tantric practice.4

Here too, Buddhism gradually lost its hold during the first half of the 2nd
millennium AD. In many areas Buddhism was assimilated to Hinduism,
forming a Hindu-oriented amalgam that in some places (for example in
Bali) has persisted to the present. In most of Malaysia and Indonesia,
however, both Hinduism and Buddhism were replaced by Islam, which
remains the dominant religion in the area. (In modern Indonesia and
Malaysia, Buddhism exists as a living religion only among the Chinese
minority, but there is a growing community of converts, with its greatest
strength in the vicinity of Borobudur.)

4 "The World Factbook: Malaysia". CIA World Factbook. Retrieved 2007-11-22.

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There are some indications that Vietnam was involved in the early sea
trade between India, Southeast Asia, and China and that Buddhism
reached the country around the beginning of the 1st millennium AD,
brought by missionaries traveling between India and the Chinese empire.
The northern part of what is now Vietnam had been conquered by the
Chinese empire in 111 BC; it remained under Chinese rule until AD 939.In
the south there were two Indianized states, Funan (founded during the 1st
century AD) and Champa (founded AD192). In these areas both Hinayana
and Mahayana traditions were represented. The traditions that most
affected the long-term development of Buddhism in Vietnam, however,
were Zen and Pure Land traditions introduced from China into the
northern and central sections of the country beginning in the 6th century

The first dhyana (Zen; Vietnamese: thien), or “meditation,” school was

introduced by Vinitaruci, an Indian monk who had come to Vietnam from
China in the 6th century. In the 9th century a school of “wall meditation”
was introduced by the Chinese monk Vo Ngon Thong. A third major Zen
school was established in the 11th century by the Chinese monk Thao
Durong. From 1414 to 1428 Buddhism in Vietnam was persecuted by the
Chinese, who had again conquered the country. Tantrism, Taoism, and
Confucianism were also filtering into Vietnam at this time. Even after the
Chinese had been driven back, a Chinese-like bureaucracy closely
supervised the Vietnamese monasteries. The clergy was divided between
the highborn and Sinicized (Chinese-influenced), on the one hand, and
those in the lower ranks who often were active in peasant uprisings.

During the modern period these Mahayana traditions centerd in northern

and central Vietnam have coexisted with Theravada traditions that have
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spilled over from Kampucheain the south. Rather loosely joined together,
the Vietnamese Buddhists managed to preserve their traditions through the
period of French colonial rule in the 19th and 20th centuries. During the
struggle between North and South Vietnam in the 1960s and early '70s,
many Buddhists worked to achieve peace and reconciliation, but they met
with little success. Under the communist regime that completed its victory
in Vietnam in the early 1970s, conditions have been difficult, but
Buddhism has persisted. Reports in the late 1980s and early '90s indicated
that new signs of vitality were beginning to appear

Central Asia
The spread of Buddhism into Central Asia is still not completely
understood by historians. But, however murky the details may be, it is
clear that the trade routes that ran from northwestern India to northern
China facilitated both the introduction of Buddhism and the maintenance,
for many centuries, of a flourishing Buddhist culture.

By the beginning of the Common era, Buddhism had probably been

introduced into eastern Turkistan. According to tradition, a son of Ashok
founded the kingdom of Khotan around 240 BC. The grandson of this king
supposedly introduced Buddhism to Khotan, where it became the state
religion. On more secure historical grounds, it is clear that the support
given by the Indo-Scythian king Kanishka of the Kushan dynasty, which
ruled in northern India, Afghanistan, and parts of Central Asia in the 1st to
2nd century AD, encouraged the spread of Buddhism into Central Asia.
Kanishka purportedly called an important Buddhist council; he patronized
the Gandhara school of Buddhist art, which introduced Greek and Persian
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elements into Buddhist iconography; and he supported Buddhist expansion

within a vast region that extended far into the Central Asian heartland. In
the northern part of Chinese Turkistan, Buddhism spread from Kucha to
the kingdoms of Agnidesha (Karashahr), Kao-ch'ang (Turfan), and
Bharuka (Aksu). According to Chinese travelers who visited Central Asia,
the Hinayanists (at least at the time of their visits) were strongest in
Turfan, Shanshan, Kashgar, and Kucha, while Mahayana strongholds were
located in Yarkand and Khotan.

In Central Asia there was a confusing welter of languages, religions, and

cultures, and, as Buddhism interacted with these various traditions, it
changed and developed. Shamanism, Zoroastrianism, Nestorian
Christianity, and Islam all penetrated these lands and coexisted with
Buddhism. For example, some of the Mahayana bodhisattvas, such as
Amitabha, may have been inspired, in part, by Zoroastrian influence.
There is also evidence of some degree of syncretism between Buddhism
and Manichaeism, an Iranian dualistic religion that was founded in the 3rd
century AD.

Buddhism continued to flourish in parts of Central Asia until the 11th

century, particularly under the patronage of the Uighur Turks. With the
increasingly successful incursions of Islam (beginning in the 7th century
AD) and the decline of theT'ang dynasty (618–907) in China, however,
Central Asia ceased to be the important crossroads of Indian and Chinese
culture that it once had been. Buddhism in the area gradually became a
thing of the past.

China and East Asia

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Although there are reports of Buddhists in China as early as the 3rd

century BC, Buddhism was not actively propagated in that country until
the early centuries of the Common era. Tradition has it that Buddhism was
introduced after the Han emperor Ming Ti (reigned AD 57/58–75/76) had
a dream of a flying golden deity that was interpreted as a vision of the
Buddha. Accordingly, the emperor dispatched emissaries to India who
subsequently returned to China with the Sutra in Forty-two Sections,
which was deposited in a temple outside the capital of Lo-yang.

In actuality, Buddhism entered China gradually, first primarily through

Central Asia and, later, by way of the trade routes around and through
Southeast Asia. The Buddhism that first became popular in China during
the Han dynasty was deeply coloured with magical practices, making it
compatible with popular Chinese Taoism (a combination of folk beliefs
and practices and philosophy). Instead of the doctrine of no-self, early
Chinese Buddhists taught the indestructibility of the soul. Nirvana became
a kind of immortality. They also taught the theory of karma, the values of
charity and compassion, and the need to suppress the passions. Until the
end of the Han dynasty, there was a virtual symbiosis between Taoism and
Buddhism and a common propagation of the means for attaining
immortality through various ascetic practices. It was widely believed that
Lao-tzu, the founder of Taoism, had been reborn in India as the Buddha.
Many Chinese emperors worshiped Lao-tzu and the Buddha on the same
altar. The first translations of Buddhist sutras into Chinese—namely those
dealing with such topics as breath control and mystical concentration—
utilized a Taoist vocabulary to make the Buddhist faith intelligible to the
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After the Han period, in the north of China, Buddhist monks were often
used by non-Chinese emperors for their political-military counsel as well
as for their skill in magic. At the same time, in the south, Buddhism began
to penetrate the philosophical and literary circles of the gentry. One of the
most important contributions to the growth of Buddhism in China during
this period was the work of translation. The most important of the early
translators was the learned monk Kumarajiva, who, before he was brought
to the Chinese court in AD 401, had studied the Hindu Vedas, the occult
sciences, and astronomy, as well as the Hinayana and Mahayana sutras.

During the 5th and 6th centuries AD Buddhist schools from India became
established, and new, specifically Chinese schools began to form.
Buddhism was becoming a powerful intellectual force in China, monastic
establishments were proliferating, and Buddhism was becoming well-
established among the peasantry. Thus, it is not surprising that, when the
Sui dynasty (581–618) established its rule over a reunified China,
Buddhism flourished as a state religion.

The golden age of Buddhism in China occurred during the T'ang dynasty.
Though the T'ang emperors were usually Taoists themselves, they tended
to favour Buddhism, which had become extremely popular. Under the
T'ang the government extended its control over the monasteries and the
ordination and legal status of monks. From this time forward, the Chinese
monk styled himself simply ch'en, or “a subject.”

During this period several Chinese schools developed their own distinctive
approaches. Some of them produced comprehensive systematizations of
the vast body of Buddhist texts and teachings. There was a great expansion
in the number of Buddhist monasteries and the amount of land they
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owned. It was also during this period that many scholars made pilgrimages
to India, heroic journeys that greatly enriched Buddhism in China, both by
the texts that were acquired and by the intellectual and spiritual inspiration
that was brought from India.

Buddhism was never able to replace its Taoist and Confucian rivals,
however, and in 845 the emperor Wu-tsung began a major persecution.
According to records, 4,600 Buddhist temples and 40,000 shrines were
destroyed, and 260,500 monks and nuns were forced to return to lay life.

Buddhism in China never recovered completely from the great persecution

of 845. It did maintain much of its heritage and it continued to play a
significant role in the religious life of China. On the one hand, Buddhism
retained its identity as Buddhism and generated new forms through which
it was expressed. These included texts such as the yu lu, or “recorded
sayings,” of famous teachers that were oriented primarily toward monks,
as well as more literary creations such as the Journey to the West (written
in the 16thcentury) and The Dream of the Red Chamber (18th century). On
the other hand, Buddhism coalesced with the Confucian–Neo-Confucian
and Taoist traditions to form a complex multi-religious ethos within which
all three traditions were more or less comfortably encompassed.

Among the various schools the two that retained the greatest vitality were
the Ch'an school (better known in the West by its Japanese name, Zen)
which was noted for its emphasis on meditation, and the Pure Land
tradition, which emphasized Buddhist devotion. The former school exerted
the greatest influence among the cultured elite. It did so through various
media, including the arts. For example, Ch'an artists during the Sung
dynasty (960–1279) had a decisive impact on Chinese landscape painting.
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Artists used images of flowers, rivers, and trees, executed with sudden,
deft strokes, to evoke an insight into the flux and emptiness of all reality.
The Pure Land tradition exerted a greater influence on the population as a
whole and was sometimes associated with secret societies and peasant
uprisings. But the two seemingly disparate traditions were often very
closely linked. In addition, they were mixed with other Buddhist elements
such as the so-called “masses for the dead” that had originally been
popularized by the practitioners of Esoteric Buddhism.

During the early decades of the 20th century, China experienced a

Buddhist reform movement aimed at revitalizing the Chinese Buddhist
tradition and adapting Buddhist teachings and institutions to modern
conditions. However, the disruptions caused by the Sino-Japanese War and
the subsequent establishment of a communist government have not been
helpful to the Buddhist cause. The Buddhist community was the victim of
severe repression during the Cultural Revolution (1966–69). Since 1976
the Chinese government has pursued a more tolerant policy, but the extent
of continuing Buddhist vitality is difficult to determine.


Buddhism was first introduced into the Korean region when it was divided
into the three kingdoms of Paekche, Koguryo, and Silla. 5 After Buddhism
was brought to the northern kingdom of Koguryo from China in the 4th
century, it gradually spread throughout the other Korean kingdoms. As
often happened, the new faith was first accepted by the court and then
extended to the people. After the unification of the country by the kingdom
of Silla in the 660s, Buddhism began to flourish throughout Korea. The
monk Wonhyo (617–686) was one of the most impressive scholars and

5 Hong-bae Yi, Taehan Pulgyo Chogyejong (1996). Korean Buddhism. Kum Sok Publishing Co., Ltd.
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reformers of his day. He was married and taught an “ecumenical” version

of Buddhism that included all branches and sects. He tried to use music,
literature, and dance to express the meaning of Buddhism. Another scholar
of the Silla era was Ui-sang (625–702), who went to China and returned to
spread the Hwaom (Hua-yen in Chinese) sect in Korea. The Chinese Ch'an
sect (Zen) was introduced in the 8th century and, by absorbing the Korean
versions of Hua-yen, T'ien-t'ai, and Pure Land, gradually became the
dominant school of Buddhism in Korea, as it didin Vietnam.

Early Korean Buddhism was characterized by a this-worldly attitude. It

emphasized the pragmatic, nationalistic, and aristocratic aspects of the
faith. Still, an indigenous traditionof shamanism influenced the
development of popular Buddhism throughout the centuries. Buddhist
monks danced, sang, and performed the rituals of shamans.

During the Koryo period (935–1392), Korean Buddhism reached its

zenith. During the first part of this period the Korean Buddhist community
was active in the publication of the Tripitaka Koreana, one of the most
inclusive editions of the Buddhist sutras up to that time. After 25 years of
research, a monk by the name of Ŭich'on (1055–1101) published an
outstanding three-volume bibliography of Buddhist literature. Ŭich'on also
sponsored the growth of the T'ien-t'ai sect in Korea. He emphasized the
need for cooperation between Ch'an and the other “Teaching” schools of
Korean Buddhism.

Toward the end of the Koryo period, Buddhism began to suffer from
internal corruption and external persecution, especially that promoted by
the Neo-Confucians. The government began to put limits on the privileges
of the monks, and Confucianism replaced Buddhism as the religion of the
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state. Though the Yi dynasty (1392–1910) continued these restrictions,

Buddhist monks and laymen fought bravely against the invasion of the
Japanese armies under Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537–98) in 1592 and 1597.
In the decade before the annexation of Korea by Japan (1910), some effort
was made to unify Korean Buddhism. These efforts, as well as the
subsequent efforts of Buddhist “missionaries” from Japan, were largely in

Since the end of World War II, Buddhism in Korea has been hampered by
communist rule in North Korea and by the greatvitality of Christianity in
South Korea. Despite these challenges, Buddhists, particularly in South
Korea, have preserved the old traditions and initiated new movements.


While Buddhism in China sent its roots down into the subsoil of the family
system, in Japan it found anchorage in the nation itself. The Buddhism that
was initially introduced into Japan in the 6th century from Korea was
regarded as a talisman (charm) for the protection of the country. The new
religion was accepted by the powerful Soga clan but was rejected by
others, thus causing controversies that resembled the divisions caused by
the introduction of Buddhism in Tibet. In both countries, some believed
that the introduction of Buddhist statues had been an insult to the native
deities, resulting in plagues and natural disasters. Only gradually were
such feelings overcome. Though the Buddhism of the Soga clan was
largely magical, under the influence of Prince Shotoku, who became
regent of the nation in 593, other aspects of Buddhism were emphasized.
Shotoku lectured on various scriptures that emphasized the ideals of the
layman and monarch, and he composed a “Seventeen-Article Constitution”
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in which Buddhism was adroitly mixed with Confucianism as the spiritual

foundation of the state. In later times he was widely regarded as an
incarnation of the bodhisattva Avalokite Shvara.

During the Nara period (710–784), Buddhism became the state religion of
Japan. Emperor Shomu actively propagated the faith, making the imperial
capital, Nara—with its “Great Buddha” statue (Daibutsu)—the national
cult centre. Buddhist schools imported from China became established in
Nara, and state-subsidized provincial temples (kokubunji ) made the
system effective at the local level.

After the capital was moved to Heian-kyo (modern Kyoto) in 794,

Buddhism continued to prosper. Chinese influence continued to play an
important role, particularly through the introduction of new Chinese
schools that became dominant at the royal court. Mount Hiei and Mount
Koya became the centres for the new T'ien-tai (Tendai) and Esoteric
(Shingon) schools of Buddhism, which were characterized by highly
sophisticated philosophies and complex and refined liturgies. Moreover,
Buddhism interacted with the indigenous Shinto and local tradition, and
various distinctively Japanese patterns of Buddhist-oriented folk religion
became very popular.

The 12th and 13th centuries marked a turning point in Japanese history
and in the history of Japanese Buddhism in particular. Late in the 12th
century the imperial regime with its centre at Heian collapsed, and a new
feudal government, or shogunate, established its headquarters at
Kamakura. As a part of the same process, a number of new Buddhist
leaders emerged and established schools of Japanese Buddhism. These
reformers included proponents of the Zen traditions such as Eisai and
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Dogen; Pure Land advocates such as Honen, Shinran, and Ippen; and
Nichiren, the founder of a new school that gained considerable popularity.
The distinctively Japanese traditions these creative reformers and founders
established became—alongwith many very diverse synthetic expressions
of Buddhist-Shinto piety—integral components of a Buddhist-oriented
ethos that structured Japanese religious life into the 19th century. Also
during this period many Buddhist groups allowed their clergy to marry,
with the result that temples often fell under the control of particular

Under the Tokugawa shogunate (1603–1867), Buddhism became an arm

of the government. Temples were used for registering the populace; this
was one way of preventing the spread of Christianity, which the feudal
government regarded as a political menace. This association with the
Tokugawa regime made Buddhism quite unpopular at the beginning of the
Meiji period (1868–1912), at least among the elite. At that time, in order to
set up Shinto as the new state religion, it was necessary for Japan's new
ruling oligarchy to separate Shinto from Buddhism. This led to the
confiscation of temple lands and the defrocking of many Buddhist priests.

During the period of ultra-nationalism (c. 1930–45), Buddhist thinkers

called for uniting the East in one great “Buddhaland” under the tutelage of
Japan. After the war, however, Buddhist groups, new and old alike, began
to emphasize Buddhism as a religion of peace and brotherhood. During the
postwar period the greatest visible activity among Buddhists has been
among the “New Religions” such as Soka-gakkai (“Value Creation
Society”) and Rissho-Kosei-kai (“Society for Establishing Righteousness
and Friendly Relations”). During this period, Soka-gakkai entered politics
with the same vigour it had traditionally shown in the conversion of
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individuals. Because of its highly ambiguous but conservative ideology,

the Soka-gakkai-based political party (the Komeito) is regarded with
suspicion and fear by many Japanese.6


The goal of spiritual development in Tibetan Buddhism, a Mahayana

tradition, is to achieve enlightenment (Buddhahood) in order to most
efficiently help all other sentient beings attain this state.7

Buddhism, according to the Tibetan tradition, was first given recognition

in Tibet during the reign of Srong-brtsan-sgam-po (c. 627–c. 650). 8 This
king had two queens who were early patrons of the religion and were later
regarded in popular tradition as incarnations of the Buddhist saviouress
Tara. The religion received active encouragement from Khri-srong-lde-
btsan, during whose reign (c. 755–797) the first Buddhist monastery in
Tibet was built at Bsam-yas (Samye), the first seven monks were ordained,
and the celebrated Indian Tantric master Padmasambhava was invited to
Tibet. A great deal of legend surrounds Padmasambhava, who was a
mahasiddha (“master of miraculous powers”); he is credited with subduing
the Bon spirits and demons (the spirits and demons associated with the
indigenous religion of Tibet) andwith subjugating them to the service of
Buddhism. At the time, influences from Chinese Buddhism were strong,
but it is recorded that at the Council of Bsam-yas (792–794) it was decided
that the Indian tradition should prevail.

Following a period of suppression that lasted almost two centuries (from

the early 800s to the early 1000s), Buddhism in Tibet enjoyed a revival.

6 Eliot, Sir Charles. Japanese Buddhism. London: Kegan Paul International, 2005.
7 Cf. Dhargyey (1978), 111; Pabongka Rinpoche, 533f; Tsong-kha-pa II: 48-9.
8 Coleman, Graham, ed. (1993). A Handbook of Tibetan Culture. Boston: Shambhala Publications, Inc..
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During the 11th and 12th centuries many Tibetans traveled to India to
acquire and translate Buddhist texts and to receive training in Buddhist
doctrine and practice. With the assistance of the renowned Indian master
Atisha, who arrived in Tibet in 1042, Buddhism became established as the
dominant religion. From this point forward Buddhism was the primary
culture of the elite, was a powerful force in the affairs of state, and
penetrated deeply into all aspects of Tibetan life.

One of the great achievements of the Buddhist community in Tibet was the
translation into Tibetan of a vast corpus of Buddhist literature, including
the Bka'-'gyur (“Translation of the Buddha Word”) and Bstan-'gyur
(“Translation of Teachings”) collections.

A major development in the history of Tibetan Buddhism occurred in the

late 14th or early 15th century when a great Buddhist reformer named
Tsong-kha-pa established the Dge-lugs-pa school, known more popularly
as the Yellow Hats. In 1578, representatives of this school succeeded in
converting the Mongol Altan Khan, and, under the Khan's sponsorship,
their leader (the so-called third Dalai Lama) gained considerable monastic
power. In the middle of the 17th century the Mongol overlords established
the fifth DalaiLama as the theocratic ruler of Tibet. The succeeding Dalai
lamas, who were regarded as successive incarnations of the bodhisattva
AvalokiteShvara, held this position during much of the remainder of the
premodern period, ruling from the capital, Lhasa.

The fifth Dalai Lama instituted the high office of Panchen Lama for the
abbot of the Tashilhunpo monastery, located to the west of Lhasa. The
Panchen lamas were regarded as successive incarnations of the buddha
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Amitabha. Unlike the Dalai Lama, the Panchen Lama has usually been
recognized only as a spiritual ruler.

Throughout much of Tibetan history many of the great monasteries were

controlled by aristocratic abbots who wereable to marry and pass along
their monastic possessions to their sons. Monks were often warriors, and
monasteries became armed fortresses. The Manchus in the 18th century
and subsequently the British, the Nationalist Chinese, and the Chinese
communists have all tried to exploit the divisionof power between the
Panchen and the Dalai lamas for their own ends. In 1959, after the Dalai
Lama fled to India, the Chinese communists took over his temporal

Under Chinese rule, Tibetan Buddhists have suffered periodsof

persecution, some of them severe. Not surprisingly, this has strengthened
the bond between Buddhism and nationalist resistance.


The indigenous religion of Mongolia prior to Buddhism was shamanism,

which focused specifically on rituals and nature deities.9

The distinctive form of Buddhism that developed in Tibet has exerted a

strong influence on neighbouring areas and peoples. Most important in this
regard was the conversion of the Mongol tribes to the north and east of
Tibet. There are some indications that Buddhism was present among the
Mongols as early as the 4th century, but the sources are scarce. It is clear,
however, that during the 13th century close relationships developed

9 Humphrey, Caroline, and Urgunge Onon. 1996.

29 | P a g e

between the Mongol court in China and some of the leaders of Tibetan
Buddhism. Kublai Khan himself became a supporter of the Tibetan form
of Buddhism. Kublai Khan's Tibetan advisers helped to develop a block
script for the Mongolian language, and manyBuddhist texts were
translated from Tibetan into Mongolian. In general, however, the religion
failed to gain widespread popular support during this period.

In 1578 a new situation developed when the Altan Khan accepted the Dge-
lugs-pa version of the Tibetan tradition and supported its spread among his
followers at all levels of Mongol society. Over the centuries the Mongols
developed their own very rich Buddhist traditions. Mongolian scholars
translated a large corpus of texts from Tibetan, and they produced their
own sophisticated original texts. The Mongols based their Buddhist
doctrine, practice, and communal organization on Tibetan models, but they
developed and adapted them in a distinctive way.

Between 1280 and 1368 China was part of the Mongol empire, and the
Mongols established their variant of Tibetan Buddhism in China. When
they no longer held power in China, they continued to maintain the
traditions they had developed in their homeland in the Central Asian
steppes. During the 20th century, however, Mongolian Buddhism has been
undermined by the communist regimes that have ruled in the Mongol areas
of the Soviet Union, Mongolia, and China.

Immediate Indian Influence

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Tibetan Buddhism has also exerted a considerable influence in the

Himalayan kingdoms situated along Tibet's southern border. In Nepal
Buddhism has been influenced byboth India and Tibet. Though the
Buddha was born in the southern part of the area that is now Nepal, at
Lumbini, about15 miles (24 kilometres) from Kapilavatthu (Kapilavastu),
the Buddhist religion seems to have been actively propagated only later,
probably under Ashok. By the 8th century Nepal had fallen into the
cultural orbit of Tibet. A few centuries later, as a result of the Muslim
invasions of India, both Hindus (such as the Brahmanic Gurkha
aristocracy) and Buddhists took refuge in the country. In modern times
Buddhist prayer wheels and flags are reminders of the direct influence of
Tibetan Buddhism. The Indian heritage is especially evident in the caste
system that embraces Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.

In Bhutan a Tibetan lama introduced Buddhism and a Tibetan style of

hierarchical theocracy in the 17th century AD. The Buddhism practiced in
Bhutan has been influenced by the Tibetan Bkao-brgyud-pa sect, which
has stressed the magical benefits of living in caves and has not enforced on
its clergy the discipline of celibacy. Buddhism in Bhutan, like Buddhism
in Nepal, is coming into increasing contact with modernizing forces that
are beginning to undermine many of its traditional practices.
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Western Society
During the long course of Buddhist history, Buddhist influences have from
time to time reached the Western world. Though the evidence is weak,
some scholars have suggested that, about the beginning of the Christian
era, Buddhist monks and teachings had reached as far as Egypt. There are
occasional references to what seem to be Buddhist traditions in the
writings of the Church Fathers. In addition, a version of the biography of
the Buddha, known as the story of Barlaam and Josaphat, had a
considerable dissemination in medieval Europe. In fact, the Buddha-figure
in the story came to be recognized as a Christian saint.

Not until the modern period, however, is there evidence for a serious
Buddhist presence in the Western world. The movement of Buddhism
from Asia to the West that took place in the 19th and 20th centuries had
two aspects. Beginning in the mid-19th century, Buddhism was introduced
into the United States and other Western countries by large numbers of
immigrants, first from China and Japan but more recently from other
countries, especially countries of Southeast Asia. Buddhism gained a
foothold among a significant number of Western intellectuals and—
particularly during the 1960s and early '70s—among young people seeking
new forms of religious experience and expression. The interest of
Westerners in Buddhism has been increased by the work of Buddhist
missionaries such as the Japanese scholar D.T. Suzuki (1870–1966) and a
number of Tibetan Buddhist teachers who have come to the West since the
Chinese conquest of their homeland in the late 1950s.
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Current Status of Buddhism

As to the status of contemporary Buddhist communities, five different
kinds of situations can be identified.

First, there are a number of countries where previously well-established

Buddhist communities have suffered severe setbacks that have curtailed
their influence and seriously sapped their vitality. This kind of situation
prevails primarily in countries ruled by communist governments where
Buddhism has, for many decades, been subjected to intense pressures that
have undercut its institutional power and weakened its influence on large
segments of the population. This has happened in the Mongol areas of
Central Asia, in China (outside of Tibet), in North Korea, and, to a lesser
extent, in Vietnam.

Secondly, there are places where well-established Buddhist communities

have suffered similar setbacks but have retained the loyalty of large
segments of the population. Perhaps the most vivid example is Tibet,
where the Chinese communists have implemented anti-Buddhist policies
that, despite their brutality, have failed to break the bond between
Buddhism and the Tibetan sense of identity. In Kampuchea and Laos,
similarly, communist rule (including even the reign of terror imposed by
the Pol Pot regime that controlled Kampuchea from 1975 to 1979) does
not seem to have broken the people's loyalty to Buddhism.
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Third, there are situations in which the Buddhist community has retained a
more or less accepted position as the leading religious force and has
continued to exert a strong influence on political, economic, and social
life. This is the case in Sri Lanka and Myanmar, where Buddhism is the
dominant religion among the Sinhalese and Burman majorities, and in
Thailand, where more than 90 percent of the population is counted as
Buddhist. In Sri Lanka and Myanmar, ethnic conflict and (especially in
Myanmar) authoritarian rule and economic stagnation have resulted in
political instability that has had a disruptive effect on the local Buddhist
communities. In Thailand, however, Buddhism has a firm position within a
relatively stable and rapidly modernizing society.

Fourth, represents a situation where well-developed Buddhist traditions

are operating with a considerable degree of freedom and effectiveness in
societies where Buddhism plays a more circumscribed role. This situation
prevails in several of the Pacific Rim countries, including South Korea,
Taiwan, and Singapore, and to a lesser extent in Southeast Asian countries
such as Malaysia and Indonesia, where Buddhism is practiced by
significant numbers of overseas Chinese. The primary example, however,
is Japan, where Buddhism has continued to play an important role. In the
highly modernized society that has developed in Japan, many deeply
rooted Buddhist traditions, such as Shingon, Tendai, the Pure Land
schools, and Zen, have persisted and have been adapted to changing
conditions. At the same time,new Buddhist sects such as Rissho-Kosei-Kai
and Soka-gakkai have gained millions of converts in Japan and throughout
the world.

Finally, new Buddhist communities have developed in areas where

Buddhism disappeared long ago or never existed at all. Thus in India,
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where Buddhism had been virtually extinct since at least the 15th century,
new Buddhist societies have been formed by Indian intellectuals, new
Buddhist settlements have been established by Tibetan refugees, and a
significant Buddhist community has been founded by converts from the
so-called scheduled castes. In the West (particularly but not exclusively in
the United States), important Buddhist communities have been established
by immigrants from East and Southeast Asia. Buddhist influences have
penetrated into many aspects of Western culture, and communities of
Buddhist converts are active.

For more than two millennia Buddhism has been a powerful religious,
political, and social force, first in India, its original homeland, and then in
many other lands. It remains a powerful religious, political, and cultural
force in many parts of the world today.

The Rise, Fall and Rise

Even as Buddhism had spread almost throughout Asia by the 5th-6th C
AD, it gradually began to lose its distinct edge and liberating influence on
much of Indian society. Within the Indian subcontinent, only strains of
Buddhism survived in Sri Lanka, Bengal, Bhutan, Sikkim, parts of Bihar
and Nepal, and parts of Sindh, Punjab, Kashmir and Afghanistan.

This is perhaps the supreme ironies of the history of Buddhism in India -

the question of how Buddhism came to disappear from the land of its birth.
Various reasons, though, have been advanced for Buddhism’s decline and,
ultimately, disappearance. It could have been: Sectarian and Internal
histories, focusing on schisms within the Buddhist faith, the widening
35 | P a g e

differences between the clergy, Bhikkus, and laity, and the growing
corruption within the sangha; or Changed relations of Buddhism with
Brahmanism, dwelling on the alleged persecution of Buddhists by
Brahmins, the defeat of the Buddhists by the great theologian Shankara in
public debates; as well as on the supposedly characteristic tendency of
Hinduism, or rather Brahmanism, to absorb its opponents; or finally,
maybe, secular and political histories, which emphasize the withdrawal of
royal patronage from Buddhism and, later, the Muslim invasions which
had the effect of driving into extinction an already debilitated faith.

Many scholars of Buddhism, Hinduism, Indian history, and of religion

more generally have been devoted to unraveling this puzzle. There is no
absolute consensus on this matter, and a few scholars have even contended
that Buddhism never disappeared as such from India. Instead, it simply
changed form, or was absorbed into Hindu practices.

It may be reasonable to believe that the catastrophic demise of Buddhism

in India was triggered by the onslaught of Islam which first obliterated the
remnants of Buddhism in Central Asia, and then later in Afghanistan and
India10. As a gentle faith that encouraged its followers to abjure violence, it
was perhaps unable to protect itself from iconoclasts and proselytizers who
intended to enforce a new religio-political order as can be clearly seen that
Buddhism survived only in those countries that escaped invasions by
Islamic conquerors. Accustomed to centuries of peaceful co-existence,
India's Buddhists had not anticipated the need to develop viable strategies
for self-defence that could have combated the violence of India's Islamic
conquerors who virtually obliterated Buddhism from the land of its birth.

10 Supra, Note 1.
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Yet, it also appears that later Buddhism had deviated considerably from
the rational principles outlined in the early texts. Monasteries often
became isolated from mainstream society, and monks who focused
exclusively on meditative practices and idealistic or esoteric philosophical
speculation contributed little to social progress. Some have even argued
that the monastic orders had degenerated into sheer parasitism and were
becoming a heavy social drain. Consequently, value judgments on the
demise of Buddhism and the rise of Islam in India need to be made with a
measure of caution.

Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that the ascent of Islam was

concomitant with the eclipse of Buddhism, and since the influence of
Buddhism was greatly dependant on the existence of the monastic orders,
the destruction of monasteries and their conversion to mosques and
institutions of Quranic learning simply lead to mass conversions to Islam.

Eventually though, Buddhism has made a comeback in India during the

early 20th century. The foundation of the Mahabodhi Society was a major
step in this direction. During the Dalit agitation of 1956, BR Ambedkar
announced that he was converting to Buddhism to escape the rigors of the
Hindu caste system. As a result, many other people from the lower castes
were inspired to adopt Buddhism. The influx of Tibetan refugees in 1959
also raised the number of Buddhists in India. Thus Buddhism is the fifth
largest religious group in India now.

Nevertheless, its initial disappearance had the effect of stunting India's

future intellectual development, since the destruction of important
institutions of Buddhist learning also led to a notable decline in the
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opportunity to study secular subjects such as logic and epistemology,

which were also taught at Buddhist universities - such as Bhagalpur11.

For it must be observed that the destruction of Buddhist centers of learning

coincided with the destruction of extremely valuable textual materials -
which could have been potentially rediscovered, and revived or
reinterpreted by future generations of Indians so as to achieve a society
that was more thoughtful and learned. In return of the destruction, the
Islamic texts did not offer anything comparable in terms of causality or
epistemology. Nor did they offer the psychological, sociological, or moral
insights that had been developed under the ambit of Buddhism. Nor was
there any comparable stress on seeking knowledge or constantly updating
ones understanding of nature and human society.

11 Richard Cohen, 1999.

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 DeCaroli, Robert. Haunting the Buddha: Indian Popular Religions

and the Formation of Buddhism. New York: Oxford University,
 Thapar, Romila. A History of India: Volume 1, (Penguin), 1966.
 Thapar, Romila. Asoka and the Decline of the Mauryas, 1961;
Oxford University Press (Oxford)
 R.C. Majumdar, H.C. Raychaudhuri, and Kalikinkar Datta. An
Advanced History of India. 1946. London: Macmillan.
 Beyond Enlightenment: Buddhism, Religion, Modernity by Richard
Cohen. Routledge 1999
 Thapar, Romila. "India before and after the Mauryan Empire", in
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Archaeology, 1980.
 Encyclopædia Britannica Article Center. Encyclopædia Britannica,
Inc.. 2009.

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