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Symposium: Clinical Nutrition in Developing Countries:

Toward the Application of

Contemporary Concepts and Technology

Iodine Deficiency Disorders: Contemporary

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Scientific Issues1'2
Center for International Health, Emory School of Public Health, Atlanta, GA 30329

achievable international health goals of the decade,

ABSTRACT Iodine deficiency is the leading cause of conceivably exceeding the impact of the global eradi
preventable intellectual impairment and is associated cation of smallpox (3). Although prevention of iodine
with a spectrum of neurologic and developmental
pathology. More than one billion people are at risk. The deficiency disorders is no panacea for such ills of the
developing fetus, newborn, and young child are the most Third World as famine, acquired immune deficiency
susceptible to the effects of an iodine-deficient diet. If syndrome (AIDS), political strife and poverty, the
intervention is not initiated in a timely fashion, the normal intellectual functioning and well being as
pathophysiologic abnormalities become resistant to sociated with iodine sufficiency may be essential to
treatment and permanent intellectual, neurologic, and
somatic deficits result. The technology of iodine defi the long term resolution of these national and
ciency intervention is well established. Iodized salt, the regional problems.
preferred method, is easy to produce, administer in Programs to eliminate iodine deficiency cannot be
physiologic doses, and is cost effective. The distribution separated from other national nutrition programs
of iodized salt and social marketing are key to a suc such as food production, food security, and the elimi
cessful iodine deficiency elimination program. In remote nation of protein-energy malnutrition. In fact much
regions, iodized oil is a useful interim intervention.
However, it is clear that technology is not enough. Any attention in the past has been directed towards an
national effort to eliminate iodine deficiency must extend adequate intake of protein or calories. It is clear that
far beyond the Ministry of Health. The program will re attention to dietary quality is of tantamount impor
quire the full participation of a range of national tance (3). The elimination of iodine deficiency dis
government ministries and agencies and the full support
and participation of local or regional governments. J. orders cannot be isolated from other major public
Nutr. 124: 1473S-1478S, 1994. health problems or development issues. Success can
only come through the combined efforts of technical
INDEXING KEY WORDS: experts who have the scientific knowledge and tech
nological know-how, food producers and marketers
•cretinism •intellectual impairment who are able to create demand and deliver improved
•iodine deficiency •public health
•thyroid hormone products to people, and the policy makers who
possess the power to make decisions regarding public
health interventions. The relative simplicity and low

It is estimated that more than 1 billion people,

concentrated primarily in less developed countries,
are unable to consume adequate levels of iodine. Only 'Presented as part of the symposium "Clinical Nutrition in
during the last decade has it been recognized that Developing Countries: Toward the Application of Contemporary
Concepts and Technology" given at the Experimental Biology '93
iodine deficiency disorders are the leading cause of
meeting, New Orleans, LA, March 31, 1993. This symposium was
intellectual impairment (1, 2). An adequate intake of sponsored by the American Institute of Nutrition and the American
iodine is of immense importance to global de Society for Clinical Nutrition. Guest editor for this symposium
velopment. Iodine deficiency on this magnitude was Noel W. Solomons, Center for Studies of Sensory Impairment,
means that investments in economic development Aging and Metabolism, Guatemala City, Guatemala.
This presentation was made possible by support from the
and education can not achieve their desired outcomes
Office of Nutrition, Bureau for Research and Development, U.S.
unless this problem is addressed. The prevention of Agency for International Development, under Cooperative
this deficiency is one of the most important Agreement No. HRN-5110-A-00-2048-00.

0022-3166/94 $3.00 ©1994 American Institute of Nutrition.


cost of the interventions, and the enormous potential and cretinism was high in the mountainous regions of
benefit to nations that are successful may capture the Europe and seemed to decrease precipitously after the
imagination of policy makers and help raise other introduction of iodized salt. Also contributing to the
nutrition and health issues higher on the scale of decline in the prevalence of goiter was the impor
national development priorities (4). tation of foods from outside the area of iodine defi
This article reviews the nature and magnitude of cient soil (6).
the problem of iodine deficiency disorders and dis Iodine deficiency disorders have been eliminated

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cusses strategies that can be adopted by agencies and for more than 40 years in several countries including
countries who are committed to its sustained elimi the USA, England, Switzerland, New Zealand and
nation. Australia. Iodine deficiency disorders were severely
endemic in Bhutan 5 years ago, and, through salt iodi-
zation and iodized oil injections, now has been vir
HISTORICAL CONSIDERATIONS tually eliminated. Similarly, Ecuador and Bolivia are
close to elimination of iodine deficiency disorders. On
The historical record of goiter dates back to about the other hand, Europe, which was once considered
2700 BC with a reference by the Chinese Emperor nonendemic, has once again been reported to have a
Shen-Nung about the use of seaweed to treat goiter. dangerous iodine deficiency disorders problem (18).
As early as 200-300 AD goiter appears in art work
present in sculptures of Buddha and his disciples. The
association of goiter and cretinism is alluded to in NATURE OF THE PROBLEM
drawings from the 13th century and is first noted by
Paracelsus in the early 16th century. Surgery for Central nervous system development depends on
goiter was performed at the early medical schools in an adequate supply of thyroid hormone, which re
Salerno (1170), Montpellier (1240), and Padua (1252). quires iodine for biosynthesis. Thus, iodine is an es
Renaissance art also contains many examples of sential micronutrient for normal intellectual de
goiter and is found in paintings by well known artists velopment and functioning. Without the biologically
including Rubens, Weyden, and Dürer.However, it is required micro-quantities provided in the diet, mild
not until the 17th century that the thyroid gland is to severe intellectual impairment and mental
first described (5). retardation may occur (9, 10).
In the 18th century the word cretin appears in print Endemic cretinism is the most severe
for the first time and is defined as "an imbecile who is
manifestation of the lack of maternal and fetal
deaf and dumb with a goiter hanging down to the thyroid hormone arising from severe dietary iodine
waist". The 19th century was important in the
deficiency. The hallmarks of endemic cretinism in
history of iodine deficiency. In the 1820s, iodine was
clude mental retardation and a brain disorder best
identified in seaweed and in salt from a mine in
described as showing pyramidal signs in an upper
Antioquia. It was in 1846 that Prévostand Maffoni
limb distribution and extrapyramidal signs. These
first hypothesized that goiter was due to iodine defi
ciency. The 19th century yielded one of the first subjects have a diagnostic gait, which is not only
national goiter surveys, commissioned by King Carlo related to the neurological disorder but contributed to
Alberto of Sardinia (Sardinia included the provinces of by joint laxity and deformity. Other frequently en
Savoy, Nice, Piedmont, Genoa, and the Island of countered clinical features include squinting,
Sardinia) in 1848. The survey revealed 370,403 deafness, and primitive brain reflexes. In some popu
persons with goiter and 120,000 cretins or idiots in lations there is additional manifestation of endemic
France with an estimated total population of 36 cretinism resulting from continuing postnatal thyroid
million. The initial attempts to use iodine prepara hormone deficiency. This results in the additional
tions to treat goiter met opposition after symptoms of clinical features of hypothyroidism: severe stunting of
thyroid toxicity were identified in large numbers of growth; skeletal retardation,- and sexual immaturity.
patients because the dose was too high. Initially A prevalence of cretinism from 3-15% is commonly
thought to serve a humidifying role in the larynx, it is found in severely affected rural populations in many
not until the late 19th century that iodine was iden endemias around the world (11, 12).
tified in the thyroid gland and the thyroid's role as an There is good evidence from community-based as
endocrine organ postulated (6). sessments and iodine intervention trials that iodine
In the 19th century David Marine stated that 'en deficiency disorders can leave entire populations with
demic goiter is the easiest known disease to prevent'. a subnormal average intelligence quotient and im
The first large scale trials with iodine were performed paired motor functions. Mild iodine deficiency has
by Marine and Kimball (1922) in Ohio. In 1924, the been reported to reduce IQ by 10-15% (13). Recently,
first mass prophylaxis of goiter with iodized salt was Bleichrot and Born reported results of a meta-analysis
carried out in Michigan (7). The prevalence of goiter of research on iodine and its relationship to cognitive

development (14). From the 18 publications suitable the global, national, provincial, county or community
for study they reported a large negative effect on the level. The planning process needs to involve key
cognitive function of subjects born in iodine deficient change agents and be adaptable to the situation where
situations compared with controls (d = 0.9). The mean they will be introduced. Any such plan can be broken
IQ scores in the iodine deficient group and the non- down to its components. However all components are
iodine deficient group are 0.9 SD, or 13.5 IQ points highly linked and their relationships to each other are
apart. In other words, a child with an average score in as important as the elements themselves. These key

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the noniodine-deficient group scores higher than 82% elements include: Õ)advocacy; 2} interventions,- 3)
of the children from the iodine deficient group. Other communications and social marketing; and 4} evalu
consequences of iodine deficiency include increased ation. These components are closely linked and re
stillbirths and increased perinatal and infant mor quire the support and perspectives of good
tality. management and benefit from ongoing applied re
search and development (4).


In 1991 using the best available data from many
sources including member states and other interna Since the mid 1980s, The International Council for
tional and bilateral organizations, the World Health the Control of Iodine Deficiency Disorders (ICCIDD)
Organization estimated that 20% of humanity live in has been instrumental in focusing the world's at
areas at risk of iodine deficiency. The at risk and tention on iodine deficiency disorders. The ICCIDD,
affected persons live in 95 countries (15). The preva founded by Basil Hetzel, has pioneered in the areas of
lence and morbidity of iodine deficiency disorders advocacy and research and development for iodine
throughout the world requires further elucidation. It deficiency disorders elimination. The board met for
is only recently that scientists are beginning to ap the first time in Katmandu, Nepal, and since then has
preciate that the effects of iodine deficiency may be met annually or bi-annually and has been active in
insidious, causing mild to moderate intellectual im advocating the global elimination of iodine deficiency
pairment without the overt clinical signs of iodine disorders through international, regional and national
deficiency disorders. The development of a new sen forums and training events, technical forums, publica
sitive TSH whole blood filter paper based assay has tions and consultations (17).
detected prevalence of mild to moderately elevated Elimination of micronutrient malnutrition, in
TSH of -20-40% among newborns in China and In cluding iodine deficiency disorders, is on the global
donesia (16). These findings are consistent with wide agenda. Seventy-one heads of state and senior policy
spread iodine deficiency disorders and represent a makers from 80 other countries attended The World
threat to the normal neurologic and somatic de Summit for Children in September, 1990 and en
velopment of these infants. In fact, developing fetuses dorsed The World Declaration and 1990-2000 Plan of
and infants up to the age of 2 y are most susceptible Action on the Survival, Protection and Development
to the effects of iodine deficiency disorders. Although of Children (18). The plan stated that the world is in a
iodine deficiency disorders is 100% preventable, most position to "overcome the worst forms of mal
of its effects are irreversible after the second year of nutrition ... to halve protein-energy malnutrition, vir
life (1). tually eliminate iodine deficiency disorders, virtually
The full scope of iodine deficiency disorders mor eliminate vitamin-A deficiency and its consequences,
bidity is entirely preventable with the administration including blindness, and to reduce by one third the
of the appropriate dose of iodine. The exposure or risk 1990 levels of iron deficiency anemia among women
factor for iodine deficiency disorders is soil that lacks of child-bearing age". Recognizing the possibilities
sufficient iodine and as such represents a regional created by this global movement, a historic con
exposure. Iodine deficiency disorders has been noted ference "Ending Hidden Hunger: a Policy Conference
to affect not only whole families but large proportions on Micronutrient Malnutrition" was convened by the
of villagers because the regions in which it occurs are World Health Organization and the United Nations
often remote and depend exclusively on locally Children Fund (UNICEF) in Montreal in October of
produced food. While the regional nature of the ex 1991. The meeting was supported by the international
posure may result in a high percentage of family development agencies of the United States and
members or village inhabitants being affected, it also Canada, the World Bank, UNICEF, the United Na
means that intervention can be targeted regionally tions Development Program (UNDP), the Food and
and efforts focused. Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
The development of strategic plans for the elimi (FAO) and WHO. In attendance were three hundred
nation of iodine deficiency disorders is critical to the ministers, policy-leaders and scientists from 55 coun
success of the process. This is relevant to activities at tries. There were representatives from more than 50

intergovernment, bilateral and nongovernment or organizations (Disabled Association of China, China

ganizations actively interested in collaborating to Medical Association, women and children groups) and
overcome micronutrient malnutrition. As an international nongovernment organizations (ICCIDD
outcome of the conference, governments have begun and PAMM) are also committed to support the new
to include the elimination of micronutrient mal national program.
nutrition as key elements of their plans for national Recently, other governments are agreeing to meet
development (3). the challenge of elimination of iodine deficiency dis
In individual countries, multi-sectoral public orders. At the 1992 International Conference on

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health programs are required on a scale commen Nutrition in Rome, governments again confirmed
surate with the size and extent of the national their commitment to summit goals, this time
micronutrient malnutrition problem. Since 1991 the specifying particular policies and plans for meeting
Program Against Micronutrient Malnutrition these goals. Fortification, supplementation, dietary
(PAMM) supported by UNICEF and the International diversification, and other public health measures are
Development Agency of the United States of America feasible methods of preventing micronutrient mal
(USAID) commenced international training and tech nutrition. Newly emerging laboratory and infor
nical support programs. The strategic focus of PAMM mation technologies are simpler, more accurate, more
is to assist national governments to develop and acceptable and less costly than previous technologies,
sustain the technical and management systems that so countries will be able to readily determine where
are required for such programs. interventions are needed, and to monitor program
President Suharto of Indonesia included the elimi activities (19).
nation of iodine deficiency disorders in his election United Nations agencies including UNICEF and
platform. The 1992 iodine deficiency disorders WHO have set a number of mid-decade goals towards
control budget is three times that of the total 1991 achieving the goals of the World Summit for
nutrition budget. President Ramos in the Philippines Children. Universal access by the entire population to
has included the control of micronutrient mal iodized salt in all countries with a serious iodine
nutrition in the program for the first 100 days of deficiency disorders problem is perhaps the most tan
office. The Health Ministers in the South Asia Region gible of these goals. This means that much attention
Countries (SARC) have declared they wish to achieve is being placed upon upgrading the salt system in
elimination by 1995. Similar high level political com many countries, with new processing, packaging,
mitments are being made around the world. transport, storage and marketing systems.
High level regional and national advocacy meetings
are being conducted to address the goal of the elimi
nation of iodine deficiency disorders by the year 2000 INTERVENTIONS
such as the "Ending Hidden Hunger" Meeting in the
Philippines, June 9-10, 1993, where President Ramos Salt (in many countries), tea (in Tibet), water sup
addressed his cabinet, private industry and governors plies (in certain parts of Asia and Africa), fish paste (in
of provinces and the international community to Thailand) and bread (in Australia) are examples of
ensure success of the national program. The "Na
foods that have been fortified to furnish iodine to
tional Advocacy Meeting to eliminate Iodine Defi iodine-deficient populations. Iodized salt may be the
ciency Disorders by 2000" in the Great Hall of the
ideal way to deliver iodine to populations. It is
People, Beijing, China, September 21-24, 1993, spon universally consumed and in a consistent amount
sored by the state council launched a new national throughout the year. Because it is purchased, the cost
initiative to eliminate iodine deficiency disorders as a of sustaining the intervention can be passed on to
public health problem in China by the year 2000. If consumers. Iodine in salt can be delivered in a physio
successful, this will reduce by 30% the world's popu logic dose with no side effects or toxicity and is very
lation at risk for iodine deficiency disorders. This cost effective at 2-4 cents per person per year. There
meeting also heralded a new level of national cooper are numerous issues that affect the efficacy of salt
ation. It included, the highest level of government iodization programs. These include poor or poorly
(premier, vice-premier, state council, seventeen enforceable legislation for fortification, poor quality
ministers). A new multi-sectorial program of ac of salt, poor packaging, storage and transport proce
tivities (health,.industry, agriculture, education, com dures for iodine retention at households, multiple
munication and finance) was launched. This included small scale salt producers, inadequate or incorrect
the commitment of twenty provincial governors. labeling and market factors that inflate the cost of
There was cooperation and coordination of support iodized salt.
efforts from the national UN system representatives Iodine may also be delivered in oil either by in
(UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, FAO and the World Bank) jection or oral capsules. This has the advantage that a
and representatives of some of the bilateral donors single dose will supply adequate iodine for 1-3 years;
(Australia and Canada). The national nongovernment however, the dose is rather large and its safety in

certain populations, e.g., pregnant women, is not and monitoring are limited, other approaches need to
clear. The cost is approximately U.S. $0.08 per year be taken. These include spot sampling or "lot quality
per person for oral iodized oil and U.S. $0.50 for assurance" in suspected affected regions to determine
iodized oil injection. This strategy may be more ap whether or not a program is in place. Issues of
propriate for remote regions which are problematic representativeness of the sample in these circum
from the point of view of salt distribution and stances are much less important. Assessments need to
transport on a regular basis. In addition, no national be made upon the efficacy of the program as well as

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legislation is required (4). the status of the population (4, 19).


The Program Against Micronutrient Malnutrition
Programs directed towards the sustained elimi in Atlanta has provided in-depth multi-sectorial on
nation of iodine deficiency disorders need to be going training and technical support to 100 par
broadly based so that interventions become accepted ticipants involved in national iodine deficiency dis
community practices. Hence program tactics need to orders control from 20 countries during the last two
be synchronous with this objective and dependent years. Training is then being replicated in country to
upon the empowerment of people to agree with and build strong provincial units. These units focus in
arrange for an adequate intake of iodine. To achieve turn on the county or community. The establishment
and sustain this status requires a network of people of an ongoing technical communication network and
within various organizations who consider it worth expert in country consultation are also an essential
while to commit to this endeavor (20, 21). part of this process. Other training and support pro
grams are being implemented from a number of other
institutions. Cooperation among these training and
SURVEILLANCE AND MONITORING support centers would facilitate the elimination of
iodine deficiency disorders.
Accurate assessments of the extent of
micronutrient malnutrition throughout the world are
not currently available and are subject to change on a RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT
yearly basis. There are several reasons for this. Many
of the most seriously affected countries have only Newly developed laboratory and information tech
recently recognized the importance of iodine defi nologies are simpler, more accurate, more acceptable
ciency disorders. Most of the affected countries do not and less costly than those previously available so that
have up-to-date epidemiological data on iodine defi countries now can readily determine the magnitude
ciency disorders but have instead information about and distribution of the problem and evaluate potential
outdated small selective studies in certain areas. The solutions. Further innovations in advocacy, commu
nature of iodine deficiency disorders is such that it is nications and social marketing, interventions and
not overtly evident in the affected populations. Hence evaluation would enhance the potential for successful
the term "hidden hunger" has been coined by
UNICEF and WHO. Frequently used clinical criteria
of cretinism in the population and goiter in school
children are highly subjective. When tested against
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Andean children—a preliminary report. In: Endemic Goiter
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