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Exercise A.Base on the documentary posted in classroom, fill the following information.

as a reference the slide share in the material.

Type of movie Documentary

Title Documentary STI

Synopsis This documentary seeks to inform about the

different sexually transmitted diseases and
their symptoms.

Description It is a short, entertaining documentary that

provides very useful information.

The story the story is about the symptoms of sex

transition nurses and the edta documentary
made by some students from ms university
of cartagena.

Conclusión After viewing the documentary, we can

conclude that sexually transmitted nurses
have some symptoms in common and that
the form of transmission is through direct
contact. For this reason, it is important to
use condoms in sexual relations.

Exercise B. Plan the synopsis for your movie proposal. Fill in the chart below.
Choose a topic that will be interesting to a wide audience.Here are some possible topics: a
famous person history, a famous artist or performer, an important event, an inspirational true
story. Choose a topic for a documentary.

1. What particular aspect of the person or event is most interesting to you? Why?

- In general, the controversial life of Freddy Mercury seems really interesting to me,
since behind all his talent and incredible shows there was a story full of secrets,
follies, drugs, and serious health problems due to excesses.

2. What message or theme do you want your movie to communicate? How will your
documentary do this?

- I would like more people to know the music and the talent that this great artist had
and I also want to teach that no matter the race or sexuality, anyone can be a great
artist and we all deserve respect for be who we are.

3. What events will you focus on in order to convey your theme?

- I will focus on various events in Freddy's life. some of his concerts, his controversies
with Queen, his excesses and his final time in which he suffered from AIDS.

TITLE AND THEME Mercury life's

MAIN CHARACTERS OR EVENTS Freddy Mercury, queen and Mary


REASONS WHY THIS IS AN Mercury's life is interesting because it

INTERESTING TOPIC hides many secrets about Queen and
also about Freddy himself.

INFORMATION ABOUT WHAT WILL the different stages of Freddy's life. The
BE IN THE MOVIE/DOCUMENTARTY. rise of Freddy's career and its end.

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