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Miss. Jocelinne Bernales.

Idioma Extranjero: inglés

Departamento de Inglés

English Diagnostic test for 8th grade


Item I

LISTEN to your teacher and circle 5 verb you hear.

Miss. Jocelinne Bernales.
Idioma Extranjero: inglés
Departamento de Inglés
Item II. picture matching Write the correct words in the boxes below the


Miss. Jocelinne Bernales.
Idioma Extranjero: inglés
Departamento de Inglés

 Item IV Present simple: Complete the sentences. Use present simple

affirmative or negative of the verb in the box.
do - speak- live (X2)- go -have - play – study – understand –
ride- watch – work

Example: I don’t understand (x) this exercise. It’s difficult.

1. My sister always _____ in her bedroom.
2. _____ you have any pets? No, I don’t
3. Maria ______________ (x) to collegue by bus. She walks.
4. Joseph ________ Italian Very well.
5. Chris ____________(x) in Peru. He ______in Brazil.
6. I usually ______ with my friends on the weekends.
7. Eliza ____________(x) a lot of TV. She prefers readings.
8. Max _______ as a waiter at my favorite Restaurant.
9. Christine ______ (x) two brothers. She has 3 sisters.
10. George ______ his bike every day.


Miss. Jocelinne Bernales.
Idioma Extranjero: inglés
Departamento de Inglés

1. I _________ from China

a) am b) is c) are
2. Leticia _________ very pretty 6. I ___________ fourteen years old.
a) am b) is c) are a) am b) is c) are
3. Oh no, it ________ raining again! 7. Rick and Geena _______ good
a) am b) is c) are students
4. They _________ (x) married. 8. a) am b) is c) are
a) am not b) isn’t c) aren’t 9. Chile _________ (x) the biggest
5. Josh and I _______ late for the country in the World
class. a) am not b) is not c) are not
a) am b) is c) are 10. I __________ (x) an old woman.
a) am b) is c) are

I elaborated the diagnostic test with those items , following

the previous knowledge from Plans and programs of the
MINEDUC which says that in 8th grade of elementary school
, students should have as a prior knowledge, the present
simple so in that context I created 5 items in which students
can demonstrate how much they know or have acquire from
previous years in the English subject and if they are meeting
the standards that the MINEDUC has stipulated in the plans
and programs.
Also, I created an Oral English test based on the levels of
English that a student must have in this level. According to
that, I designed different A1 questions to students and see if
they complete or demonstrate their knowledge in terms of
speaking section. As a part of the Oral English test I
designed a simple rubric to evaluate the speaking part.
Miss. Jocelinne Bernales.
Idioma Extranjero: inglés
Departamento de Inglés


 Hello. How are you today? What's your name?

 Can you spell it for me?
 Where are you from?
 Do you like it there? Why (not)?
 What do you do in your free time? Do you like any sports?
 What do you normally do at the weekend?

Level Student’s speaking ability ✓/X COMMENTS
Able to convey basic meaning in
very familiar or highly
predictable situations.
Produces utterances which tend
to be very short- words or
phrases – with frequent
hesitations and pauses.
Level Dependent on rehearsed or
A1-A2 formulaic phrases with limited
generative capacity
Only able to produce limited
extended discourse.
Pronunciation is heavily
influenced by A2 features and
may at times be difficult to
Requires prompting and
Miss. Jocelinne Bernales.
Idioma Extranjero: inglés
Departamento de Inglés
assistance by an interlocutor to
prevent communication from
breaking down

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