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J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2012) 39:383–399

DOI 10.1007/s10295-011-1082-9


Industrial production of recombinant therapeutics

in Escherichia coli and its recent advancements
Chung-Jr Huang · Henry Lin · Xiaoming Yang

Received: 7 October 2011 / Accepted: 29 December 2011 / Published online: 18 January 2012
 Society for Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 2012

Abstract Nearly 30% of currently approved recombinant Introduction

therapeutic proteins are produced in Escherichia coli. Due
to its well-characterized genetics, rapid growth and high- Proteins have been considered important therapeutic enti-
yield production, E. coli has been a preferred choice and a ties since the early 1900s when major resources were only
workhorse for expression of non-glycosylated proteins in available from plants and animals. With the advent of
the biotech industry. There is a wealth of knowledge and recombinant DNA technology in the 1970s, however, it
comprehensive tools for E. coli systems, such as expression was discovered that recombinant protein therapeutics could
vectors, production strains, protein folding and fermenta- be produced by E. coli in a robust and economic manner. In
tion technologies, that are well tailored for industrial appli- the early 1980s, the FDA approved the first E. coli-pro-
cations. Advancement of the systems continues to meet the duced recombinant insulin for diabetes treatment, opening
current industry needs, which are best illustrated by the the door and creating a model for developments of other
recent drug approval of E. coli produced antibody frag- recombinant therapeutics. Since then, in addition to E. coli,
ments and Fc-fusion proteins by the FDA. Even more, different expression hosts such as yeast, filamentous fungi,
recent progress in expression of complex proteins such as insect cells and mammalian cells have become available for
full-length aglycosylated antibodies, novel strain engineer- producing different or more complex recombinant thera-
ing, bacterial N-glycosylation and cell-free systems further peutics such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs).
suggests that complex proteins and humanized glycopro- Today, more than 151 unique recombinant therapeutics
teins may be produced in E. coli in large quantities. This have been approved by the FDA and/or by the European
review summarizes the current technology used for com- Medicines Agency for different clinical indications. One-
mercial production of recombinant therapeutics in E. coli third of these approved protein therapeutics are produced
and recent advances that can potentially expand the use of in E. coli, indicating that it is a major workhorse for
this system toward more sophisticated protein therapeutics. recombinant therapeutic production (Table 1) [15, 25, 29].
Compared to other recombinant microorganisms, E. coli
Keywords Escherichia coli · Recombinant therapeutics remains the most attractive because of its well-character-
production · Aglycosylated antibody · E. coli N-linked ized genetics, versatile cloning tools and expression sys-
glycosylation · Cell-free systems tems, and the fact that it has been successfully used to
express vastly different proteins. It is also advantageous to
use E. coli for industrial scale production because of its
rapid growth, low-cost media, ease of scale-up and capabil-
C.-J. Huang (&) · H. Lin · X. Yang (&) ity to produce therapeutics with high yield and quality.
Cell Sciences & Technology, AMGEN Inc, However, there are also some limitations to using E. coli
Thousand Oaks, CA, USA as an expression host. These include the inability to per-
e-mail: form certain posttranslational modifications (such as glyco-
X. Yang sylation) and insufficiencies in proteolytic protein
e-mail: maturation and disulfide bond formation [48]. Such
384 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2012) 39:383–399

Table 1 Recent approved protein therapeutics using E. coli as an expression host

Generic name/protein (brand name) Indications Approved date, place and company

Ranibizumab (Lucentis) Wet type age-related macular degeneration 2006 US, 2007 EU, Genentech
Somatropin (Accretropin) Growth hormone deficiency; Turner syndrome 2008 US, Cangene
Certolizumab pegol (Cimzia) Crohn’s disease 2008 US, 2009 EU, UCBa
PEG interferon alfa-2b (PegIntron) Chronic hepatitis C infection 2008 US, Schering-Plough
Romiplostim (Nplate) Chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura 2008 US, Amgen
Interferon beta 1b (Extavia) Multiple sclerosis 2008 EU, 2009 US, Novartis
Pegloticase (Krystexxa) Chronic gout 2010 US, Savient Pharms
Data were collected from and; a Union Chimique Belge

drawbacks prohibit E. coli from expressing some complex production yield by 25-fold in a batch bioreactor. This high
and important therapeutics, such as mAbs, where both cor- productivity was attributed to low acetate accumulation,
rect folding and glycosylation play crucial roles in their bio- although cell growth was compromised [124]. The E. coli B
logical activities. Nevertheless, E. coli continues to be used to strain was first designed and engineered by Studier and
produce other important recombinant therapeutics. In this Moffatt, and has been a model strain for studying phage
review, we will discuss important considerations for produc- sensitivity, restriction-modification systems, bacterial evo-
ing protein therapeutics in E. coli, with an emphasis on com- lution and recombinant protein expression in laboratories as
mercial production. Recent advancements in protein well as in the biotech industry [100]. Since its original use,
expression in E. coli, such as complex protein production, the B strain has been modified and engineered to create
bacterial N-linked glycosylation, novel strain engineering additional strains, such as BL21, C41 and C43, that have
and creation of E. coli cell-free systems, will also be covered. different capabilities to express varying types of proteins. B
strain and its derivatives have several advantages such as
low acetate accumulation under high glucose concentra-
Expression considerations for recombinant therapeutics tions, specific protease deficiencies and high outer mem-
in E. coli brane permeability, making them desirable hosts for
expression of protein therapeutics [82, 107, 112].
Host Some E. coli strains have also been designed to tailor for
special needs. Recently, Caparon and coworkers have
Escherichia coli K12 and its derivatives are the main shown that deletion of fours genes, dppA, oppA, malE and
strains used in recombinant therapeutic production in the ompT, of the E. coli strain BC50 can significantly reduce
biotech industry. A big advantage using E. coli K12 was the level of host cell contaminants in recombinant Apolipo-
given by the National Institutes of Health when it made this protein A 1 Milano production, with no adverse effects on
strain the standard and provided guidelines for safety. In fermentation productivity [10]. To improve the secretion of
addition, large-scale industrial production with E. coli periplasmic recombinant proteins, an E. coli strain with
requires approval by the local Biosafety Authority, which compromised outer membrane structure has been engi-
may be reluctant to approve other E. coli strains without the neered to increase the extracellular secretion of antibody
same safety level as E. coli K12. Common K12 derivatives fragments [72]. Details of examples of novel strain engi-
used in the biotech industry include E. coli RV308 and neering for improved therapeutic production will be dis-
W3110 [14, 28]. cussed in the latter sections of this review.
To further improve recombinant protein production, sev-
eral studies have genetically modified K12 strains to reduce Vector design
acetate accumulation during the cell growth. Acetate is an
undesirable by-product formed during aerobic fermenta- Optimal gene transcription is normally a function of both
tion, and its accumulation at a high concentration has nega- gene dosage (plasmid) and promoter functionality. The pro-
tive effects on cell growth and recombinant protein ductivity of recombinant protein is known to be affected by
production [19]. Reducing glucose consumption and redi- plasmid copy number and its structural and segregational
recting carbon flow from acetate formation pathway are the stability. Choosing the optimal plasmid copy number is
two major strategies used to engineer low acetate produc- critical. Too low of a copy number will result in a low
tion strains. For example, by deletion of the pstHI operon in mRNA pool, as well as low protein productivity. A high
E. coli GJT 001, Wong and coworkers increased protein copy number generally leads to high productivity; however,
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2012) 39:383–399 385

Table 2 Commonly used Promoters Induction methods Key features

promoters for protein
therapeutics production in
lac IPTG Relative low-level expression; titratable; leaky
E. coli [38, 85, 111, 112]
tac, trc IPTG High-level expression; titratable; leaky
T7 IPTG Very high-level expression; titratable; leaky
Phage ß pR, pL Temperature shift High-level expression; tight control
PhoA Phosphate depletion High-level expression; tight control; media limitation
plux Homoserine lactone High-level expression; tight control; inexpensive inducer

it also tends to impose metabolic burdens on cells. The in most cases, the induction must be independent of the
plasmid copy number depends largely on the replication of media components.
origin, which dictates either flexible or rigid control over a Multiple promoters have been successfully used to pro-
plasmid. Both high copy number plasmids (e.g., pUC, 500– duce different recombinant proteins in the past (Table 2).
700 copies) and medium copy number plasmids (e.g., Among them, lac and its derivatives, tac and trc, are com-
pBR322, 15–20 copies) have been used for therapeutic pro- monly used both in basic research and industry [29, 38].
duction in E. coli [14, 38]. The synthetic tac and trc promoters are stronger than lac,
For large-scale therapeutic production, the use of high and all of them are induced by isopropyl-þ-D-thiogalacto-
copy number plasmids is not desirable. First, in order to pyranoside (IPTG). Since IPTG is used to derepress the lac
maintain high copy number plasmids in cells, selection repressor, the expression level of recombinant protein is
markers such as antibiotics are usually required and titratable by varying the IPTG concentration in the media.
included in the growth media. However, the FDA discour- IPTG, however, is expensive and toxic to some E. coli
ages the use of antibiotics in clinical manufacturing, as they strains. To circumvent these drawbacks, a thermosensitive
cause allergic reactions in some patients and raise concerns lac repressor mutant is available to induce protein expres-
over the development of drug-resistant pathogens. Second, sion by shifting temperature instead of using IPTG [3].
high copy number plasmids have been shown to possess T7 promoter from T7 bacteriophage is another powerful
higher segregational instability, especially in the absence of system that is widely used for recombinant protein expres-
antibiotics [7, 27]. This leads to the overgrowth of plasmid- sion. It is specifically recognized by T7 bacteriophage RNA
free cells, resulting in a significant loss of protein produc- polymerase, which can elongate DNA chains five times
tivity. Lastly, production and maintenance of high copy faster than E. coli RNA polymerase. Typically, the chromo-
number plasmids in cells require tremendous energy, which some of the host strain contains a prophage (ßDE3) encod-
will inevitably reduce cell growth and protein synthesis. ing T7 bacteriophag RNA polymerase that is under the
Therefore, high copy number plasmids are normally used control of a lac promoter derivative, L8-UV5. This new
for the expression of recombinant therapeutic genes for version of the lac promoter is less dependent on the cyclic
gene therapy [11]. AMP level and is less sensitive to glucose repression.
An ideal expression system is critical for high-level ther- Therefore, the T7 system is generally considered a stronger
apeutic production in E. coli to allow tightly regulated and protein expression system than the lac system. It can lead to
efficient transcription. Choosing an appropriate vector sys- very high recombinant protein expression, and production
tem is largely dictated by the strength and the control of its of up to 50% of the total cell protein has been reported,
promoter. To ensure high-level expression, a promoter with mostly in the form of inclusion bodies [7, 94]. Neverthe-
certain characteristics must be incorporated into the plas- less, basal expression is a commonly found problem in the
mid [38]. For example, the promoter has to be strong to T7 system. Despite the fact that co-expression of T7 lyso-
allow the recombinant protein production to account for zyme using pLysS or pLysE plasmids can improve the con-
10–30% or more of total cellular protein. It should also be trol over the T7 promoter, expression of T7 lysozyme can
tightly regulated with limited basal expression in the non- also increase cell stress and reduce recombinant protein
induced state. Leaky expression can cause metabolic bur- yield [107]. Although the T7 system can lead to a very high
dens on the cells during the growth period by diverting the level of protein expression, it is not commonly used in the
carbon and energy source to premature protein formation. industry.
This situation can be detrimental when the expressed pro- A thermo-regulated promoter system, such as bacterio-
tein is highly toxic. In addition, some promoters must be phage lambda pL and/or pR promoters, has also been used
used within specific E. coli strains to achieve optimal pro- for production of many therapeutic proteins. Inclusion of
tein expression. Other important considerations are that the the temperature-sensitive cI857 repressor cassette in the
induction method should be simple and cost-effective, and, plasmid allows control of the pL and pR promoter by
386 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2012) 39:383–399

changing the growth temperature. The cI857 repressor longer SD sequences in expression of recombinant green
blocks transcription at 28–37°C and is inactivated at 42°C. fluorescent protein (rGFP). In this study, incorporation of
Therefore, recombinant gene expression is induced when an A/U-rich upstream enhancer further improved rGFP
temperature is shifted to 42°C. Notably, many human thera- expression by 13-fold. Modifying the TIR region to avoid
peutics, such as interferon-y, insulin, tumor necrosis factor possible mRNA secondary structures that reduce the acces-
and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, have been suc- sibility of the SD and/or the start codon is also critical to
cessfully produced by this system with high yield [111]. achieve optimal protein expression. For example, a single
This system is especially suitable for large-scale industrial base mutation at the SD region could decrease the expres-
production because it is highly productive, easy to operate sion of RNA bacteriophage MS2 coat protein by 500-fold
and scale up, and, importantly, it minimizes culture con- [103]. Exposing the AUG start codon from a base-paired
tamination. On the other hand, high temperature induction mRNA structure significantly improved the translation
may have other drawbacks, such as reduced cell growth and efficiency of IL-10 in E. coli and resulted in a 10-fold
increased cell stresses (heat shock response and SOS increase in IL-10 production compared to the wild-type
response) in addition to the stress caused by the recombi- genes [133]. Recently, a biophysical model of translation
nant protein expression. Together, these stresses may com- initiation was developed that can design synthetic ribosome
promise protein yield and quality. The lambda pL and/or binding sites targeting different translation initiation rates
pR promoter can also become constitutive at lower temper- ( This technology enables
atures, making this system ideal for production of soluble rational control and fine-tuning in recombinant protein
or proteolytically susceptible proteins [70]. expression [87]. This precision is especially important for
Nutritionally inducible promoters, such as phoA and trp, recombinant protein secretion as a high translation rate may
are also commercially available and used in recombinant overwhelm the secretory apparatus, leading to low produc-
therapeutic production. The phoA promoter has been used tion yields. In fact, for enhanced recombinant protein secre-
to successfully express full-length antibodies and antibody tion in E. coli, optimizing, as opposed to maximizing, the
fragments in E. coli [97]. In these cases, media composition translation level usually leads to high-level secretion of
should be carefully designed in both batch media and the recombinant therapeutics [97, 98].
feed to ensure phosphate depletion and protein induction. The stability (half-life) of mRNA also affects the protein
Normally, the induction will occur over a broader range of expression rate in E. coli. Degradation of mRNA in E. coli
time compared to other promoters [83]. Another robust and is mediated by several different RNases, including
tightly regulated promoter is the lux system. By taking the endonucleases (RNase E, K and III) and 3' exonucleases
quorum sensing elements from Vibrio fisheri, gene expres- (RNase II and polynucleotide phosphorylase). The enzy-
sion is controlled by the luxI promoter, and transcription is matic activities of these RNases also depend upon the
activated by addition of the autoinducer, Acyl homoserine growth conditions [12, 38]. For high-level recombinant
lactone (AHL). AHL is typically used at 1/1,000 of the con- protein expression, two common strategies have been used
centration of IPTG in other systems, making it a very cost- to improve mRNA stability: the introduction of protective
effective system at an industrial scale [108]. elements at two ends of the mRNA and the inhibition of
RNase activities by strain engineering and by manipulating
Protein translation growth conditions [6]. It has been shown that adding the 5'
UTR of ompA can prolong the half-life of a number of het-
Protein translation in E. coli can be divided into four erologous mRNAs in E. coli by incorporating a stem loop
phases: initiation, elongation, termination and ribosome structure at or near the 5' terminus of the mRNA [67]. Fus-
cycling. In most cases, translation initiation is a rate-limit- ing the transcription terminator of the penP gene from
ing step for protein biosynthesis. The efficiency is deter- Bacillus thuringiensis to the cDNA of human IL-2 signifi-
mined by the sequence and structure of the translation cantly enhanced the mRNA stability and improved IL-2
initiation region (TIR) at the 5' end of each mRNA [87, production in E. coli [67]. Lopez and colleagues showed
90]. The TIR is composed of four different sequences: (1) that the C-terminal region of the rne gene, which encodes
the Shine-Dalgarno (SD) sequence, (2) the start codon, (3) RNase E, is required for mRNA degradation. They found
the spacer between the SD and the start codon, and (4) that mutation of E. coli rne can increase mRNA stability
translational enhancers located at the upstream of the SD and improve recombinant protein yields [63]. Strains con-
and/or downstream of the start codon. Modulation of TIR taining this mutation are currently commercially available.
sequences has been shown to improve or control recombi- In addition to the TIR sequence and mRNA stability,
nant protein expression in E. coli [1, 98, 123]. Vimberg species-speciWc variation in codon usage (codon bias)
et al. [119] demonstrated that a six-nucleotide SD between E. coli and other organisms can also affect protein
(AGGAGG) sequence is more efficient than other shorter or translation. Expression of heterologous genes containing
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2012) 39:383–399 387

rare codons can lead to growth arrest, premature transla- processing, IBs can be easily isolated after cell disruption,
tional termination and increased frameshifts, deletions and and the resultant IB paste can be stored frozen for several
misincorporations in the recombinant proteins, especially if months, providing manufacturing flexibility. Together,
the rare codons are clustered together [30, 31]. One method these characteristics allow IBs to be produced at high yield,
to overcome codon bias is to synthetically optimize the as well as isolated and purified with simple and minimal
gene sequence with codons preferably used by E. coli. Sev- efforts. However, this method also has its downside. Espe-
eral design algorithms are available to optimize protein cially, the refolding of IBs to active protein represents a
expression in E. coli and other hosts [79, 118]. For exam- challenge, because efficient and high-yield refolding
ple, the expression of a soluble scFv (against hepatitis B requires considerable optimization for each target protein.
antigen) in the periplasm was increased more than 100-fold Resolubilization of IBs using chaotropic agents may also
in a codon-optimized sequence compared to the original affect the integrity of the refolded proteins [86]. Even so,
gene [109]. Supplementing cognate tRNA for rare codons acceptable recovery usually can be achieved at large indus-
is another effective strategy to remedy codon bias. The trial scale by using established strategies [18, 60].
E. coli Rosetta (DE3) strain contains a plasmid (pRARE)
encoding tRNA for codons that are commonly used by Soluble proteins
eukaryotes but rarely used in E. coli. Using this strain to
express different human recombinant proteins, Tegel et al. Production of soluble and bioactive protein without the
[106] showed that protein yields were increased for 35 of requirement of refolding can also be achieved in the E. coli
the 68 tested proteins. This strain is especially more cytoplasm. Two strategies, reduced growth temperature and
efficient at expressing proteins that are difficult to express improved folding environment, are commonly used to
in E. coli BL21 (DE3). The use of the pRARE plasmid is a enhance the solubility of recombinant protein without
practical method to improve the yield of heterologous pro- changing its protein sequence. Lowering the growth tem-
teins in E. coli and has been demonstrated in several studies perature decreases the rate of protein synthesis and prevents
[30, 33, 37]. accumulation of folding intermediates in the cytoplasm. It
also decreases protein aggregation by reducing both inter-
Cytoplasmic expression and intra-molecular hydrophobic interactions that facilitate
IB formation [21]. This method has been shown to be effec-
Inclusion bodies tive in improving the solubility of a number of diferent
proteins including interferon a-2, Fab fragments and human
Production of functional proteins in E. coli requires a deli- growth hormone (GH) [39, 114].
cate balance between DNA transcription, protein translation Cytoplasmic folding modulators, such as folding chaper-
and protein folding. High-level expression of recombinant ones (e.g., DnaK and GroEL), holding chaperones (e.g.,
protein in E. coli can produce over 30% of total cellular pro- IbpA and B) and disaggregating chaperone (ClpB), play
tein, where folding chaperones and modulators are highly important but distinctive roles in maintaining correct pro-
titrated. In addition, correct folding of many proteins tein folding. Coexpression of these chaperones has been
requires disulfide bond formation and/or glycosylation, reported to improve the solubility of different recombinant
which are absent in the E. coli cytoplasm. Therefore, expres- proteins [53]. For example, with coexpression of GroEL/
sion of many human therapeutic proteins in E. coli generates GroES, 65% of total produced anti-B-type natriuretic
high amounts of unfolded and misfolded proteins in the peptide single chain antibody (scFv) was soluble, which is
cytoplasm, where they tend to aggregate and form inclusion 2.4-fold higher than in the strain without coexpressed chap-
bodies (IBs). erones [66]. However, chaperone coexpression does not
Despite the fact that IBs are biologically inactive, many guarantee improved protein solubility. It could also cause
commercial and developmental therapeutics, such as inter- an extra-metabolic burden to the cells, resulting in low pro-
ferons, interleukins and Fc-fusion proteins, are produced as tein productivity. Different E. coli strains have also been
IBs because of the multiple advantages of these protein developed to improve protein folding and solubility in the
aggregates [29]. High-yield production and versatility to cytoplasm. Disruption of two genes, txrB (thioredoxin
express different proteins are two advantages associated reductase) and gor (glutaredoxin reductase), in E. coli
with IB formation [65]. IBs are also stable protein aggre- improved the folding of recombinant tissue plasminogen
gates and are resistant to protease activities in vivo. In addi- activator by facilitating disulfide bond formation and isom-
tion, proteomic analysis showed that IBs are relatively erization in the cytoplasm. Overexpression of the periplas-
homogeneous in composition, and, in some cases, the mic disulfide bond isomerase (DsbC) in the cytoplasm of
recombinant protein can account for more than 90% of the the same strain further enhanced disulfide bond formation
total imbedded polypeptides [115]. During the downstream [8]. Despite all of the progress made, soluble expression of
388 J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2012) 39:383–399

recombinant therapeutics in the cytoplasm still can lead to isomerase (Skp, FkpA and SurA) could improve the accu-
protein misfolding, relatively low protein yield, laborious mulation of the functional proteins [53]. Overexpressing
downstream processing and susceptibility to proteolytic DsbA and DsbC has been shown to increase the assembly
activities [29]. Therefore, if a soluble protein is desired, efficiency of the light chain and the heavy chain of a full-
soluble periplasmic expression is the preferred route in length antibody in the periplasm from 15 to 95%, as well as
industry. to improve the production titer from 0.1 to 1.05 g/l [83].
Improved yield coupled with enhanced antigen binding
Periplasmic and extracellular secretion afinity of anti-CD20 scFv was achieved when it was coex-
pressed with Skp [69]. Another feasible strategy is to
Periplasmic secretion enhance the solubility of a recombinant protein before its
transport. This can be accomplished by coexpression of
Secretion of recombinant proteins into the periplasm of cytoplasmic folding chaperones (DnaK and DnaJ) to pre-
E. coli offers an attractive approach to produce complex vent aggregation, or export through the TAT system, which
and/or large protein therapeutics. Disulfide bonds are intro- only recognizes folded proteins as substrates [17, 78].
duced by the Dsb protein family in the periplasm, creating
an oxidizing environment to facilitate proper folding of Extracellular secretion
recombinant proteins. The cleavage of the signal peptide
following the translocation is more likely to yield an Extracellular secretion of recombinant proteins not only has
authentic N-terminus of the expressed protein. In addition, the advantages inherited from periplasmic expression, it
compared to the cytoplasm, the periplasm has a lower con- also displays additional attractive features in bioprocessing.
centration of host cell proteins and lower proteolytic activi- Low native protein concentration, decreased protease activ-
ties, so purfication can be easily implemented [67]. ity and far less endotoxin in the extracellular space ensure
Therefore, a variety of different recombinant proteins is easy purification and better protein quality. Secretion of
produced by periplasmic secretion, including commercial- recombinant proteins out of the periplasm also improves
ized Fab fragments (Leucentis® and Cimza®) and some the production capacity and alleviates some stresses
clinical therapeutics, such as full-length aglycosylated anti- derived from overexpression of recombinant proteins. Sev-
bodies and scFvs [45, 74]. eral approaches have been explored to facilitate recombi-
Recombinant proteins are typically exported to the peri- nant protein secretion in E. coli in the past, which include a
plasm via one of three pathways that utilize the type II secretory fusion partner from E. coli type I and V secretion
secretion system of E. coli: Sec-dependent, SRP-dependent systems. Hemolysin toxin (HlyA) can be directly secreted
and twin-arginine translocation (TAT) [71]. The targeting from cytoplasm to the extracellular milieu using the hemol-
of recombinant protein to each pathway is normally deter- ysin transport system, which forms a protein channel across
mined by the secretion signal fused to the N-terminus of the the inner and outer membranes [71]. By fusing the HlyA
protein. Different Sec-dependent secretion signals have secretion signal at the C-terminus, recombinant IL-6 and
been successfully used for recombinant therapeutic secre- scFv were successfully secreted into the culture medium at
tion, including OmpA, LamB, PhoA, STII, endoxylanase concentrations of 2 and 7 mg/l, respectively [16, 24]. Auto-
from Bacillus sp. and PelB from Erwinia carotovora [16]. transporters, such as AIDA-1, have also been used for the
For example, high-level periplasmic expression of granulo- secretion of recombinant proteins used in vaccines, such as
cyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) at 4.2 g/l has been cholera toxin and OspA, an outer membrane lipoprotein A
reported by using the endoxylanase signal peptide, and the of Borrelia burgdorferi [44]. To identify more secretory
secreted insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-1) reached 4.3 g/l fusion partners, Qian and colleagues analyzed the secre-
when utilizing the LamB signal peptide [43, 129]. In addi- tome of E. coli BL21 and found 22 potential proteins, of
tion to the signal peptide, the efficiency of protein secretion which OsmY, an osmotically inducible protein, was the
also depends on the host strain, promoter strength, cultiva- most promising. OsmY-Leptin was excreted into the cul-
tion temperature and type of protein to be secreted. There- ture medium at the concentration of 0.25 g/l, which was the
fore, in most cases, a trial-and-error approach is required to highest titer among the screened proteins, in a fermentor
optimize protein secretion. culture [80]. This approach, however, required removal of
Despite many successful studies, high-level secretion the fusion protein in the latter purification process.
usually overwhelms the translocation machinery, as well as Another strategy is to modify the outer membrane struc-
folding capacity in the periplasm, leading to IB formation ture to promote non-specific release of periplasmic pro-
and misfolding of recombinant proteins. In these cases, teins. Deletion of lpp, an outer membrane lipoprotein,
coexpression of periplasmic chaperones such as disulfide signiWcantly increased the outer membrane permeability,
bond oxidase (DsbA), isomerase (DsbC) and peptidylprolyl while showing limited growth defects [75]. It has been
demonstrated recently that an lpp mutant can efficiently
J Ind Microbiol Biotechnol (2012) 39:383–399 389
approved antibody fragments were produced in the peri-
secrete antibody fragments at yields over 2.2 g/l in 10-l fer- plasm, indicating that this technology is now commercially
mentors [72, 130]. The reduced guanosine tetraphosphate competitive. In addition, improved extracellular protein
formation in relA and spoT mutants also affected membrane secretion now can be achieved in leaky strains. These devel-
flexibility, and increased secretion of different recombinant opments allow the industry to leverage the benefits in each
proteins in these strains has been reported [96]. In addition E. coli expression method and provide flexibility in protein
to strain engineering, other parameters such as medium
expression. High cell density fermentation in E. coli can fur-
composition and cell growth rate also have impacts on pro-
ther enhance the overall productivity of recombinant thera-
tein secretion. For example, supplementation of 2% glycine
peutics. Various tools, including different feeding strategies
and 1% Triton X-100 was suggested to change the mor-
and scale-up protocols, have been established to ensure
phology and integrity of the cell membrane, and this addi-
high-yield protein production at a manufacturing scale.
tion increased the excretion of the scFv-TNF-a fusion
However, challenges remain for the continued use of E. coli
protein from 0.3 to 50 mg/l [125]. Different growth rates
for protein production, because of its assumed inability to
were also found to influence different degrees of periplas-
express some complex and glycosylated proteins. Recently,
mic leakage due to changes in fatty acid composition in the
several advancements in E. coli protein production have
phospholipids or decreases in the amount of outer mem-
challenged these assumptions and made E. coli an even
brane proteins [95]. In one study, the partitioning of a Fab
more robust expression host. A full-length aglycosylated
fragment between the periplasm and supernatant was dra-
antibody can now be expressed in E. coli with high yield
matically affected by the glycerol feeding rate, and the con-
(»1 g/l), and production of different Fab fragments was also
centration of secreted Fab can reach over 1 g/l [5]. Over the
achieved in high titers in protease-deficient E. coli mutants.
past 2 decades, significant progress has been made in
These studies demonstrate that E. coli can express complex
understanding extracellular protein secretion in E. coli and
proteins as efficiently as mammalian cells. The N-glycosyl-
its applications in therapeutics production. While it repre-
ation pathway has been engineered in E. coli, and the pro-
sents an attractive opportunity for the industry, however,
gress towards the first humanized glycoprotein produced
efficient extracellular secretion of recombinant proteins
from E. coli looks promising. Moreover, addition of fusion
across E. coli outer membranes remains a challenge and
partners to improve the pharmacokinetics of E. coli-pro-
often produces relatively low yields when compared to IB
duced therapeutic proteins, as well as the use of cell-free
formation and periplasmic secretion.
systems to generate therapeutics, further expands the capa-
bility of E. coli to express diferent protein therapeutics.
Conclusion With all these advancements and advancements yet to
come, E. coli will definitely remain a workhorse for the
Almost 30 years after the first recombinant insulin was recombinant therapeutic production in the industry.
approved by the FDA, E. coli is still widely used by the Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. Rohini Deshpande and
industry for recombinant therapeutics production. Versatile Dr. Susan Richards for invaluable review of and suggestions for this
genetic tools are now available for tightly regulated and work.
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