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Miguel Gordillo Coglobal English

1. Write 3 recommendations for a person who has the flu. Use the appropriate modal verb.
-You should blow your nose.
-You shouldn’t go out at night.
-You could drink hot drinks.
2. What are the obligations for travelers at the airport? Mention 5. Use the appropriate modal
-You must arrive at airport on time.
-You mustn’t carry weapons.
- You must respect the baggage limit.
-You must not disturb passengers in the airplane.
-You must respect the airport officials.
3. What are the rules at the library? Mention 5. Use the appropriate modal verb.
-You mustn’t eat in the library.
- You mustn’t make noise.
-You must be silent.
-You must return the books.
-You must be respectful.
4. In an English paragraph, find examples of modal verbs for suggestions or obligations. Circle
each one of them. Take a picture of the paragraph and paste it in this document.

5. Write down 5 obligations you have at home

-I must cook the breakfast or lunch.
-I must sweep my home.
-I must go to buy the house market.
-I must clean the bathroom.
-I must feed the cat.

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