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Fill in the blanks

1. A class describes a collection of similar...........objects............

2. A ……link…… is a physical or conceptual connection between objects.

3. A link is also defined as an instance of an ……association……….

4. ..........Multiplicity........... in an association specifies how many objects participate in a


5. The notation for ........generalization........... is a triangle connecting a super class to its


6. In ........multiple........... inheritance, one class is inherited from more than one class.

7. A ___generalization______ relationship is rendered as a solid line with a hollow arrow

head pointing to the parent.

Choose the best answer

1. Which one of the following is not principal of modeling? [b]

a) Choose your models well b) Every model may not be expressed at different at
different levels of decision c) The best models are connected to reality. d) No single
model is sufficient.

2. Which one of the following view express the requirements of the system?[a]

a) USE CASE b) Design c) Process d) Implementation.

3. W build models so that we can better _______ the system we are developing[b]

a) Misunderstand b)understand c) guide d)misguide.

4. An object contains ________ [a]

a) Attributes & Methods b) only attributes c)Only Methods d)Classes

5. The best models are connected to ________.[a]

a) Reality b) Functionality c) Causality d) visuality.

Brief Question’s
1. What is a class? Make distinction between attributes and operations.

① A class is a description of a set of objects that share the same properties and

② Attributes: an attribute is an abstraction of a kind of data or state that an object of

the class may have
③ Operations: an operation is an abstraction of something you can do to an object.
2. Describe the differences between the notations of class and object respectively.

① First one is, within the top section of the class box have object name and class name
separated by colon, with underlined text.
② Second difference is class notation don’t need values for attributes, but object
notation you need to write values.

3. Illustrate the concept of objects and classes with examples.

① Object:Professor Smith

② Class:Professor

4. What does multiplicity in an association specify?

Multiplicity specifies how many object in a relationship,

Multiplicity constrains the number of related objects.

5. What is multiple inheritance? Illustrate with example.

Multiple inheritance means that a subclass can have more than one parent。

6. What is aggregation? How is it different from association? Discuss.

① Aggregation is an relationship between two class that Illustrates the dependencies.

② Association is a structural relationship which denotes a connection between two or

more things. The association relationship can represent either physical or logical
connections between things.between the two classes.

7. What is multiplicity? Discuss with example.

The specification of how many instances a class can have is known as multiplicity.

Multiplicity decides the number of related objects.

Example:A teacher teaches many students, teacher class only has an instance

8. Explain the concept of class attributes and operations with example.

9. Difference between class and object diagrams.

The difference is that the object diagram inherits all the properties and methods of the
class diagram and assigns values to certain properties and methods in the class diagram

10. Difference between aggregation and composition.

① Aggregation: part destroyed does not cause the whole to be destroyed.

② Composition: part is destroyed, the whole is destroyed.

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