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The secret of my happining

Probably the most controversial and difficult question is the meaning of human existence. The most
difficult thing is the need to solve this topic for yourself.

Firstly, in my opinion, the meaning of my existence lies precisely in the definition of this very meaning.
One should not neglect this matter, because if the meaning is clear, then it is clear where to go, why live
and why die. If the meaning is not exactly defined, then both the life path and the completion thereof
are, in fact, spent practically for nothing.

Secondly, each person really has some separate meaning, and it is precisely these seconds of
understanding that confirm this fact. After all, a sense of understanding is common to everyone, but
everyone understands something different.

In conclusion, even if this meaning does not exist, it seems to me that you yourself should fill your
existence with something valuable and worthy, just as an artist paints something on an empty canvas.

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