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Customer Appreciation checklist

This Customer Appreciation action plan is about the way you may use to express your gratefulness to your loyal customers, as it is an important element of customer
retention and satisfaction policy. You customers are people who invest into your company’s prosperity, helping you to refine your business attitudes and conceptions. This
Customer Appreciation action plan contains helpful advice and guidance, specifically customer appreciation tips on the following:
 Customer Appreciation awards (both tangible and intangible);
 Tasks for the Customer Appreciation campaign;

Customer Appreciation awards (both tangible and intangible):

 Regular courtesy and attentiveness in communications with all prospects and current clients;
 Good appearance of your business premises and personnel;
 Discounts (personal or typical customer certificates, coupons, volume discounts, etc);
 Special offers dedicated to public, customer’s personal or company’s events;
 Valuable presents;
 Symbolic presents (souvenirs);
 Regular greetings connected to public and customers’ personal events;
 Providing loyal customers with exclusive rights, privileges and opportunities;
 Giving membership in a special club;
 Customer appreciation parties and performances;
 Thank-you notes and calls;
 Good sales follow-up attitudes;
 Minimizing formal procedures;
 Customer appreciation games: original quizzes, lotteries and competitions with appropriate prizes;

Tasks for the Customer Appreciation campaign:

 Determine who your regular and loyal clients are. Rate current customers to group them into several categories (according to their current value to your company).
 Create the customer appreciation statement (mission and idea of your project) to expound why your customers are “the number ones” in your business, and what
customer appreciation objectives you pursue.
 Define what business or social achievements and traits can be considered as the customer’s merits deserving an appreciation from your company.
 Create the customer appreciation recommendations and communicate them to all your staff members.
 Consider that you need to appreciate customers in a different manner – for example, prospective clients should be appreciated in a stimulating manner, while loyal
highly-profitable clients can be appreciated with some valuable gifts, or “silent clients” can be appreciated with providing them with new attractive opportunities.
 Form up the expert workgroups to generate, screen and elaborate some customer appreciation ideas that meet your business and company’s specificity.
 Create the concept and policy of your corporate customer appreciation program – what are the criteria for clients to be engaged into such a program, what
appreciation methods will work for your specificity and style of working.
 Determine the budget you are going to invest into your customer appreciation campaign, as well as plan outcomes you suppose to get from it.
 Invent the system of increasing discounts (or/plus other ways of appreciation) for those customers who buy your products and services regularly or intensively.
 Determine what customer appreciation gifts are due to each particular category of customers.
 Determine procedures to present these gifts. Acquire (or create) and store up all the required valuable gifts and souvenirs.
 Create and store up good-looking customer appreciation certificates providing them with some benefits and opportunities for free (ensure some steps against
falsifications), and customer appreciation coupons providing them with discounts (there can be several levels of discounts).
 Compose original customer appreciation letters and cards to communicate your ideas and messages to customers.
 Invite your loyal customers to some party or concert. You may formalize such arrangements on your business schedule as regular “customer appreciation days”
when your company’s loyal community members can come together and celebrate quality of your services and products. Such parties can be very useful as an extra-
opportunity to take a closer look at your customers.
 Arranging just temporal customer appreciation weeks from time to time is not a solution, as far as customer appreciation in your company needs to be organized on a
regular basis, becoming a normal part of your daily practice.
 If you have no regular customer appreciation system yet, then you can arrange a customer appreciation month when you can practice and examine these approaches
to understand what can be streamlined to reach a better effect.
 Think how the procedures related to acquiring your services and products can be minimized for loyal customers (for example you can organize priority services and
extraordinary support for them).

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