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The only report of people killed by a

meteorite – new evidence
Frans E. Wickman
Published online: 06 Jan 2010.

To cite this article: Frans E. Wickman (1993) The only report of people killed by a meteorite
– new evidence, Geologiska Föreningen i Stockholm Förhandlingar, 115:4, 297-298, DOI:

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The only report of people killed by a meteorite - new evidence

\Virhman,F.E., 1993 1201:Theonlyreportofpeoplekilledbyameteorite-ne~ve~idence.Geolo,qi~~u

Fkwingens iSrockholnz F5rhnndliri.qur.Vol. 115, Pt.4. pp. 297-298. Stockholm. ISSN 0016-786X.
In 1819 Chladni reported that, around the year 1650, ttvo people \\ere killed by 3 meteorite while on
board 3 ship. This statementoriginates from a book by a Swede, Olof Eriksson Willman, and the event
occurredin 1M8onthcoceandu~ngavoya~coftheshipilfaluccofromHoIlandtoJaua.Willman was
not an eye-witness. but his report is based on reports from hfaluccu’screw. No other statement of the
accident seems to exist. Clrladiii,rilereorire. killeclpcople, Ilollaird. Java.
Downloaded by [University of Toronto Libraries] at 14:35 09 October 2014

Frarir E. Ii’icXnicitc, Rriiis1ir1,qaii2OA. S-224 77Liiird,Stvedeti.hlairiiscripr received? Jitlj 1993. Revised

atid accepted 4 Ocrober 1993.

Recently, Buchwald (1992) published a book about kiila konirricri iri irtiskeppct, skiarides nd ba‘tsnraririll
meteorites and, while reading it, I found my family clijds i allas isjri.”
nanie mentioned more than three centuries ago. N a b
rally I became interested, but the name turned out to be This can be translated as follows:
one of those rare misprints. However, my interest in the
person who wrote about t\vo seamen killed by a mete- “Irr October,Noserirber,ciri[iDecetiiberse,.eralships
orite, taken together with agreat porrion of luck, essen- arrivedfrorir Ilollariri,arriorig wlrich w s a shipraster
tially solved the problem of an obscure statement by together wirli his whole crew of tire ship Malacca.
Chladni (1819, p. 228): They reported rhar, it.liilc rliej sailed 011 tire riolerrt
sea, air eight-poirridhallfell irito tire ship, killirig hi’o
“Zwisclieri 1647 iitidl6.W is1 eitie Krigel vorr 8Pfrrrid, hoarswirics irrjiill siew of allprcscrit.”
cilso ~vahrscliei~iliciieine Eisetinmsse, aigeiri ScliiJ
in1 offerreit hlecrc gefalleti, tmd hat zwej hfcrrscireri The following conclusions can be drawn from this new
getijdtct, arif eiirer Hcise riach Japari ririd zirriick, inforniation:
hesclirichcri sou Olof Erichsoti 1Vilttiariri, ini Dicriste
der Iiolliirrd.OstiridischeCottipagriie,iri Bcckrtiarirr‘s (1) The original Swedish source from 1667 has now
Literatiir der dlrererr Reiseschreibrrrigeri,11. 22, S. been found.
272, rrrrd in deri Arrrioles cles voyages, pirbKs p . (2) The name of the author is Olof Eriksson Willman,
hlalte-Brirrr,Nr. 36.” riof Olof Eriehson Wilniann.
Translated from the single German sentence into ordi- (3) The event occurred on the ship hlalacca, sailing
nary English, it runs approximately as follows: from llolland to Batavia (now Djakarta) on Java, and
riot on avoyage to Japan, because it happened more than
“Betwceri 1647 arid 1654 a ball of 8 poirrids, i.e. one year later (1651-52).
probably of iron, fell OII a ship oti opcri was. Two
pcople were killedori a retrrrri soyage to Japarr. This (4) No definite locality for the accident is mentioned.
eserit was describedbj Olof Erichsorr \Vilniariri, who but from the description it must have occurred at sea, on
was eriiplojecl by h e Dirrch East Iridia Coniparij...”. the Atlantic or the Indian Oceans.
At the end of the sentence Chladni’s sources are ( 5 ) Assuming the sailing was normal, the accident
reported, but they are all secondary. happened in 16-48. However, in the era of sailing ships
and during such a long voyage, no schedule could be
There is no doubt that the original source is a Swedish followed.
book by \Villman (1667). which seems never to have
(6) IVilIman was not an eye-witness; he only reported
been translated into other languages. This may be the
what others had said about an event that filled their
reason for the many errors that occur in Chladni’s
version. The book was honoured by a new edition
recently (Willman 1992),in which it is stated (p. 22):
In Willman (1992) there is a short biography of the
“UtiOctobri,Norentbri. Decenibri konmioitskillign author. He was the son of a country vicar and was born
skepp eJer i j r h Ilnllarid. blatid vilka eri skeppare pi probably in the middle of the 1620’s. He studied at the
skepprt hlalacca benitrude rried hela skeppsfolket, University of Uppsala and was especially useful in the
art i dct de seglade irti vilda Iiaset iir err ittaprrndig East Indies, where university education was rare.
298 Fruits E . IVickiiiait GFF 115 (1993)

Willman seems also to have had an inclination for recorded in this source usually refer to local ships. It is
exotic places. He got to know a Dutch sea captain in true that the arrival of the ship Muluccu on the 4th
1647 and together they went to Amsterdam. Soon December 1648 is mentioned, but the only other infor-
thereafter Willman was recruitcd as midshipsman on mation isareference toaletterfrom theCape(i.e.Cape
the ship DEOlifnnt, belonging to the Dutch East India Town).
Company. Hearrived in Batavia in August 16418,and in In conclusion, the evidence shows that Willman is
1651-52 he participated in a diplomatic mission to reliable, and that his report of the accident seems to be
Nagasaki in Japan. Willman left Batavia in January the only one that exists today.
1653 and was back in Stockholm in July 1654.
The most interesting question is whether or not ArlnonlrdSer~re/rrs.- This paper uould nor h n e been \\Tilten
uithout the help of Prof. J e r k Dlomqvist. Lund. Sueden. Prof.
Willman is reliable; in my opinion he is.Those who are David G. Gee. Lund. Sweden. Dr. Wilhelm Oddberg. Stockholm,
responsible for the new edition of his book share my Sueden. Prof. Simon Slings. Amsterdam. The A’erherlmds. and Dr.
Nils Benit Svensson. Uppsaln. Sweden.
views; thus, a special note occurs among the annota-
tions referring to the ball, and Willman’s report is
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regarded as thrustworthy. References

Since the body of infoxmation concerning the Dutch Buch\snld, V.F.. 1992: Alefeorifrer.Gyldmndd, Copenhagen. (In
East India Company is in the National Archives of the Dmish.)
Chhdni. E.F.F., 1819 Ubcr Fertcr-Alefeorcirnd ibcr die nrir den-
Hague, it is possible to verify much of the infomiation selhcn hrrabpfallenen Musserr. Vienna. (In Gcrnim.)
given by Willman. The accident must have been re- Ix.tlully, I. (ed.). 1903:Dash-ResisrtrSehoudcnirrr CasreelBafaria
van1 passcrcnde ddcr rcr plarrse als ovcr grhrel Ncdcrlandrs-
ported in the log-book of the ship Afuluccu from 1618. IndiuioAnno1647-1618. hhrtinus A ’ i j h d T h e Hague. (In Dutch.)
Unfortunately the relevant book has been lost, as have Willman. 0..1667: En lnrt Bcslrij/nin%qUpp; Trerrnc Rcsnr oclr
most of the log-books from before the year 1700. Pere~qrirrafinner.sanipr Konringarijler Japan. Johnn Kankel.
Wisingsborg. (In Suedish.)
Finally, I hoped that the accident would have been Willnim. 0.1992: En hart besfriwirrg pJ eri resa rill Osfi/rdieiioch
mentioned in the daily list of ships arriving to Batavia Japan. T. Fischer ti Co.. Sroclholm. (In Snedish.)
and published by De IIully (1903). However, events

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