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Mariana Torres

4th Form

<!--Program Name: Calculator-->

<!--Program Date: Feb 15th, 2015-->
<!--Program Author: Mariana Torres-->
<!--Program Purpose: Homework-->
<body bgcolor="#204479"> <!--Background Color-->
<center> <!--Aligns the words in the middle-->
<font color="99FFF"> <!--Background Color-->
<form action="calu.php" method="post">
Num1 <input name="num1" type="text"/> <!--user must enter a second number-->
Num2 <input name="num2" type="text"/> <!--user must enter a second number-->
<legend><h1><u> Choose an Operation:</legend></h1></u>
<select name="operations"/>
<option>+</option> <!--Addition option-->
<option>-</option> <!--Subtraction option-->
<option>*</option> <!--Multiplication option-->
<option>/</option> <!--Divide option-->
<option>Sqr</option> <!--Square option-->
<option>Sqrtroot</option> <!--Squareroot option-->
<input type="submit" value="Click to Calculate"/><!--When Clicked, it calculates for your answer--
$choice= $_POST['operations']; //variable declaration
$num1= $_POST['num1'];
$num2= $_POST['num2'];
function add($num1,$num2){ //addition function
return $total;
function minus($num1, $num2){ //subtract function
$total= $num1 - $num2;
return $total;
function mul($num1, $num2){ //multiplication function
$total= $num1 * $num2;
return $total;
function div($num1, $num2){ //divison function
$total= $num1 / $num2;
return $total;
function square($num1){ //square function
$total= $num1 * $num1;
return $total;
function sqroot($num1){ //squareroot function
$total= sqrt($num1);
return $total;
if($choice=="+"){ //If choice is chosen, it calls down the add function.
echo "Your answer is : ".$ans;
if($choice=="-"){ //If choice is chosen, it calls down the subtract function.
echo "Your answer is : ".$ans;
if($choice=="*"){ //If choice is chosen, it calls down the multiplcation function.
echo "Your answer is : ".$ans;
if($choice=="/"){ //If choice is chosen, it calls down the division function.
echo "Your answer is : ".$ans;
if($choice=="Sqr"){ //If choice is chosen, it calls down the square function.
echo "Your answer is : ".$ans;
if($choice=="Sqrtroot"){ //If choice is chosen, it calls down the squareroot function.
echo "Your answer is : ".$ans;

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