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Group B
1. a. Write a Program to check and print whether a given number is even or
Code :
<form method="post">  
    Enter a number:  
    <input type="number" name="number">  
    <input type="submit" value="Submit">  
        $number = $_POST['number'];   
        //divide entered number by 2   
        //if the reminder is 0 then the number is even otherwise the number is odd  
        if(($number % 2) == 0){  
            echo "$number is an Even number";  
            echo "$number is Odd number";  

b. Write a program to compute net amount from the given quantity purchased
and rate per quantity. Discount @10% is allowed if the quantity purchased
exceeds 100.
Code :
<!DOCTYPE html>

<meta charset="utf-8">
<form method="post">
Enter amount of purchase(10% discount above purchase of 100):
<input type="number" name="number">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
$dis = 0;
$number= $_POST['number'];
if ($number>=100) {
$dis = $number*10/100;
echo "Congrats!!!You get discount of $dis";
$number = $number -$dis;
echo "</br>Final amount to paid: $number";

2 a. Write a program to find the largest among three numbers using ternary
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<form method="post">
Enter first no:
<input type="number" name="number1">
Enter second no:
<input type="number" name="number2">
Enter third no:
<input type="number" name="number3">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
$n1 = $_POST['number1']; $n2 = $_POST['number2']; $n3 =

$max = ($n1 > $n2) ? ($n1 > $n3 ? $n1 : $n3) :
($n2 > $n3 ? $n2 : $n3);
echo "Largest number among ". $n1 . ", ". $n2 .
" and " . $n3. " is " .$max;
b. Write a program to print the sum of digits of a given number. (using while loop)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<form method="post">
Enter a nuber to find sum of its digits:
<input type="number" name="number">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
$x = $_POST['number'];
$sum = 0;
$m = NULL;

echo "The sum of ", $x, " digits is = ";

while ($x > 0){

$m = $x %10;
$m = intval ($m);
$sum = $sum + $m;
$x = $x / 10;
$x = intval ($x);
echo $sum, "\n";
c. Write a program to print Fibonacci series upto a given number.
Code :
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<form method="post">
Enter a number till you want Fibonacci series:
<input type="number" name="number">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
$num = $_POST['number'];
echo "<h3>Fibonacci series using recursive function:</h3>"; echo
function series($num){
if($num == 0){
return 0;
}else if( $num == 1){
return 1;
} else {
return (series($num-1) + series($num-2));
for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++){
echo series($i);
echo "\n";

3. Write a program to enter numbers till the user wants. At the end it should display
the count of positive, negative and zeros entered. (Using do-while loop)
$arr = explode(' ', readline());
$i= count($arr);

else if ($arr[$j]==0)


echo "\nPositive nos=".$p;

echo "\nNegative nos=".$n;
echo "\nZeros =".$z;
4. Write a Menu-Driven program to implement a calculator which performs only
addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The operation should happen based on the
user choice. (use switch case)
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Simple Calculator Program in PHP - Tutorials Class</title>
$first_num = $_POST['first_num'];
$second_num = $_POST['second_num'];
$operator = $_POST['operator'];
$result = '';
if (is_numeric($first_num) && is_numeric($second_num)) { switch
($operator) {
case "Add":
$result = $first_num + $second_num; break;
case "Subtract":
$result = $first_num - $second_num;

break; case "Multiply":

$result = $first_num * $second_num; break;
case "Divide":
$result = $first_num / $second_num;
<div id="page-wrap">
<h1>PHP - Simple Calculator Program</h1>
<form action="" method="post" id="quiz-form">
<input type="number" name="first_num" id="first_num" required="required"
value="<?php echo $first_num; ?>" /> <b>First Number</b>
<input type="number" name="second_num" id="second_num" required="required"
value="<?php echo $second_num; ?>" /> <b>Second Number</b>
<input readonly="readonly" name="result" value="<?php echo $result; ?>">
<input type="submit" name="operator" value="Add" />
<input type="submit" name="operator" value="Subtract" />
<input type="submit" name="operator" value="Multiply" />
<input type="submit" name="operator" value="Divide" /> </form>
</div> </body>
5. Write a function to swap two string values using call by value and call by
//Pass by value
echo "Swapping of two strings using Call by value \n \n";
echo "Before swapping strings are \n"."String 1 = ". $str1."\t String 2 = ". $str2."\n\n";
swap ($str1, $str2);

echo "\n\n";
echo "Back from function : \n\n";
echo " After swapping strings are \n"."\n String 1 = ". $str1. "\n String 2 = ". $str2;

function swap ($x, $y)

echo "In function : \n";
echo "After swapping strings are \n String 1 = ".$x."\t String 2 =

/Call by reference
//Pass by reference
echo "<br>Swapping of two strings using Call by reference \n\n";
echo "Before swapping strings are \n"."String 1 = ". $str1." \t String
2 = ".$str2."\n\n";
swap ($str1,$str2);

echo "\n\n";
echo "Back from function: \n\n";
echo "After swapping strings are\n"."\n String 1 = ".$str1."\t String 2
= ".$str2;

function swap(&$x,&$y)
echo "In function:\n";
echo "After swapping strings are \n String 1 = ".$x."\t String 2 =
".$y." \n";

Group C
1. Write a program that will accept an array of integers as input, and output an
array where for each item in the source array, the new array will perform the following
operations: a. For even numbers divide by 2 b. For odd numbers multiply by 3
$array = explode(' ', readline());
echo "Array before operation:";
for ($i=0; $i<count($array); $i=$i+1)
if ($array [$i] %2==0)
$array [$i] =$array [$i]/2;
$array [$i] =$array[$i]*3;
echo "After operation array values are \n";

2. Create an associative array using the countries as keys, the cities as values and
transform it into 2- dimensional array and display the data as a table.
<head><title>Prac No. C2. Associative Array</title></head>
'South Korea'=>'Seoul',
'Argentina'=>'Buenos Aires',
$multArr = array();
foreach ($places as $key => $value)
$ar = array();
$ar[0] = $key;
$ar[1] = $value;
echo "<table border='1'>

foreach ($multArr as $val)
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td>" . $val[0] . "</td>";
echo "<td>" . $val[1] . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
3. Write a program that creates a file and writes contents to it and displays it. Then
append some data to it.
// Writing Data In File
$myfile = fopen("myFile.txt", "w") or die("Error in opening file!");
$txt1 = "College Name : ";
fwrite($myfile, $txt1);
echo "<h2>Date Written Successfully In File</h2>";
// Appending Data In File
$myfile = fopen("myFile.txt", "a") or die("Error in opening file!");
$txt2 = "Government College Of Engineering\n";
fwrite($myfile, $txt2);
echo "<h2>Date Appended Successfully In File</h2>";
// Reading Data From File
$myfile = fopen("myFile.txt", "r") or die("Error in opening file!");
$txt3 = fread($myfile,filesize("myFile.txt"));
echo "<h2>Date From File : ".$txt3."</h2>";

4. Write a PHP program using Java Script to convert the decimal number to its
binary equivalent. You must use a form to accept the number from the user.
<b>Insert Decimal Number: </b><input type = "text" name = "deci" id =
"deci" size = "15" maxlength = "15" />
<input type="button" value="Convert!" onclick="dec2bin()" />
<div id = "result"></div>
<script type = "text/javascript">
function dec2bin() {
var x = document.getElementById("deci").value;
if ((/[^0-9]/g.test(x)) || x == "") {
alert ("You must enter an integer decimal number!");
document.getElementById("deci").value = "";
return false;
x = parseInt(x);
var bin = x.toString(2);
var figs = "The binary representation of " + x + " is " + bin + "<br>";
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = figs;
5. Write a PHP code that defines the class Student with attributes RollNo, Name,
Branch, and Year, create 3 instances of it, sets the values of each instance appropriately and
print the values of all attributes.

class Student
public $RollNo;
public $Branch;
public $Name;
public $Year;

function set($RollNo,$Branch, $Name, $Year)


function getRollNo()
{return $this->RollNo;}
function getBranch()
{return $this->Branch;}
function getname()
{return $this->Name;}
function getYear()
{return $this->Year;}
function __construct()
function __destruct()
$obj[1]= new Student();
$obj[2]= new Student();
$obj[3]= new Student();


echo $obj[$j]->getRollNo()."\t";
echo $obj[$j]->getBranch()."\t";
echo $obj[$j]->getName()."\t";
echo $obj[$j]->getYear()."\n";

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