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KEY: Green: Spanish speakers only (Demi &Anthony) Yellow: Everybody [blue- movement] , english speakers in unison

Choral Reading: performance is Thursday 10/24/19

Introduce team Demi, Anthony, Alexis, Lizeth
Today we are performing 2 songs called Un Poco Loco and Remember Me from the movie Coco.
At the end we will also be performing a poem.
We chose this for our choral reading because many people are not familiar with
The Day of the Dead, which is celebrated October 31 - November 2nd
to recognize family and loved ones who have passed away.
(Count to 3)


It’s Day of the Dead,

also known as
Día de Los Muertos in Mexico. [movement: everyone moves their card up according to the words]
We join Miguel and his family
who are starting the festivities.

This day brings lots of love

and fond memories
of loved ones who have left, but are not forgotten.

Miguel gets a little excited

and crazy on this day
he can’t help but to shout out:
-What color is the sky?
¡Ay mi amor, ay mi amor! [movement: half of group leans one way & other half leans another way]
You tell me that it's red
¡Ay mi amor, ay mi amor! [movement: everyone moves left then right in unison]
Where should I put my shoes?
¡Ay mi amor, ay mi amor! [movement: everyone leans in towards center]
(Laura- starts off echo reading, then Anthony, followed by Lizeth)
You say, "put them on your head!" [echo reading: 3 people “put them on your head”]
¡Ay mi amor, ay mi amor![movement: everyone moves left then right in unison]
You make me un poco loco
Un poquititito loco is this right??
The way you keep me guessing
I'm nodding and i'm yesing [movement: nod head]
I'll count it as a blessing

That I'm only un poco loco [movement: signal for crazy]

The loco that you make me
It is just un poco crazy
The sense that you're not making
The liberties you're taking
Leaves my cabeza shaking
You're just un poco loco
He's just un poco crazy
Leaves my cabeza shaking
He's just un poco crazy
Leaves my cabeza shaking
He's just un poco crazy
Leaves my cabeza shaking
He's just un poco crazy
Leaves my cabeza shaking
Un poquititito loco (WHO??????)
- Now Dia de Los Muertos has begun! It is night time and altars have been made. We have to sing to all our
remembered family and friends. Together we dance and sing:
-Remember me!
Though I have to say goodbye [movement: wave goodbye]
Remember me!
Don't let it make you cry [movement: one hand motioning a tear down face]
Forever if I'm far away
I hold you in my heart
I sing a secret song to you
Each night we are apart [movement: everyone step away from Laura in the center]
Remember me [movement: move back towards Laura in the center]
Though I have to travel far
Remember me
Each time you hear a sad guitar
Know that I'm with you
The only way that I can be
Until you're in my arms again [movement: give yourself a hug]
Remember me [movement: 1 by 1 demi first, anthony 2, lizeth 3rd, alexis4, we all say remember me, strike a

En el Dia de los Muertos On the day of the dead

Me acuerdo de ti remember you
Todavia quisiera que estuvieras aqui I still wish that you were here
Pero Vives en mi corazon But you live in my heart [movement: hand over heart]
Y nunca me voy a olvidar And I will never forget

Del carino y buenos recuerdos Your love and good memories

Que siempre van a estar That will always be there

- Feliz Día de los Muertos! Happy Day of the Dead! [movement: everyone moves their card up according to the words]

(I thought it was easier to read if it was spanish in one column, and english in the other, and notes on movement on last.

What do you guys think?) I left it as it was on the next page in case someone prefers that. Laura)

This is the poem in one long column…. We can each print which one we like to use better??

En el Dia de los Muertos [echo reading: spanish speakers & english speakers for entire poem]

On the day of the dead

Me acuerdo de ti

I remember you

Todavia quisiera que estuvieras aqui

I still wish that you were here

Pero Vives en mi corazon [movement: hand over heart]

But you live in my heart [movement: hand over heart]

Y nunca me voy a olvidar

And I will never forget

Del carino y buenos recuerdos

Your love and good memories

Que siempre van a estar

That will always be there

- Feliz Día de los Muertos! Happy Day of the Dead! [movement: everyone moves their card up according to the words]

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