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Mathematical Ability Test [Topic: Ratio and Proportion] – MA3

1. The ratio of 1 kg to 10 gms is

a. 10:1
b. 100:1
c. 1:100
d. 10:1

2. The ratio of students in Arts, Science and Commerce faculties is 5:4:3. If the number of
students in Science is 236 the number of students in commence is
a. 295
b. 187
c. 177
d. Cannot be determined

3. The income of A and B is in the ratio 4:3. Their expenditure is in the ratio 3:2. If they both
save Rs.600 at the end of the year the annual income of A is
a. Rs.2,400
b. Rs.1,800
c. Rs.1,200
d. Rs.1,000

4. A and B have their annual income in the ratio 8:5 while their annual spending is in the ratio
5:3. If they save Rs.1,200 and Rs.1,000 p.a. respectively the annual income of B is
a. Rs.11200
b. Rs.7000
c. Rs.9000
d. Rs.6000

5. If A:B = 3:4 and B:C = 5:6 then A:C is

a. 3:5
b. 5:6
c. 5:8
d. 5:3

6. The sum of two numbers is 40 and difference is 4. Their ratio is

a. 5:7
b. 9:11
c. 11:9
d. Cannot be determined

7. In a business A and B gained some amount in a certain ratio. B and C received the profits in
the same ratio as A and B. If A received Rs.2,500 and C Rs.3,600 the amount received by B
a. Rs.5000
b. Rs.4000
c. Rs.3000
d. None of these

8. Two numbers are in the ratio 5:6 and if 4 is subtracted from each they are reduced to 4:5.
Then the smaller number is
a. 20
b. 25
c. 15
d. 10

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Mathematical Ability Test [Topic: Ratio and Proportion] – MA3

9. Divide Rs.600 among A, B and C so that Rs.40 more than 2/5 of A’s share.; Rs.20 more
th th
than 2/7 B’s share andRs.10 more than 9/17 of C’s share may all be equal. A’s share is
a. Rs.280
b. Rs.150
c. Rs.170
d. Rs.810

10. The present ages of two persons are in the ratio 7:8. Twenty years ago the ratio of their ages
was 9:11. The present age of the older person is
a. 64 years
b. 72 years
c. 56 years
d. 40 years

11. A certain sum of money is divided among A, B and C such that A gets half of what B and C
together get. B gets one third of what A and C together get. If A got Rs.500 more than B then
the total amount divided was
a. Rs.4500
b. Rs.6000
c. Rs.8000
d. None of these

12. In a school there are 650 students. The ratio of boys to that of girls is 8:5. How many more
girls should join the school so that ratio becomes 4:3?
a. 25
b. 50
c. 100
d. 200

13. An employer reduces the number of employees in the ratio 15:8 and increase their wages in
the ratio 14:25. The ratio in which the wage bill increase or decrease is
a. 21:20
b. 20:21
c. 10:11
d. 11:10

14. If a:b = 2:3 then the value of 3a+4b/4a+5b is

a. 6:7
b. 18:23
c. 19:23
d. 20:23

15. Rs.117 was supposed to be divided among A, B and C in the ratio 2:3:4. By mistake it was
divided in the ratio ½ : 1/3 : ¼. The loss / gain of A due to the mistake is
a. gain 26
b. gain 28
c. loss 26
d. loss 28

16. In a mixture of 35 litres the ratio of milk and water is 4:1. If one litre of water is added then the
new ratio of milk and water is.
a. 3:4
b. 2:1
c. 7:2
d. 2:5
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Mathematical Ability Test [Topic: Ratio and Proportion] – MA3

17. A vessel contains 56 litres of a mixture of milk and water in the ratio 5:2. How much water
should be mixed with it so that the ratio of milk to water is 4:5?
a. 28 ltrs
b. 30 ltrs
c. 31 ltrs
d. 34 ltrs

18. Two vessels contain mixtures of alcohol and water in the ratio 4:9 in the first vessel and in the
ratio of 2:7 in the second. The ratio, should the contents of these two vessels be mixed such
that the resultant mixture has alcohol and water in the ratio 2:5 is
a. 13:8
b. 26:9
c. 10:25
d. none of these

19. How many kilograms of rice costing Rs.16 per kg must be mixed with 24 kgs of rice costing
Rs.12 per kg so that the resultant mixture costs Rs.13 per kg?
a. 10 kgs
b. 9 kgs
c. 8 kgs
d. 5 kgs

20. A vessel has 40 litres solution of milk and water in which milk forms 72%. The quantity of
water must be added to this solution to make it a solution in which 60% forms milk is
a. 3 litres
b. 5 litres
c. 7 litres
d. 8 litres

ANSWERS ON NEXT PAGE [Attempt the above questions within a duration of 15

minutes and then check your answers]

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Mathematical Ability Test [Topic: Ratio and Proportion] – MA3

Q.No Answer Hints / Explanations

1 b Ratio should be in the same denomination. 1 kg =1000gms. Hence


2 c 236 is a multiple of 4 (59 times). Therefore number of commerce students

will be 3*59=177. Hence ‘c’

3 a If we look at the ratios 4:3 and 3:2 and take them as actual income and
expenses, then the savings ratio is 1:1. The problem says both save the
same amount. Therefore the multiplier is 600. Hence A’s income is 2400.

4 b 8x-5y=1200


X=1400 and y=2000 Hence B’s income is ‘b’, 7000

5 c Answer is ‘c’. LCM of 4 and 5 is 20. Therefore A becomes 15 and C

becomes 24. Ans: c = 5:8

6 d Answer is ‘d’ as the numbers can be 18 and 22 or 22 and 18.

7 b A:B = B:C 25:y=y:36, y^2=25*36, y =30. Hence ‘b’

8 a From the options, only ‘a’ = 20 and 4 is subtracted from it, the resulting
number is a multiple of 4. Hence ‘a’

9 b Clearly ‘d’ is not the answer. This problem is best answered by using the
answer options. Between the options a, b and c, it is best advised to start
with the middle options always. For example, on substituting c as A’s
share, one can note that the answer choice has to be lesser than 170.
Hence ‘b’ is the answer.

10 a Answer option – 20 should be a multiple of 11. Only ‘a’ satisfies the

condition. Hence ‘a’

11 c A=B+C/2 and B=A+C/3

B+C=2A and A+C=3B




Ratio now becomes A:B:C = 4:3:5

Hence ‘c’

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Mathematical Ability Test [Topic: Ratio and Proportion] – MA3

Q.No Answer Hints / Explanations

12 b Number of boys = 8*50 = 400
Number of girls = 5*50 = 250
Hence ‘b’. 50 more should join to make the ratio 4:3
13 a The ratios need to be multiplied to get the answer as wage = number of
employees*wage per employee. Hence ‘a’ (15*14:8*25)
14 b a/b=2/3, 3a=2b =>6b/(8b/3)+15 => 18/23 OR
Substitute a=2 and b=3. Hence ‘b’
15 b A’ share according to the actual ratio is 26 and 54 according to the new
ratio. Hence ‘b’, gain of 28. (Multiply the second ratio by 12 to get 6:4:3)
16 c Current ratio of milk:water = 28:7
After addition of 1 litre of water, it becomes 28:8 or 7:2. Hence ‘c’
17 d Current ratio of milk and water is 40:16. For a 4:5 ratio, 34 litres need to be
added to make it 40:50 or 4:5. Hence ‘d’
18 b Take one of alcohol or water in such problems and apply the rule of
mixtures. Let’s take alcohol
4/13 2/9
4/63 2/91
364:126 or 182:63 or 26:9 (multiplying the ratios by 91*63)
Hence ‘b’
19 c Same as previous problem
16 12
1 3
8 24
Hence ‘c’

20 d Out of 40 litres, currently there are 28.8L of milk and 11.2 litres of water
11.2+x/40+x = 40/100
1120 + 100x = 1600 + 40x
X = 480/60 = 8
Hence ‘d’

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