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Interactive Flash and PHP Application

(Web Programming)
Project Budget: Between $1,500 and $2,000

Buyer: razorpulse
 Buyer History: Posted: 5 (3 Awarded)
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Billing and Payment System confirmed
 Contact Buyer: Yes More info
Project Description
We are looking for an outstanding flash developer to create the prototype of a flash application. All wireframes for
the application have been created and will be supplied to developer. Developer must excel at flash and php/mysql
interaction. All details will be provided to developer upon hiring.

The application will be stand-alone on several machines and composed of two aspects: a front end and an admin
section. The admin section must be able to pull images, text etc... from a database located on the web
(php/MySQL) and provide the ability for a user to drag drop items on a stage and then save their positions for later

Condition of hiring: developer must sign a non-disclosure agreement and all copyrights are to be released. The
developer may keep the right to use the piece for his/her portfolio after launch of the final application (whenever
that may be). We require several working examples of flash applications developed to gauge of the abilities of the
developer. Flash certified preferred but not essential if portfolio shows abilities.

Since this project represents only the first stage of many, we are seeking a long term relationship to work with us
on subsequent stages and other flash development projects.

Approximate start date of the project after selecting a bid

Immediate (within 1-2 days)
Project ID: 12653803
Payment Type: Escrow Payment
W-9 for U.S. Providers: Not Required
Attached Files:
Market Notes:

Bidding Details
 # of Bids: 2
 Average Bid: Sealed
 Project Posted on: 09/06/2007 01:18 EST
 Bidding Ends: 1 d, 22 h+
(Ends: 09/08/2007 01:18 EST)

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