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Volume 58, Number 2


Copyright © 2003
by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. CME REVIEWARTICLE 5
CHIEF EDITOR’S NOTE: This article is part of a series of continuing education activities in this Journal through which a total
of 36 AMA/PRA category 1 credit hours can be earned in 2003. Instructions for how CME credits can be earned appear on
the last page of the Table of Contents.

Ocular Changes in Pregnancy

Robert B. Dinn, BS,* Alon Harris, MSc, PhD† and Peter S. Marcus, MD‡
*Fourth Year Medical Student, Indiana University School of Medicine; †Professor, Glaucoma Research and
Diagnostic Center, Departments of Ophthalmology and Physiology, Indiana University School of Medicine;
and ‡Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Indiana University School of
Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana

Visual changes in pregnancy are common, and many are specifically associated with the preg-
nancy itself. Serous retinal detachments and blindness occur more frequently during preeclampsia
and often subside postpartum. Pregnant women are at increased risk for the progression of
preexisting proliferative diabetic retinopathy, and diabetic women should see an ophthalmologist
before pregnancy or early in the first trimester. The results of refractive eye surgery before, during,
or immediately after pregnancy are unpredictable, and refractive surgery should be postponed until
there is a stable postpartum refraction. A decreased tolerance to contact lenses also is common
during pregnancy; therefore, it is advisable to fit contact lenses postpartum. Furthermore, preg-
nancy is associated with a decreased intraocular pressure in healthy eyes, and the effects of
glaucoma medications on the fetus and breast-fed infant are largely unknown.
Target Audience: Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Family Physicians
Learning Objectives: After completion of this article, the reader will be able to list the various ocular
changes that occur during pregnancy, summarize the ocular disturbances that occur with preeclampsia
and diabetes, and describe the management of some ocular problems during pregnancy.

INTRODUCTION surgery and that medications used to treat eye dis-

eases may have effects on fetuses and breast-fed
Visual disturbances are common among pregnant
women (1, 2), and the physician should have a firm infants. This article discusses concerns specific to
understanding of the various conditions associated pregnancy and the eye, including preeclampsia, dia-
with these disturbances. The ocular changes associ- betic retinopathy, refractive eye surgery, contact lens
ated with pregnancy may offer insight into the patho- intolerance, and glaucoma.
physiology of many diseases. Physicians should be
able to distinguish among the different causes and
delineate those conditions specifically associated METHOD OF LITERATURE SEARCH
with pregnancy. Several systemic disorders warrant
ophthalmic referral in pregnant women; however, A MEDLINE search covering the years 1966
many visual disturbances in pregnant women require through 2002 was performed using the words preg-
no treatment. Physicians should also understand that nancy, preeclampsia, eye, eclampsia, diabetes, re-
pregnancy influences the results of refractive eye fractive eye surgery, PRK, LASIK, contact lens, and
glaucoma. Additional references were obtained from
Reprint requests to: Peter S. Marcus, MD, Department of Ob- the bibliographies of articles obtained in the MED-
stetrics and Gynecology, Indiana University School of Medicine, LINE search. Randomized controlled trials were
550 N. University Blvd, UH 2440, Indianapolis, IN 46202. Email:
given preference; however, nonrandomized noncon-
The authors have disclosed no significant financial or other trolled trials and case studies were cited when no
relationship with any commercial entity. randomized controlled trials were available.
138 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

PREECLAMPSIA Using color flow Doppler ultrasonography in 118 nor-

motensive pregnant subjects, 20 preeclamptic subjects
Preeclamptic women may present with ocular dis-
without visual symptoms, and 11 preeclamptic subjects
turbances including blurry vision, photopsia, diffuse
with photophobia and retinal edema, Ohno et al. (9)
retinal edema, decreased retinal arterial to vein ratio,
concluded that preeclamptic women, especially those
serous retinal detachment, scotoma, and blindness
with photophobia, have orbital vascular vasodilation
(3–5). There is a worsening of visual disturbances
and/or hyperperfusion. These changes may be the rea-
with increasing severity of preeclampsia. In a retro-
son behind the increased retinal edema and retinal de-
spective study of 71 records of Japanese patients with
tachments in preeclamptic women. Interestingly, the
severe preeclampsia or eclampsia, retinal pigment
detachments may occur in the absence of retinal pig-
epithelial lesions were found in 36 eyes and serous
ment epithelial lesions (4). Saito and Tano (4) propose
retinal detachments were found in 40 eyes (4).
that there are variable retinal pigment epithelial changes
The mechanisms behind these changes are still
based on varying degrees of choroidal hypoperfusion.
being investigated, but vascular changes seem to be
Retinal detachments without retinal pigment epithelial
paramount. Possible causes stem from systemic con-
lesions might occur with less severe ischemia leading to
ditions (hypertension, diabetes), cerebral autoregula-
changes in retinal pigment epithelium permeability.
tory, and/or hormonal changes. Jaffe and Schatz (3)
Blindness has been reported to occur in almost
suggest that the retinal changes in preeclamptic pa-
15% of women with eclampsia (5) and may occur
tients may be, at least partly, due to underlying
postpartum (5, 10–12). Either compromise in retinal
systemic vascular diseases because many patients
or occipital lobe vasculature is probably responsible.
with preeclampsia have diabetes or chronic hyper-
Case reports of transient blindness have been attrib-
tension (Table 1). In a prospective, controlled,
uted to acute ischemic optic neuropathy (13) and
masked study excluding patients with diabetes and
retinal vasospasm and edema (14); however, most
preexisting hypertension, Jaffe and Schatz (3) did not
cases of blindness associated with preeclampsia and
find evidence of hemorrhages, cotton-wool spots,
eclampsia are attributed to changes in the occipital
exudates, Elschnig spots (yellow/hyperpigmented
cortex (5). The precise mechanism underlying corti-
patches of retinal pigment epithelium overlying in-
cal blindness is unknown. Based on a prospective
farcted choriocapillaris lobules in hypertensive reti-
study of women with blindness and pregnancy-in-
nopathy), or retinal detachments in 31 patients with
duced hypertension, Cunningham et al. (5) concluded
preeclampsia. In this same study, Jaffe and Schatz (3)
that transient cortical blindness resulted from pete-
found a statistically significant correlation between
chial hemorrhages and focal edema in the occipital
the reduction in arteriole to vein ratio and the diag-
cortex. Similar to changes in the retina, two possible
nosis of severe preeclampsia (P ⫽ .004). Consistent
etiologies for focal edema are either vasospasm and
with these results, Belfort and Saade (6) reported a
ischemia or increased capillary permeability and
case of retinal vasospasm during a period of visual
edema. Using single-photon emission computed to-
disturbance in a preeclamptic woman. After the res-
mography, cerebral computerized tomography, and
olution of symptoms, central retinal arterial blood
transcranial Doppler ultrasonography in 63 women
velocity increased and resistance decreased (6). Bel-
with eclampsia, Naidu et al. (15) concluded that
fort et al. (7) also reported that magnesium, which is
vasospasm with resultant ischemia led to cerebral
used as an antiseizure medication in preeclampsia,
edema in the watershed areas and parieto-occipital
dilates the vessels distal to the central retinal and
lobes causing seizures.
posterior ciliary arteries.
Interestingly, Borromeo et al. (10) described a case
On the other hand, a breakthrough in cerebral auto-
of cortical blindness in a preeclamptic patient com-
regulation might be responsible for retinal changes (8).
plicated by hypotension and pointed out that the
pathophysiology behind preeclampsia/eclampsia-in-
TABLE 1 Possible explanations for ocular changes in
duced blindness is different from watershed infarct-
induced blindness. Apollon et al. (11) used neuroim-
1. Coexisting/preexisting systemic vascular disease
aging to demonstrate that a case of cortical blindness
2. Changes in hormonal milieu
3. Endothelial damage in postpartum preeclampsia was the result of vaso-
4. Breakthrough in autoregulation genic cerebral edema. The authors (11) refuted the
5. Hypoperfusion ischemia and/or hyperperfusion/edema conclusion of Naidu et al. (15) because there was a
* The precise mechanism probably involves a combination of question as to whether the imaging was done during
these factors. the acute phase of changes. Kesler et al. (16) also
Ocular Changes in Pregnancy Y CME Review Article 139

concluded that transient blindness in a preeclamptic pulsatile ocular blood flow increased throughout preg-
pregnant patient was caused by vascular endothelial nancy using information from 27 healthy pregnant
damage because severe proteinuria, recent placental women. What, if any, role estrogen or other hormones
thrombosis, and brain ischemia (based on computed play in the disruption of autoregulation during pre-
tomography [CT] performed emergently and mag- eclampsia has yet to be determined. Regardless, it is
netic resonance imaging [MRI] performed several important to remember that the vasculature changes
days after the return of vision) were present. even in normal pregnancy.
Using magnetic resonance imaging in 28 pre- Fortunately, cortical blindness due to preeclampsia/
eclamptic women with neurologic symptoms, eclampsia is almost always a transient phenomenon
Schwartz et al. (17) demonstrated that the presence with reports of blindness lasting 4 hours to 8 days
of brain edema was associated with abnormal red (5, 10, 11, 12, 16). If the blindness is not transient, there
blood cell morphology and elevated lactate dehydro- should be suspicion of other disease processes. The
genase (LDH) levels. This suggested that microan- management of preeclamptic/eclamptic women with
giopathic hemolysis and endothelial damage were cortical blindness is the same as in women without
present, and endothelial damage may have resulted in blindness (5). Retinal pigment epithelial lesions and
a disturbed autoregulatory system (17). Interestingly, serous retinal detachments have been reported to re-
Edvinsson et al. (18) found that the posterior cerebral solve within 3 weeks in approximately 80% and 98%,
circulation contains fewer synapses with the sympa- respectively, of women with severe preeclampsia or
thetic nervous system than does the anterior cerebral eclampsia (4) (Table 2). Because ophthalmic changes in
circulation, which could make this region more sus- pregnant patients may herald the rapid onset and pro-
ceptible to the breakthrough of autoregulation (17). gression of preeclampsia, ophthalmologists should be
This finding is in agreement with the location of aware that immediate obstetrical referral is indicated for
lesions detected in the parieto-occipital area by neu- pregnant patients presenting with retinal or choroidal
roimaging in patients with cortical blindness vascular abnormalities (26).
(5, 11, 12, 16, 17).
Posterior leukoencephalopathy syndrome, which
consists of headache, altered mental functioning, sei- DIABETES
zures, and loss of vision (including cortical blind- Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of
ness), has been described in patients receiving im- blindness in United States adults between the ages of
munosuppressive therapy or interferon and in 20 and 74 (27). The incidence of diabetes has been
patients with eclampsia or hypertensive encephalop- found to be higher in women than men (28), and the
athy associated with renal disease (19). This syn- age-adjusted female to male ratio of blindness due to
drome occurred postpartum in the eclamptic patients; diabetes is 1.4:1 (27). In 1997 alone, an estimate $98
however, the pathophysiology behind this syndrome billion was spent in the United States on medical care
probably is similar to the visual disturbances that because of diabetes (29).
occur before delivery. In fact, posterior leukoenceph- Multiple studies have demonstrated that there is a
alopathy may be a variant of a broader syndrome of worsening of retinopathy in diabetics during the course
hypertensive/hyperperfusion encephalopathy (20). of pregnancy (30–34), but gestational diabetes does not
Additionally, the hormonal changes of pregnancy in- seem to increase the risk of diabetic retinopathy (35).
fluence ocular hemodynamics, which might provide There is an association of increased risk of fetal loss and
insight into the pathophysiology of preeclampsia. By
changing the production of endothelial-derived sub-
stances such as nitrous oxide, endothelin-1, and eico- TABLE 2 Ocular disturbances in preeclampsia/eclampsia
sanoid, estrogen has been demonstrated to lead to va- Disturbance Prognosis
sodilation (21–23). In a study using Doppler imaging Retinal pigment epithelial Usually resolves within 3 weeks
analysis in 16 postmenopausal women on hormone lesion postpartum
replacement therapy, 16 postmenopausal women with- Serous retinal detach- Usually resolves within 3 weeks
ment postpartum
out hormone replacement therapy, and 20 young non-
Results in scarring in only a small
pregnant women, Harris-Yitzhak et al. (24) concluded number of patients
that estrogen therapy in postmenopausal women appar- Cortical blindness Almost always a transient phenome-
ently reduces vascular resistance distal to the ophthal- non lasting 4 hours to 8 days
mic artery to levels matching those of young women. Resolves with resolution of pre-
Furthermore, Centofanti et al. (25) demonstrated that
140 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

obstetric complications with worsening of retinopathy the combination of abrupt control of blood sugars
and particularly with the development of proliferative plus pregnancy, but rapid glycemic control is now
retinopathy (32, 35–37) (Table 3). Long-term studies known to be an independent risk factor (30). Inter-
suggest that retinopathy does not seem to be more estingly, transient worsening of retinopathy with
severe in parous versus nulligravid diabetic women rapid glycemic control also has been demonstrated in
(30, 34, 38–43). Increasing parity does not increase the nonpregnant patients (57).
risk of worse retinopathy (40, 41), and retinopathy may To reduce the progression of retinopathy during
even be less severe in women with two or more preg- pregnancy, blood sugars should be well controlled
nancies (40). The progression of retinopathy during before conception (58). The progression of diabetic
pregnancy is influenced strongly by coexisting hyper- retinopathy may be worse in pregnant patients whose
tension and preeclampsia (31, 44, 45) and is directly proliferative retinopathy was not treated with photo-
related to the severity of preexisting retinopathy coagulation before conception (33); therefore, appro-
(33, 46–49). Furthermore, the progression of preexist- priate treatment of preexisting proliferative retinop-
ing retinopathy and the onset of proliferative diabetic athy also should occur before pregnancy (33, 58).
retinopathy are influenced strongly by the duration of Proliferative diabetic retinopathy may be treated ap-
diabetes before conception (33, 35, 41, 46, 48, 50). The propriately using laser photocoagulation in pregnant
baseline severity of retinopathy before conception may patients (33, 59), but reversal of pregnancy-induced
be a more significant risk factor for the progression of changes in retinopathy are common postpartum
retinopathy; however, duration of diabetes before con- (30, 32, 42, 43, 45, 47). Current recommendations
ception seems to hold more prognostic significance for call for a baseline comprehensive dilated eye exam-
the development of proliferative retinopathy during ination before conception and the anticipation of
pregnancy (46). A prospective cohort study of 155 follow-up ophthalmologic examination during preg-
diabetic women (the Diabetes in Early Pregnancy nancy (58) (Table 4). Because the adverse effects of
Study) found that retinopathy progressed to prolifera- pregnancy persist over the first year postpartum, pa-
tive stages in 18% of patients with less than 15 years of tients should continue to be monitored by an oph-
diabetes and in 39% of women with more than 15 years thalmologist for at least 1 year after delivery (30).
of diabetes (46). The necessity of intensive retinal surveillance in pa-
Although tight glycemic control of blood sugars tients without poor glycemic control and/or retinop-
during pregnancy is associated with a decreased risk athy is controversial (60). Recommendations for fol-
of fetal macrosomia and congenital malformations low-up may need to be based on the severity of
(51–54), long-term control of blood sugar improves retinopathy at the time of conception (1, 2, 49).
the course of retinopathy (55). Several studies have
indicated that worsening of retinopathy is directly
associated with poor glycemic control before concep- REFRACTIVE EYE SURGERY
tion and during pregnancy (31, 44, 46, 50, 56). The Although there are few published articles concern-
Diabetes in Early Pregnancy study (46) found that ing the results of refractive surgery in women before,
women with a baseline glycosylated hemoglobin during, or after pregnancy, pregnancy is considered
level greater than 8.05% had an odds ratio of 2.7 by most to be a contraindication to photorefractive
(95% confidence interval (CI) was equal to 1.1–7.2) keratectomy (PRK) and laser in situ keratomileusis
of worsening retinopathy when compared with
women with baseline hemoglobin levels less than TABLE 4 Recommendations for diabetic women
6.05%. This is confounded by the fact that transient considering pregnancy or who are pregnant
worsening of diabetic retinopathy is correlated with
1. Glucose should be well controlled before conception.
rapid glycemic control in early pregnancy (30, 44– 2. All diabetic women should see an ophthalmologist before or
46, 56). Such a phenomenon used to be attributed to shortly after becoming pregnant.
3. If it is indicated, photocoagulation should be carried out be-
fore conception.
TABLE 3 Risk factors for worsening of diabetic
4. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy can be treated with photo-
retinopathy during pregnancy
coagulation during pregnancy, but reversal of proliferative
1. Coexisting hypertension or preeclampsia changes is common postpartum.
2. Severity of retinopathy before conception 5. The surveillance during pregnancy may depend upon base-
3. Duration of diabetes before conception line severity of retinopathy.
4. Poor glycemic control before conception 6. All diabetic women should follow-up with an ophthalmologist
5. Rapid institution of glycemic control postpartum.
Ocular Changes in Pregnancy Y CME Review Article 141

(LASIK) surgeries (61). Sharif (62) studied the re- TABLE 5 Recommendations for women considering
refractive eye surgery
fractive results of 18 eyes of 9 women who under-
went PRK for the treatment of myopia and became 1. Candidates should not intend to become pregnant for 1 year
pregnant within a follow-up period of 12 months. He after surgery.
2. Candidates must not currently be pregnant.
concluded that postoperative pregnancy affected the 3. Candidates must have a stable refractive prescription docu-
refractive results in PRK. Twelve (6 patients) of 18 mented postpartum.
eyes had myopic regression. The 6 eyes in 3 women
who had stable refractions became pregnant at least 5
months postoperatively. Furthermore, Starr (63) re- CONTACT LENS INTOLERANCE
ported a case of overcorrection in a patient who
became pregnant shortly before or after PRK, fol- Despite success with contact lenses previously,
lowed by spontaneous abortion and complete rever- many women develop contact lens intolerance while
sal of the overcorrection. pregnant (65, 67, 70). This is unlikely to be due to an
On the other hand, Hefetz et al. (64) concluded increase in corneal sensitivity. Conversely, corneal
pregnancy and labor probably had no effect on re- sensitivity either does not change (67) or decreases,
fractive results after PRK. The authors were able to possibly relating to water retention (70, 71). The
document stable refractions in six of eight pregnant intolerance may actually be due to an increase in
patients undergoing PRK, although myopic regres- either corneal curvature or thickness associated with
sion occurred in the other two patients. pregnancy (65, 67, 70), and pregnant women should
The reports of unstable refractions could be due to delay fitting new contact lenses until several weeks
changes in corneal thickness and/or wound healing postpartum (65, 70). Because stable refractions have
during pregnancy. Weinreb et al. (65) measured the been documented for most women during pregnancy
corneal thickness in 89 pregnant women and found (67, 68), pregnancy is not a contraindication to pre-
an increase by about 3% (P ⫽ .01) in comparison to scribing corrective lenses.
the control eyes of 18 nulligravid and 17 postpartum
women. The increase was attributed to increased
water retention during pregnancy. There was no dif-
ference in corneal thickness with gestational stage The exact effects of pregnancy on the intraocular
and between the nulligravid and postpartum subjects. eye pressure in glaucoma are not entirely understood.
Ziai et al. (66) followed 19 pregnant women and also Interestingly, pregnancy has been associated with
demonstrated an increase in corneal thickness during about a 10% decrease in intraocular pressure in
pregnancy. Park et al. (67) found no change in cor- healthy eyes (65). In addition to the decreased in-
neal thickness throughout pregnancy in 24 women traocular pressure, an increased aqueous outflow ca-
during pregnancy but did find an increase in the pacity has been demonstrated in pregnant patients
corneal curvature during the second and third trimes- without glaucoma (66, 72). These changes in aque-
ters. This curvature either resolved postpartum or ous dynamics are consistent with the hypothesis that
after the cessation of breast-feeding. Despite a excess progesterone during pregnancy blocks the oc-
change in curvature, Park et al. (67) were unable to ular hypertensive effects of endogenous corticoste-
demonstrate a change in refraction with pregnancy. roids (66).
Manges et al. (68) followed 38 nonpregnant and 93 There is little information concerning the safety of
pregnant patients and found that refractive error, glaucoma medications during pregnancy (73, 74);
corneal curvature, and corneal thickness did not yet, one must be cognizant of the side effect profile
change significantly during pregnancy. and potential teratology of glaucoma medications if a
The timing of refractive eye surgery for a patient woman with glaucoma becomes pregnant or antici-
intending to become pregnant can be a difficult de- pates a pregnancy. Most glaucoma medications are in
cision. Because of documented changes in corneal the pregnancy category C or B; however, the cho-
curvature that occur during pregnancy, current rec- linesterase inhibitors belong to the pregnancy cate-
ommendations are to delay refractive surgery during gory X (73). Although it is not known if most of the
pregnancy and wait until stability of refraction is glaucoma medications are excreted into human
documented postpartum (61). If a patient intends to breast milk (73, 74), several do have the potential
get pregnant within 1 to 2 years of surgery, it is (74). In fact, timolol (75, 76) and acetazolamide (77)
recommended to postpone PRK or LASIK until after have been found in human breast milk, but both are
pregnancy (69) (Table 5). considered compatible with breast-feeding (78). A
142 Obstetrical and Gynecological Survey

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