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This comprehensive bar guide is an invaluable reference, not only for home enter- A FEW DETAILS CONCERNING THE RECIPES
taining, but also for bartenders, who will appreciate the A-to-Z drink index for
The glass icon that appears with each drink recipe indicates the recommended
quickly looking up specific drinks.
glassware. Use these icons not only to determine the appropriate glassware, but
To make navigation easy, this book is divided into two distinct parts. The first sec- also as a reminder to get the glasses into the refrigerator or freezer before you
tion is dedicated to the many basic elements involved in composing, structuring, begin making drinks.
and enjoying mixed drinks; the second is dedicated to the spirits and the drink
All drink recipes make one cocktail, to serve one person, unless otherwise stated.
recipes. Measurements are given in ounces as well as other common units, such
When the drink recipe tells you to “Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice,” use
as teaspoons and cups. Dashes are the smallest bar measurement given.
a standard cocktail shaker to do so.
The drinks are organized according to the main alcoholic ingredient, to help you
JUICES The recipes in this book almost always call for freshly squeezed citrus
quickly find a particular drink. For example, if you’re looking for a specific drink
juices, but you may certainly substitute bottled juices or juices made from concen-
made with brandy, or suggestions for drinks that use brandy, you can simply turn
trate if fresh juice is unavailable, or if that is your preference.
to the brandy section, where the drinks are listed alphabetically.

" The section on wine includes drinks based on fortified wine, such as port or sherry.
RAW EGGS You will find eggs used frequently in many of the classic cocktails,
harking back to a time before salmonella poisoning became a concern. Although
However, champagne, although a type of wine, has its own section. Champagne
raw eggs are included in the classic recipes for authenticity, you have the option of
cocktails, popular for many celebratory occasions, are in a festive class all their
using pasteurized eggs or egg white powder or of omitting the egg altogether. Use
own and deserve a separate section.
raw eggs at your own discretion.
A few drink genres hold a uniquely popular niche, namely punches, shooters, hot
SIDEBARS To highlight classic drinks like the Margarita or famous signature
drinks, and hangover remedies. These are placed in their own sections, allowing
drinks such as the Hemingway Daiquiri, these popular drink recipes are in sidebars
for quick access when the appropriate occasion arises.
for quick recognition.

At the back of the book is a two-part index to assist you in searching for a subject,
specific drink, or drink made with a specific ingredient. This is a key organizational
tool. Although the drink recipes are conveniently organized into sections according
to their major liquor ingredients, you can use the cross-referenced drinks by liquor
type index to find drinks that include a particular liqueur or spirit, or you can use
the subject index to quickly find a drink by name as well as basic topics.

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