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5th edition


Exit test A Advanced

1 Read the text and choose the correct option.

No sooner (28) had they reached / they had reached the
summit, than Caldwell and Jorgeson were questioned by
Conquering El Capitan the media. Jorgeson said he hoped his efforts would
encourage other people (29) discovering / to discover
In January 2015, two American men, Tommy Caldwell, their own Dawn Wall one day. (30) Inspired / Inspiring
36, and Kevin Jorgeson, 30, (1) achieved / have by their example, no doubt, other people will now have
achieved what (2) has long been considered / has long the courage to reach for their dreams.
considered the most difficult rock climb in the world.
They climbed the 900-metre vertical wall of El Capitan 1 point for each correct answer 30
in Yosemite National Park, known as the Dawn Wall,
using just their hands and feet. The 19-day ascent of the
rock face, (3) which / what was believed by some to be 2 Choose option a or b to complete the sentences.
impossible to achieve, is a (4) flashing / shining 1 ______ taxes are going up, my earnings will
example of human skill and perseverance. probably fall this year.
a Given that b Above all
Before their achievement, no one (5) had ever climbed /
was ever climbing El Capitan using the free-climbing 2 ‘I guess you’re going to the party tonight.’
technique. This involves just (6) using / to use your ‘______, I’m not. I’m not feeling so good.’
hands and feet to climb with. Free climbers are allowed a By the way b As a matter of fact
to use ropes (7) as long as / in order to prevent them 3 ______ you’re in such a good mood, shall we go
from falling. They can also wear helmets to protect their
out for dinner?
heads (8) despite / in case they slip and fall.
(9) While / Despite some say that this takes away all the a Seeing as b Whereas
danger, they (10) couldn’t / mustn’t have completed this 4 The flight was delayed ______ a strike at the
legendary climb without this basic protection. airport.
a owing to b providing that
Although Caldwell and Jorgeson (11) can / might have
climbed any rock face, it was the difficulty of El Capitan 5 Marta enjoys acting ______ her sister is very shy
that really (12) overshadowed / sparked their interest. and hates speaking in public.
They trained for over five years (13) so as to / owing to be a whereas b even so
prepared for the climb, and knew that it (14) was going to 6 ______ Andrea’s not going to marry that man, is
be / was being difficult. Their first attempt in 2010 had to
she? He’s old enough to be her father.
be (15) called out / called off at the last minute (16) due
to / in addition to storms. Then, in 2011, Jorgeson broke a Apparently b Surely
his ankle, but he decided that he (17) wasn’t to give up / 7 ______ having a French mother, Julien couldn’t
wouldn’t give up and was determined (18) succeeding / to speak French.
succeed. a Although b Despite
The climb began on 27 December 2014. The pair (19) 8 ‘What’s it like living in London?’ ‘______ I live in
have been / had been intending to begin earlier, but Brighton, not London.’
weather delayed their attempt. When they finally began, a Actually b Anyway
they (20) must hold / had to hold on to tiny bumps and
grooves on the surface of the rock to pull (21) ourselves / 1 point for each correct answer 8
themselves up the mountain face. During the climb, they
slept in tents (22) suspended / suspending from the rock
face. It was a tough climb with many (23) takeovers /
setbacks and difficulties. Where most people (24) will /
would have given up, Jorgeson and Caldwell proved they
were made of strong (25) stuff / things and kept going,
reaching the summit on 14 January. Those people that said
it (26) must / could never be done were left eating their
(27) words / shoes.

1 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press

5th edition


Exit test A Advanced

3 Complete the second sentence using 1 to 5 morning.

words so it is similar in meaning to the first.
1 We hardly ever went to expensive restaurants. 1 point for each correct answer 8
Rarely did we go to expensive restaurants.
2 I like the atmosphere in this café. 5 Tick () the correct sentences and correct the
What I like__ about this café is__ the atmosphere. wrong ones. There are only two correct
3 If it hadn’t been for her, I’d never have got the job.
1 If only I have more money. __
Had ___it not been for___ her, I’d never have
gotten the job. If only I had more money.
4 They believe the robber has left the country. 2 I’d rather you didn’t play music here if that’s OK.
The robber is believed ___to have left __ the _CORRECT__
country. _________________________________________
5 It appears that he is lying. 3 If I spoke Japanese, I can get a job in Tokyo. _x__
He appears___ to be lying___. __If I spoke Japanese, I could get a job in
6 I’d never seen such a beautiful sight.
4 I hope Tim’s OK. He can have had an accident on
Never ___had I seen __ such a beautiful sight. his bike. __x_
7 Karen emailed her boss. ___He could have had an accident on his bike.___
What Karen ___did was email___ her boss. 5 If I hadn’t been ill, I won’t be in hospital now. _x_
8 Mark cleaned the flat, he also cooked dinner. __If I hadn’t been ill, I wouldn’t be in hospital
Not only ___did Mark clean the flat __, but he also now.____
cooked dinner. 6 It’s time we leave. It’s getting late. _x__
9 It seemed that she had been crying. __It’s time we left.____
She seemed__ to have been crying___. 7 The lights are all off – Terry mustn’ be at home.
1 point for each correct answer 8 __Terry can’t be home.____
8 If I didn’t hurt my ankle, I’d come skiing with you
next week. _x__
4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of
____If I hadn’t hurt my ankle, I would come
the verb in brackets.
skiing with you next week.__
1 Remember __to take_ (take) out the rubbish before
9 He will leave everything to the last minute. It
going to bed, please.
drives me crazy! _CORRECT__
2 Are you interested in __going__ (go) to the _____________________________________
10 Where are they? They should get here by now. _x_
3 On __arriving__ (arrive) at the hotel, we checked
__They should have got here by now./ They
in and got our room key.
should be here by now.__
4 My boss made me __work__ (work) late last night.
5 I don’t remember ___getting__ (get) an email from 1 point for each correct answer 9
you yesterday.
6 I don’t regret __________telling__ (tell) him
exactly what I thought – I had to speak my mind!
7 He promised _to help__ (help) me move house.
8 I saw Charlie ___chatting_ (chat) with Silvia this

2 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press

5th edition


Exit test A Advanced

6 Circle the correct phrase in italics to 1 point for each correct answer 8
complete the sentences.
1 My partner loves the countryside and I do, 8 Complete the dialogues with idioms a–h.
though / I do, too. 1 A Let’s take it easy this holiday.
2 We asked Mathew to help, but he refused to / B OK, we need to find __a happy medium_
refused it. between relaxing and doing a bit of sightseeing.
3 ‘Boris lives in Bradford.’ ‘I don’t think he is / 2 A I just went on a date with Katy Perry!
does.’ B Oh yeah! _Pull the other one__ – like I’d
4 Her singing was faultless and her piano playing believe that!
was equally impeccable / flawed. 3 A My boss has threatened to fire me if my work
5 Jim’s less aggressive than he used to / used to be. doesn’t improve!
6 Emma doesn’t like tennis and nor do I / so do I. B Your boss doesn’t _mince her words_ , does
7 The machinery was pretty antiquated so we she?
invested in some that was more original / up to 4 A I just think your views are wrong.
date. B OK, well, let’s just __agree to disagree_ . I
8 ‘She can’t have left yet.’ ‘She must have / can don’t think we’ll ever think the same about this.
have. Her train left an hour ago.’ 5 A That movie was terrible!
9 Jamie’s persuaded Jenny to support his plan, but B Yes, but its one __saving grace_ was the
I’m not thorough / convinced. wonderful soundtrack.
6 A Weren’t you aware of the problems with the
1 point for each correct answer 9 Korean account?
B No, it wasn’t __on my radar_ . I just assumed it
7 Complete the sentences with the correct form was fine.
of a verb in the box.
7 A I’m pleased to see Anna’s not getting into so
much trouble at school these days.
break cheer pin use drive wear wind catch
B Yeah, she’s finally decided to __toe the line__
1 Lina never gives you a straight answer. It’s really and not be so rebellious.
hard to ___pin__ her down. 8 A Did I ever tell you that you’re terrible at telling
2 Unless you start taking better care of yourself, jokes?
you’ll __wind__ up in hospital. B __Look who’s talking_ ! Your jokes are just as
awful if not worse!
3 The constant criticism gradually __wore__ him
4 He _broke_ off the engagement because he met a saving grace
another woman. b a happy medium
5 We’ve __used__ up all the milk – can you buy c agree to disagree
another carton? d on my radar
6 Do you think the fashion for blue glasses will e pull the other one
__catch__ on?
f mince her words
7 The crowd __cheered__ her on as she ran towards
g look who’s talking
the finish line.
h toe the line
8 I can’t believe it! Someone just hit my car and
___drove_ off without stopping!

3 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press

5th edition


Exit test A Advanced

1 point for each correct answer 8

9 Match verbs 1-12 with words and phrases a-l.

1 gaze longingly a up
2 work conscientiously b and greet
3 lighten up c longingly
4 meet and greet d your knee
5 pay lip service e dramatically
6 graze your knee f on
7 increase dramatically g the line
8 watch your weight h vehemently
9 gain on i lip service
10 dress down j conscientiously
11 toe the line k your weight
12 protest vehemently l down

1 point for each correct answer 12

Total 100

4 Photocopiable Headway © Oxford University Press


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