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Exercise # 3
Modeling Values in Stories

Kherion Miranda

Galen University

Mr. Eulalio Torres, M.Ed.

Friday June 5, 2020
Modelling Values from

The Empty Pot

There are hundreds of books and films of stories that portray important values for children,

and even adults. Therefore choosing one to share in this writing was quite a challenge. I recall

some Disney cartoons that I watched as kid, lessons on love, friendship, endurance, kindness and

many more. Then I remembered stories from the Bible, teaching obedience, bravery,

commitment and so on. I finally decide to share one of my personal favorite entitle " The Empty

Pot ," a Chinese tradition story that teaches several values to children . I will be sharing a brief

summary of the story, and the methods how modelling occurs for children.

The story is told of a very old Emperor who had no son, and as his days on earth was coming

to an end, he decided to look for a successor. While in his garden contemplating on who to

choose, he had the idea of giving flower seeds to any young boys who would want to become

emperor. They must plant the seed and nurture it for a full year, and the person with the most

beautiful plant will become his successor.

The next day he sent out the message , and young boys from all over came to get a seed and

begin planting. Amongst them was a boy by the name of Ping. Ping also took his seed home and

planted it in a pot. However after week and months went by, Ping didn't even see a sprout. He

tried everything he could, water, sunlight, fertilizer, but nothing worked. Think about not to

return, his father encouraged him and told him there was nothing to loose if he tried. After a

year, everyone returned to the Palace with beautiful flowers all color shape and sizes. However

the emperor was not impress at any, only Pings empty pot caught his attention. The emperor
said, " I have found my successor." He told the people that all the seeds he gave were cooked and

could have never grown, therefore the only honest person was Ping.

The Empty Pot contains important values that we can instill in our children from young.

Firstly, it teaches patience. Because the boys had to wait a whole year before they would know

who the emperor would choose. I am certain not every one that got a seed went back after the

year, they might have given up after 3 months, 6 months or even 10 months, but Ping and the

others had patience and nurtured to their plant. It also teaches to be strong, as long as you have

done your best be proud and don't get discouraged. Ping was thinking about giving up but his

father told him to be strong and continue until the end. And most importantly honesty was shown

when Ping came with an empty pot and the others had beautiful flowers.

Many might not notice, but these values were being molded in Ping`s life, patience, honesty,

and strength will be necessary as he becomes the new emperor. He was also an example to the

other boys, honesty pays off. This is very important to remember when dealing with children,

they will indirectly adopt values we have, therefore we must be the best role model to children

around us. Ping’s dad could have told him to give up and not embarrass himself with an empty

pot, but Ping learnt a lesson that will take him far as a leader and emperor. The same way when

we teach children important values they will be able to use in life to become successful.

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