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WOOD WARBLERS  Henslow's Sparrow R *

 Blue-winged Warbler U *  Fox Sparrow U
 Golden-winged Warbler U *  Song Sparrow C *
 Tennessee Warbler C *  Lincoln's Sparrow U
 
in Juneau County
Nashville Warbler C * Swamp Sparrow C *
 Northern Parula R  White-throated Sparrow C *
 Yellow Warbler C *  Harris' Sparrow R
 Chestnut-sided Warbler U *  White-crowned Sparrow U w w w . J u n e a u C o u n t y . c o m
 Magnolia Warbler U  Dark-eyed Junco C Anytime of year is a good time of year for bird
 Cape May Warbler R  Lapland Longspur R watching in Juneau County.
 Black-throated Blue Warbler R  Snow Bunting U
The Necedah National Wildlife Refuge alone co-
 Yellow-rumped Warbler C GROSBEAKS & BUNTINGS
vers more than 43,000 acres and sees over 245
 Black-throated Green Warbler U  Northern Cardinal U *
bird species, 130 of which breed here also.
 Blackburnian Warbler U  Rose-breasted Grosbeak C * (
 Pine Warbler U  Indigo Bunting C *
 Palm Warbler U  Dickcissel R * Juneau County is also home to several state parks
and county parks, public lands, lakes and rivers…
 Bay-breasted Warbler U BLACKBIRDS & ORIOLES
all of which create ideal habitats for our incredibly
 Blackpoll Warbler U  Bobolink U *
diverse avian population. The Buckhorn State Park
 Black-and-white Warbler U *  Red-winged Blackbird C * covers 7,000 acres on Castle Rock Lake, and is
 American Redstart U  Eastern Meadowlark U * brimming with wildlife.
 Ovenbird C *  Western Meadowlark U * parks/name/buckhorn. The Mill Bluff State Park
 Northern Waterthrush U  Yellow-headed Blackbird R on its 1,300 acres features several nationally pro-
 Connecticut Warbler U  Rusty Blackbird C tected sandstone bluffs from 80 to 200 feet high.
 Mourning Warbler U  Brewer's Blackbird U * (
 Common Yellowthroat C *  Common Grackle C *
 Wilson's Warbler U  Brown-headed Cowbird C *
 Canada Warbler U  Northern Oriole C *
 Scarlet Tanager C *  Purple Finch U
SPARROWS  House Finch R The following information for the birding checklist was gath-
 Rufous-sided Towhee C *  Red Crossbill R ered from sources at the Necedah National Wildlife Refuge.
 American Tree Sparrow C  White-winged Crossbill R
 Chipping Sparrow C *  Common Redpoll U
C=Common, U=Uncommon, R=Rare, *=Nesting Species
 Clay-colored Sparrow U *  Pine Siskin U
 Field Sparrow C *  American Goldfinch C * SPECIES
 Vesper Sparrow C *  Evening Grosbeak U SWANS, GEESE & DUCKS
 Savannah Sparrow U * OLD WORLD SPARROWS  Greater White-fronted Goose R
 Grasshopper Sparrow R *  House Sparrow R  Snow Goose C
 Canada Goose C *  American Bittern C *  Killdeer C *
 Trumpeter Swan U *  Least Bittern R * SANDPIPERS
 Tundra Swan U  Great Blue Heron C *  Greater Yellowlegs U
 Wood Duck C *  Great Egret U  Lesser Yellowlegs C
 Gadwal U  Snowy Egret R  Solitary Sandpiper U
 American Wigeon C *  Cattle Egret R  Spotted Sandpiper C *
 American Black Duck C *  Green Heron C *  Upland Sandpiper R
 Mallard C *  Black-crowned Night Heron R  Semipalmated Sandpiper R
 Blue-winged Teal C * VULTURES  Western Sandpiper R
 Northern Shoveler U *  Turkey Vulture C *  Least Sandpiper U
 Northern Pintail C * HAWKS & EAGLES  Baird's Sandpiper R
 Green-winged Teal C *  Osprey U *  Pectoral Sandpiper C
 Canvasback U  Bald Eagle U *  Dunlin R
 Redhead U  Northern Harrier C *  Stilt Sandpiper R
 Ring-necked Duck C *  Sharp-shinned Hawk U  Short-billed Dowitcher R
 Greater Scaup U  Cooper's Hawk U *  Long-billed Dowitcher R
 Lesser Scaup U  Northern Goshawk R *  Common Snipe C *
 Bufflehead U  Red-shouldered Hawk U  American Woodcock C *
 Common Goldeneye U  Broad-winged Hawk C *  Wilson's Phalarope R
 Hooded Merganser C *  Red-tailed Hawk C * GULLS & TERNS
 Common Merganser U  Rough-legged Hawk C  Bonaparte's Gull R
 Red-breasted Merganser R  Golden Eagle U  Ring-billed Gull U
 Ruddy Duck U FALCON  Herring Gull R
GROUSE & TURKEYS  American Kestrel U *  Caspian Tern R
 Ring-necked Pheasant R  Merlin R  Common Tern R
 Ruffled Grouse U *  Peregrine Falcon R  Forster's Tern R
 Sharp-tailed rouse R RAILS & COOTS  Black Tern U *
 Wild Turkey C *  King Rail U * PIGEONS & DOVES
QUAIL  Virginia Rail C *  Rock Pigeon R
 Northern Bobwhite R *  Sora C *  Mourning Dove C *
LOONS  American Coot C * THRASHERS
 Common Loon U * CRANES  Gray Catbird C *
GREBES  Sandhill Crane C *  Brown Thrasher C *
 Pied-billed Grebe C *  Whooping Crane U STARLINGS
 Horned Grebe U PLOVERS  European Starling R
CORMORANTS  Black-bellied Plover R WAXWINGS
 Double-crested Cormorant U *  American Golden Plover R  Bohemian Waxwing R
HERONS & BITTERNS  Semipalmated Plover R  Cedar Waxwing C *

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