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Taller de inglés 4 ciclo 4


Docente: Ferman Arturo Madera

1) write Two sentences using presente perfect

You have worked
They have worked

2) have you been to China?

I have not been in china.
3) Choose the correct answer
1) how often do you play tennis?
A) I talked English
B) I play tennis
C) I always play tennis

4) choose the correct adverb of frequency.

A) never
B) yet
C) pretty
D) hello

5) choose the verb in past participle.

A) wrote
B) listen
C) was
D) been
6) write one sentences in presente perfect.

We have lived in this house for over 15 years.

7) write the auxiliarie that we can use in the present perfect tense.
“to have”

8) choose the correct sentences in present perfect.

A) I has talked English
B) she has wrote a book
C) They have listened Spanish

9) how often do you study English?

A) I sometime Practice English
B) I play English
C) I talk English

10) write a short conversation using the presente perfect tense.

Carlos.- Hi, ana.
Ana.- Hi Carlos. Have you been here long time ago?
Carlos.- Oh, no. I’ve (I have) arrived five minutes ago.
Ana.- Great. I have think you have been here at least an hour before. I have
drived all the morning, but traffic was so heavy.
Carlos.- Never mind Mary. Have you eat yet?
Ana.- No, no yet.
Carlos.- Then come to that restaurant. I have come here for six months,
cooks well.
Ana.- No, better go to Tako Loko. My uncle has worked there for two years,
and says that are so good tacos.
Carlos.- Is expensive?
Ana.- Not at all. My uncle says that from the begining, they have sold so
Carlos.- Ok, its has been decided. Let’s go.

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