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Learning activity 1- Ingles 7: Evidence: Modeling excellence

I decided for this composition, to get information about three high-achievers in the music, all
of them inspire me to do my best in everything I do and inspire people around me. These persons
always are goal-oriented people who are always on the lookout for exciting ways to grow both
professionally and personally to inspire with their goals to people to get it too and overcome their
deepest fears.

- kim nam Joon, also known RM is an excellent song writer, producer, rapper and singer in korea
and leading member of a music group called BTS.

- Lee Ji Eun , also known IU is an excellent female song writer, producer, actress, soloist singer and
MC (it is a little hard to explain the meaning of MC in English, probably the most explanation of
that is a person who present different events mostly music shows in korea) She is Korean too.

- Son Seung Wan, also known Wendy is an excellent female singer, dancer, model and MC in

Even though they belong to different generations of singers in the kpop era, I was able to
find several commonalities in their daily routines, maybe her life style aparently are the same but
it is not actually.

The three of them think inspire the people with their songs and their hard work out of music
world is the most important quality you should have if you want to achieve your goals, it is not
only about music life, it is always you can do with your time and hard work to help others. Nam
joon as an example, he doesn’t start his day without looking at his to-do list first, his time are very
limited and IU doesn’t either.

Setting goals for all of them is an essential element for success at daily life. their routine is very
hard and their life style must be accord their daily work, other example is when Before they go to
bed, Nam joon, and Wendy write what they plan to accomplish the next day and sometimes the
next week. IU does too, but she prefers to write his goals in the morning because her plans will be
changed any time. They all have a little notebook to keep track of what they do and make sure
they are focused on their priorities, believed or not they prefer to write their appointment’s
despite each having a manager who can do that job for them, manager haves their own schedule
for them.

Wendy doesn’t watch TV. Neither do IU or Nam joon. They think it is a passive activity that
makes them waste time, they work a lot of hours per day, time is very important from them.
They prefer to rest every single time to recover energy to keep going their hard routine and go
online is not one of their favorite activities, their works denied that activity to avoid any single
scandal about their interaction for their fans or haters. Wendy and Nam Joon always take notes
about their activities with their fans in their own fan signs what they see and remember their fans
for the next fan meeting and so does IU.
Additionally, they think a balanced diet is a key element in regards to high cognitive
abilities, they need to have full energy for their routine. Wendy never eats processed carbs or
sugar and neither does IU they need to be fit on diets since they cannot attend the gym regularly .

In regards to inspiration, Nam Joon has a very particular approach. He thinks that his
inspiration should be treated as a wish be himself to feel his soul voice. He feels technology and
the music globalization will have a big ideal for get people around the world can hear his voice and
his message, and IU does too. Wendy is more cautious in his optimism about that, but she
also thinks our well-being is being enhanced by their efforts for touch people with her songs.

In my case, I think I have not been as organized as I can in regards to my goals. From now on, I
will start using the day planner to checkoff the activities that I do during the day to have a real
information about my advances. In regards to efforts, inspiration or daily eating routines, I am
going to start cutting down on carbs and sugar to keep healthy my body and care it if I can not do
exercises regularity I know it is not going to be easy because most people do not know anything
about their detrimental effects. I need to keep on my goals and with my hard work inspire people
around me to do the same too. That was an important lesson my favorite persons taught me
when I was a know k pop music and today I couldn’t feel more grateful for that.

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