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Orlando Miguel Alvarez Alfaro Object Oriented Programming 

Open-Close Questionnaire. Unit 6  Teacher Helue de la Barrera 

1. What’s a file?  

An object were we save information. 

2. What types of files are there? 

Text and binary files. 

3. How are the files stored?  

By assigning them a space in memory. 

4. What’s a text file? 

A file that contains alphanumeric characters. 

5. What’s a binary file? 

A file that contains ones and zeros. 

6. What java API classes are useful for reading binary files? 


7. What predefined java classes are useful for writing binary files? 


8. What predefined java classes are useful for reading binary files? 


9. What java API classes are useful for writing text files?  


10. What’s the use of the Scanner class for file processing? 

It allows you to read the content of a file, or writing upon one. 

11. Write the set of instructions in java to open a text file for writing: 

Declare and initialize an object of the File class. 

12. Write the set of instructions in java to write to a text file: 

I don’t know how. 

13. Write the set of instructions in java to close a text file: 

I don’t know how. 

14.  Write  the  set  of  instructions  in  java  to  open  an  object (binary) file for 

I don’t know how. 

15. Write the set of instructions in java to read the objects of a binary file 

I don’t know how. 

16. Write the set of instructions in java to close a binary file: 

I don’t know how. 

17.  What  modification  is  necessary  in  the  instantiable  class,  in  order  to 
write and read that type of objects with files? 

I don’t know. 

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