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On this unit we reviewed how to create, save, write in and read from files, the types

of files, how to handle the aforementioned operations for each one of them making
use of the several Java APIs and predefined classes (such as readers and
streams), and the way Java interprets byte and text files. To learn and practice, we
had two pre-recorded classes, several partially solved exercises and an exercise to
solve by ourselves, in which we had to register candidates and their qualifications
through text or object files. As accustomed, we made our CodingBat expositions
online and we had a final quiz in which we had reviewed these concepts.

To begin our activities, we began reading an introductory presentation where we

would learn the basics and had part of the File class documentation so that we had
a direction to know which classes to use while developing our program. After that,
we watched the classes, which talked about creating and writing in files on
NetBeans and Eclipse. After reviewing the necessary material, we were able to
start programming. Once we had the knowledge, we developed the program
(which could read the information from a text file or an object file). It was
particularly nice to be able to understand how to read the information from a
permanent file, because now our programming arsenal has become quite broad
and our understanding of the language has a very sturdy base, so that we can
continue to find solutions to more complex problems.

As always, we fulfiled the scope indicators by evidencing our work in the Java IDE
of our choice, answered the opening and closing version of our questionnaire
(which I found very useful to summarize my learning on this unit) and made our
CodingBat expositions. I found the topic of functional programming in the portal
and I became quite interested about it.

As this is the end of this course, I would like to express my gratitude for it, since the
teacher was always very dedicated to explain (and even more so on quarantine)
and the learning environment always felt healthy and welcoming. I expect to take
more classes with teacher Helue, because this working routine helped me to feel
very comfortable, since I did each one of the tasks at my own pace.

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