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I. Purpose of statement and its release.

A) On June 2nd, 2019, it was announced by Anthony Johnson, CEO and founder of The
21 Convention, that as a result of Rollo Tomassi’s personal conduct, Mr. Tomassi had
been permanently removed as a speaker and business associate of The 21 Convention
and The Red Man Group, and that this decision was made in conjunction with the
agreement and demand of other speakers.

B) Not unexpectedly, this public announcement resulted in significant social media

attention, grossly uninformed speculation, and repetitive demands for additional
public disclosure of details surrounding Mr. Tomassi’s relevant conduct.

C) This public attention, uninformed speculation, and repeated demands have created
an unnecessary and unhelpful drama which detracts from both the mission of 21
Studios, The 21 Convention, its speakers, and also of Mr. Tomassi himself.

D) In consequence, this subsequent statement is released for the following reasons:

1) To provide direct, unequivocal, and factual information to a public inundated with

unhelpful speculation, grotesque insinuation, and false accusation against 21
Studios, The 21 Convention, its speakers, and Mr. Tomassi himself.

2) To provide unfortunate but necessary public closure to the final determination of

a private business matter, and thereby assist the conclusion of public agitation
regarding the decision.

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II. Specific conduct resulting in removal.

A) In October of 2018, The 21 Convention held a separate, casual private event for
speakers and attendees at an undisclosed public venue in Orlando, Florida.

B) All speakers and attendees were explicitly instructed by Anthony Johnson, CEO of The
21 Convention, not to disclose the location of the event or its gatherings to the media.

C) Mr. Tomassi repeatedly argued against this restriction, and was consistently and
severally advised that violation of that restriction was not acceptable.

D) Despite this instruction, Mr. Tomassi surreptitiously provided the location to a

potentially hostile reporter of a global media publication, invited her to appear, and
falsely asserted to her that several speakers were prepared to be interviewed.

E) As a result of this explicitly prohibited action, the reporter appeared unannounced at

a private event where speakers and attendees had been reassured they could
converse in privacy.

F) The reporter openly stated on arrival that she had been specifically invited to
interview speakers and/or attendees. The truth of that assertion was subsequently
confirmed to The 21 Convention, by the reporter, through her provision of

G) This conduct by Mr. Tomassi directly put the identities, reputations, livelihoods, safety
of speakers and attendees, and the success of The 21 Convention, The Red Man
Group, and 21 Studios itself, at serious risk of a potentially defamatory major media

H) Based on videotaped interaction with this reporter on her arrival, documented

invitation in the aforementioned screenshots, and her subsequent tone and manner,
it is evident that she believed the invitation to be genuinely authorized and was
perturbed and confused at the awkward, unpleasant, and sudden reaction to her

I) The 21 Convention does not consider the reporter to have acted in bad faith by
appearing unannounced at the private event. She did not have reason to suspect that
her invitation was specifically and explicitly prohibited, nor that her presence would
be an unwelcome shock.

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J) Regardless of Mr. Tomassi’s reasoning or motivations, his gross violation of the trust
placed in him by The 21 Convention staff, speakers, and attendees is unacceptable, as
is the serious risk it created.

K) That risk includes the vengeful doxxing, mob smear campaigns, sudden job loss,
professional ostracism, physical threats, and partisan violence that are an acutely
present theme in the current socio-political environment.

L) Mr. Tomassi’s violation of explicit instructions of confidentiality, careless exposure of

business partners to significant risk, and callous disregard for serious potential
consequences to the professional and private lives of attendees, displays a deficiency
of judgment, trustworthiness, and discretion irreconcilable with any continued
business relationship.

M) This gross violation of trust was sufficient for other speakers at The 21 Convention,
and for 21 Studios itself, to insist on immediate removal of Mr. Tomassi from all
forward events and business associations.

N) Between these events of October 2018 in Orlando, Florida and the decision made with
respect to Mr. Tomassi on June 2nd, 2019, there was also a deliberate leak of
screenshots of private conversations within a secure chat group of 21 Convention

1) Those leaks, combined with Mr. Tomassi’s personal conduct, gradually raised
concerns over time that his continued involvement with 21 Studios, The 21
Convention, and other speakers presented unacceptable risk.

2) While there is no incontrovertible evidence that Mr. Tomassi was responsible for
those leaks to the public of private and secure speaker discussions, it is noted that
such leaks have ceased following his removal.

O) The process of uncovering, gathering, and concatenating all applicable evidence; fully
reviewing that evidence with the speakers; forming consensus and conclusions on
that evidence; and structuring formal decision on those conclusions, was conducted
with deliberation and care. This deliberation and care required detached professional
perspective and the investment of necessary time over months to avoid a hasty
and/or mistaken decision.

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P) As a result of this careful team deliberation, and team examination of evidence of

inappropriate conduct, a group decision was reached by the management of 21
Studios, The 21 Convention, and the majority of the speakers, to sever relationship
with Mr. Tomassi.

Q) This decision is non-negotiable and irrevocable.

III. Associated conduct reinforcing this decision.

A) The 21 Convention has unmatched prominence in the public eye as the host of events
unparalleled in the current cultural struggle for the future of men and masculinity.

B) Anthony Johnson, 21 Studios, and associated speakers have invested thirteen years
of immense effort and organization to bring sixteen 21 Convention events to the
public on three separate continents, focused on the development of masculine
character, dignity, and personal growth in attendees.

C) It is a firm and nonnegotiable requirement of 21 Studios that each individual invited

as a speaker to The 21 Convention, must conduct themselves honorably and with
manly forthright character, both in public and in private.

D) While not the cause of his dismissal and severance from 21 Studios and associated
business relationships, Mr. Tomassi’s private conduct has failed to maintain that
honorable and forthright character.

E) To wit:

1) Mr. Tomassi has regularly and consistently been deprecating, insulting, and
contemptuous of both his fellow speakers and attendees at 21 Studios events.

2) More disturbingly, this insult and contempt has also been directed at the broader
public audience shared in common with 21 Studios and its speakers.

3) Mr. Tomassi has repeatedly accused other speakers of disloyalty, fabricated

unsupported accusations of betrayal, and urged their dismissal from 21 Studios.

4) Mr. Tomassi has repeatedly characterized himself as a uniquely important figure,

above the expectation and requirement of basic respect and consideration
towards his colleagues and collaborators.

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5) Mr. Tomassi has demanded executive control over 21 Convention speaker

selection and content, including threats of departure if certain individuals were
permitted to appear

6) Mr. Tomassi failed to adhere to customary expectations regarding his own

appearance and engagement at 21 Convention events, including his formal
interview on the 21 Report, full and gracious availability to attendees, and good
will participation in official 21 Convention activities.

7) This conduct, while not rising to the level of dismissal from 21 Studios and related
business associations, reinforces the determination of 21 Studios and its speakers
that Mr. Tomassi is unsuitable for further business relationships.

IV. Subsequent conduct by Mr. Tomassi reinforcing this decision.

A) Following public announcement by Mr. Tomassi of his removal from 21 Studios, The
21 Convention, and associated business relationships, Mr. Tomassi engaged in a
publicized campaign to damage 21 Studios and The 21 Convention

1) This campaign included urging mass refund requests by the wider audience for
tickets purchased to 21 Convention events, despite long-standing published 21
Studios policy, that:

(a) 21 Studios reserves the right to change, add, or remove speakers at its
discretion without notice.

(b) 21 Studios’ long-standing published policy is that all ticket sales are final and
no refunds are issued with the sole exception of natural or man-made

2) Such public campaign by Mr. Tomassi or others, if intended to cause financial and
reputational harm to 21 Studios, The 21 Convention, or its speakers, may
constitute tortious interference in applicable jurisdictions.

B) Mr. Tomassi publicly alluded to the cancellation of another speaker and characterized
this as resulting from Mr. Tomassi’s removal.

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1) This is chronologically false, as that speaker’s decision to withdraw was

communicated several weeks prior to any decision of 21 Studios or its speakers to
sever ties with Mr. Tomassi.

2) This is factually incorrect, as that speaker’s decision to withdraw resulted from

prior and conflicting business, travel, and personal commitments.

3) This is disingenuous and dishonest, as such characterization of that speaker’s prior

decision unfairly draws him into unnecessary and inappropriate public drama.

C) Mr. Tomassi has directly engaged with other public figures and encouraged them to
openly repudiate, insult, and denigrate 21 Studios, The 21 Convention, Anthony
Johnson, and other speakers while failing to provide those public figures with full,
accurate, and honest details surrounding his removal.

1) This has placed the reputation, public trust, and goodwill towards those public
figures, who acted in good faith without full and accurate information, at
significant risk of subsequent negative publicity and public embarrassment.

2) This has reinforced the determination of 21 Studios and its speakers, that Mr.
Tomassi does not view with appropriate gravity his responsibility to avoid risk,
harm, or damage to his colleagues, his business relationships, or more importantly
the broader audience that 21 Studios and its speakers strive to serve.

V. Concluding remarks of this statement.

A) 21 Studios, The 21 Convention, and its speakers have been and will continue to be
explicit that the decision to remove Mr. Tomassi from association is strictly related to
the betrayal of trust he committed with respect to disclosures to the media, as
specifically detailed in this statement. This termination decision would be reached by
any enterprise confronted with verification of willful, deliberate, and public sabotage
of its business policies and directives by an employee, business partner, or client.

B) 21 Studios, The 21 Convention, and its speakers have been and will continue to be
explicit that other inappropriate conduct by Mr. Tomassi detailed in this statement,
while distressing, dishonest, and hurtful, were not deciding factors in his removal.

C) 21 Studios, The 21 Convention, and its speakers have been and will continue to be
explicit that the decision to remove Mr. Tomassi from association is completely

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unrelated to his written works and content, including The Rational Male book series
and his blog, which remain an available resource to men seeking insight.

D) 21 Studios, The 21 Convention, and its speakers unequivocally state that public
rumors, gossip, accusations, and insinuations on social media regarding sexual,
financial, or other improprieties by Mr. Tomassi, Anthony Johnson, or other speakers
are false, unfounded, malicious, and unhelpful.

E) 21 Studios, The 21 Convention, and its speakers wish to reiterate that the purpose of
its organizations, associations, and speakers is to provide men with mentors, tools,
and resources to facilitate their growth, improvement, success, personal power, and
fulfillment as a man in the modern age. Focus on personalities, descent into
distracting hero-worship, engaging in foolish social media spats, and regarding any
individual as above the dual requirements of honest and forthright conduct and
accountability, are in direct contradiction to the values and process by which men
build themselves, their character, and their accomplishments.

F) This statement concludes with strong and direct encouragement to public figures,
organizations, individuals, and the public itself to understand this removal of Mr.
Tomassi as a business decision, comprehensively reviewed, and effected as efficiently
as possible despite the regret, pain, and sorrow such decision inevitably causes.

VI. Video taken on October 14th, 2018 in Orlando, Florida.

Figure 1

Arrival of New York Times reporter at private event and confrontation.

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VII. Evidentiary screenshots related to removal.

A) The screenshots provide relevant details regarding removal of Mr. Tomassi.

Figure 2

Direct confrontation of Mr. Tomassi by The 21 Convention speakers on June 2nd, 2019
and his dishonest response to the team.

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Figure 3

Email from Ms. Bowles at the New York Times to Anthony Johnson
one week prior to the event, acknowledging the invitation was rescinded.

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Figure 4

Unauthorized invitation received by New York Times reporter Nellie Bowles the night of October 14th.

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Figure 5

Screenshot message from Ms. Bowles at the New York Times

providing proof of invitation, after she had been directed to leave.

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Figure 6

Messages from Ms. Bowles at the New York Times indicating her specific invitation
to the private event had been provided by Mr. Tomassi against policy.

VIII. Evidentiary screenshots related to associated conduct.

A) The screenshots provide relevant details regarding associated conduct of Mr. Tomassi.

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Figure 7

Mr. Tomassi’s conduct towards other speakers.

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Figure 8

Mr. Tomassi’s conduct towards other speakers.

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Figure 9

Mr. Tomassi’s conduct towards broader audience.

VIII. Further statement and any requests for additional information.

A) For any further statement or request for additional information, please contact The
21 Convention at

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