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HAND OUT DATE: 25-July-2019

HAND IN DATE: 26-November-2019



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The fundamental objective of this paper is to develop On time order delivery system for wood
intensive furnishing incorporated, and show the implementation agile methodology while
software development, including its Feedback. This paper furthermore explains about feasibility,
software development model and proposed solutions regarding the management, elaborates on its
process of developing System.

This research paper also comprises implementation of agile methodology with Scrum framework
regarding software development, in order to research and achieve the goal in an efficient manner
by developing user friendly software, and also, further discuss about the alternatives, regarding
the outsourcing part of the project and contracting.

Similarly, this research paper also includes, initiating to be taken for major critical success
factors (CSFs) and furthermore, explains about the knowledge areas needed to recover the

This research paper is also about the research done by other researchers on the same platform
and hence, compares what they say.

Keywords: knowledge management, Tailoring, SDLC, Agile methodology, Scrum framework,

risk management

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the associate professor, Mr. Prachesh Acharya, for
providing invaluable guidance, comments and suggestions throughout the course of this project. I
would also like to thank my class mates for constantly motivating me to work harder, advising
and assisting me to keep my progress in schedule. I would also like to thank Mr. Aryan Thakur
for his assistance in Documentation and suggestion in overall project.

I would also like to thank, Asia Pacific University, College of Professional Studies and my
teachers for providing an opportunity to explore my knowledge in managing software
development project.
About the company..........................................................................................................................5
Problem statement...........................................................................................................................5
System Analysis and Design...........................................................................................................6
System requirements................................................................................................................6
Tailoring of knowledge area............................................................................................................7
Stakeholder Management........................................................................................................7
Time Management...................................................................................................................8
Project manger’s skills.............................................................................................................8
Budget management................................................................................................................9
Out sourcing part of the project.......................................................................................................9
Advantage of outsourcing......................................................................................................10
Sustainability of Agile Methodology.............................................................................................11
Principal of Agile methodology.............................................................................................11
Implementing agile methodology with Scrum framework....................................................12
Advantage of Scrum framework............................................................................................13
Wood intensive furnishing incorporated (WIFI) wants to adopt on time order delivery system
upgrading the previous online sales order system. This system is a responsive and user friendly
web based application. It provides client to surf for the product, select product and check out in a
cart, including the online payment module. This software also comprises fixing an appointment
for the delivery of the goods. Furthermore, this software provides global positioning system
tracker as a logistic support for finding and verifying the delivery of goods. It is estimated 7
working days to be product to be delivered.

Here, regards to software development for Wood intensive furnishing incorporated (WIFI), agile
methodology with SCRUM framework is implemented. Also in this paper, knowledge areas are
discussed in detail about its tailoring. And finally, also includes the alternatives about the
outsourcing part of the project.

About the company

Dynamic Software Methodologies (DSM) Company Limited is a software consulting company
that focuses in analyzing and restructuring Software Project Management Methodologies
processes to increase the success rate of projects in trouble or are about to fail. Their customers
are usually organizations that use industry standard project management methodologies expertise
for their projects but need some restructuring and/or tailoring activities when their projects
experience difficulties in meeting delivery schedules and managing users’ expectations.

Wood Intensive Furnishing Incorporated (WIFI), a hypermarket chain with many stores across
the country, markets wooden household and office furniture that are bulky and require deliveries
to customers. Sales orders in all the hypermarkets are currently processed centrally through a
computerized Online Sales Order (OSO) system which is well networked. The truck delivery
system is currently manually processed and there are problems in integrating it with the OSO
system. Deliveries of sales orders to customers are often mismatched, late and the truck delivery
routes are also badly managed with duplicate itineraries in the schedules.

Problem statement
Present online sales order system lack efficiency in day to day operation. Dissatisfaction among
the client and employee side had hindered if service reputation of the company. Online sales
order system has limited facilities which has resulted to problem in operation of the logistic
goods. Furthermore, manually delivering system has developed miscommunication and
understanding in the client and the costumers. Therefore, on time delivery system is must require
for Wood Intensive Furnishing Incorporated (WIFI).
 To develop effective and user friendly system for fluency in work flow.
 To facilitate client by offering on time delivery system.
 Improve logistic support with GPS system.
 To ensure product are customizable by the client through transection process
 To improve efficiency in sales and support operation.
 To make sure goods are delivered at right place and time.

System Analysis and Design

Systems Analysis and Design (SAD) is a broad term used to describe methodologies for
designing high-quality information system that incorporates information technology, individuals
and data to support business needs. In addition to being confined to IT systems, the SAD method
can be used to build just about anything, from a family house to the international space station.
[CITATION Ram12 \l 1033 ]. Analysis and design is fundamental requirement for the
development of on time delivery system. This phase determines the transformation of input into
developed output.

System requirements
Hardware and software requirements for the development are listed below.

Software requirements

 Operating system: windows Server 2016 Standard Edition

 Technology : JAVA, Android SDK
 Database : MS SQL server 2016 standard edition
 Tool : Net beans

Hardware requirements

 Processor: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2650 v3,2 Core

 Hard Disk: 500 GB hard disk or above
Tailoring of knowledge area
Tailoring is the Adapting criteria or specifications to existing functional needs by eliminating,
changing and supplementing them, without deviating from a standard.[ CITATION Bus19 \l
1033 ] Here bellow four knowledge area are discussed regarding to its tailored.

Stakeholder Management
Stakeholders are the producer of the project.
Therefore, its management is very important
subject while developing the software.
Dynamic research is conducted by
stakeholders and consumers to provide
greater insight into the desires and
perceptions of our clients and buyers. This is
essential for providing information,
perspectives and analysis to the board,
executive and staff to encourage strategic,
evidence-based decision-making. Continuous
and targeted customer and stakeholder
research, combined with market research and
Figure 1[ CITATION pun14 \l 1033 ] a strategic research program, delivers better
results for customers and partners and enhances our competitive position.[ CITATION lan19 \l
1033 ] Therefore, communication is very important between the project manager and stake
holders. In order to meet the requirement of the project, project manager has to fulfill the demand
and necessity of the project, maintaining the proper documentation, contract and reports.
Organizations, where stakeholders are concerned about the type to which products and services
companies bring the market, operate in a competing business environment. In addition, modern
customers are aware of the products and service they buy from an organization and sensitive to
it.[ CITATION Ogo18 \l 1033 ]
Time Management

Time management is another aspect of

tailoring activates. WIFI must address
time management within the
organization to maintain quality in the
offering of product and services. Timing
is very precious in the production of the
system. Delay in timing can miss the
real time market and can lead to loss for
the company. Therefore, while
developing on time delivery system
work break down structure plays vital
role in competition of the project

Figure 2[ CITATION Eis11 \l 1033 ] dealing with each module at a time.

Project manger’s skills

Project managerial skills one of the fundamental pillar for developing timely while maintaining
the quality in the product. Furthermore, this skill determines the efficiency in proper
management in development of the product and fulfilling the every major and minor
requirements of the project. Some project managerial skills are enlisted bellow.

 Communication: communication is very important to maintain each and every

requirement of the project. Project manager must conduct meeting and commutative
environment between every individual in the project
 Leadership: project manager must be liable source while developing the project. Project
manager must take the charge, monitor and evaluate in the process of development of the
 Team management: team management is another part required by project manager. This
includes delegating task, setting goal, solving conflict and motivating the team.
Negotiation: it is not possible to portray every individual thought in the development
process; therefore, project manager must deal and negotiate to make a thought of unity by
addressing everyone’s thought.
 Risk management: risk management must be checked by project manager to maintain
quality in the product and successful deployment of the product.

Budget management
Budget management is the analysis, organization and supervision of a business or organization's
costs and expenditure. Managing a budget calls for strict internal spending protocols to be
adhered to. A well-managed budget allows smooth
operations and growth to continue.[ CITATION
Ask19 \l 1033 ]. Well organized budget
management supports project environment to
fluency in development. Project can halt due to
unmanaged budget management. Budget must be
planned efficiently to complete every minor details
during the project. This saves unnecessary time and
effort while the project development. Cost
estimation makes the complete visual of the
Figure 3[ CITATION Fre19 \l 1033 ]
duration and the quality of the product.

Out sourcing part of the project

Outsourcing is the business practice of recruiting a group outside a company to perform services
and produce items that the company's own employees and staff have historically done in-house.
Outsourcing is a practice that companies usually take as a cost-cutting measure. As such, it can
have an effect on a wide range of jobs, from customer support to manufacturing to back office.
[ CITATION ALE19 \l 1033 ] In the case of developing on time delivery system by Dynamic
Software Methodologies (DSM) on behalf of Wood intensive furnishing incorporated (WIFI)
requires certain part outsource. Out sourcing part is mentioned bellow.

Mobile app development

Mobile app includes user friendly graphical user interface for users that allows viewing, ordering
and purchasing of the product. A new technique is needed that predicts many of the privacy
preferences of a user's mobile app. A significant contribution is that the users of the privacy
profiles are most closely informed by different machine learning technologies. [ CITATION
Azi19 \l 1033 ]As this requires human resource in technological field related to information
technology, it is required to outsource for the development of the system. This activity is
believed to get efficient and quality result saving unnecessary work load and time.
Web application development

Developing web application requires human resource with technological background. Website
should provide a platform for sales and services along with its record and feedback. This requires
graphic designer, front end designer and back end developer. Either an inadequate Software
Development Model to control the process of development or an application development model
that does not find security a key factor are due to the vulnerabilities of the Web application layer.
[ CITATION Saj15 \l 1033 ] Therefore, outsourcing is believed to give the best and quality result
for the company.

Global Positioning System

In order to location, using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) has revolutionized the
way data is obtained. The Time and Distance Global Positioning System (GPS) Navigation
System is a key component of the global satellite navigation system (GNSS), providing users
with points of interest and time-related information from satellite-based radio navigation
systems. The accuracy of the GPS position can be improved using the differential correcting
technique known to provide the most percussive positioning results, called Differential GPS
(DGPS). In the data collection stage or in real time, differential correction may be applied.
[ CITATION Tar12 \l 1033 ] Here, on time delivery system requires to track the vehicle while
delivery of goods and also the location of the client. Out sourcing this system can achieve the
requirement of the project.

Advantage of outsourcing

With the intensification of market competition, core-business companies have become the most
important survival rules. Consequently, more
and more businesses are embracing
outsourcing as critical business strategies
because it lowers expense, improves their
core competitiveness and other characteristics
effectively.[ CITATION Xin13 \l 1033 ]

Figure 4[ CITATION suk19 \l 1033 ]

Cost efficient: Company saves
unnecessary cost to build extra
infrastructure adding more human resources. Outsourcing can deliver a quality product
from the expert itself.
 Simplify Project Management: outsourcing provide platform to manage project more
efficiently and keep track on going and completed task.
 Risk Management: As the project is under the supervision of the expert in respective
part, it provides assurance the risk management.
 Quick development: outsourcing the project is time saving, as time consuming activities
are addressed by out sourcing with qualified human resources.

Sustainability of Agile Methodology

Principal of Agile methodology
 Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of
valuable software.
 Welcome changing requirements, even late in development. Agile processes harness
change for the customer's competitive advantage.
 Deliver working software frequently, from a couple of weeks to a couple of months, with
a preference to the shorter timescale.
 Business people and developers must work together daily throughout the project.
 Build projects around motivated individuals. Give them the environment and support they
need, and trust them to get the job done.
 The most efficient and effective method of conveying information to and within a
development team is face-to-face conversation.
 Working software is the primary measure of progress.
 Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users
should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
 Continuous attention to technical excellence and good design enhances agility.
 Simplicity--the art of maximizing the amount of work not done--is essential.
 The best architectures, requirements, and designs emerge from self-organizing teams.
 At regular intervals, the team reflects on how to become more effective, then tunes and
adjusts its behavior accordingly.[ CITATION Ken01 \l 1033 ]

Implementing agile methodology with Scrum framework

Scrum is a framework for project management that emphasizes teamwork, accountability and
iterative progress toward a well-defined goal. The framework begins with a simple premise: Start
with what can be seen or known. After that, track the progress and tweak as necessary. The three
pillars of Scrum are transparency, inspection and adaptation. The framework, which is often part
of agile software development, is named for a rugby formation. Everyone plays a role. When it
comes to product development, Scrum roles include product owner, Scrum master and Scrum
development team.[ CITATION Mar17 \l 1033 ]

Product owner: Produce owner is responsible for gathering the requirements and information
from the client for efficient and quality result.

Scrum master: Scrum master is the facilitator, creating better environment for fluency and
efficacy in the work.

Scrum development team: This is the team developing and testing the final product and
deploying it.

Figure 5[ CITATION Ken18 \l 1033 ]

 First step, product owner should determine product backlog listing the requirements in
the sequence of priority.
 Second step, arrangement of meeting to estimate the workload according to the product
backlog by the Scrum team.
 Third step, conduct sprint planning regarding iteration, and select user stories in the sprint
 Fourth step, Scrum team finishes sprint backlog, where every member is refined into
partial task regarding to sprint back log.
 Fifth step, everyday Scrum meeting is conducted within sprint where, face to face
interaction is mandatory about the work done in the past and to be done in the future,
after which it will be updated in sprint burn down chart.
 Sixth step, everyday a version must be successfully compiled and execute unit test code,
if it goes successful than version is released.
 Seventh step, very important meeting is conducted along with product owner, Scrum
master, Scrum team including the client after the completing the sprint backlog. This
meeting will demonstrate the working of developed software.
 Eight step, finally, sprint retrospective is held where failure and success of process is
discussed with potential solution. This retrospective is conducted for about ninety
minutes and is believed to improve the team culture.

Advantage of Scrum framework

1 Quick distribution to consumers and clients of the functional material or product

2 Increased quality in product

3 Increases efficient in productivity

4 Cost reduction in the development process

5 Greater capacity to implement improvements as they happen

6 Good ethics for workers

7 Enhanced customer experience

8 finalize complex projects that could not previously be carried out

Developing on time order delivery system is a challenging project itself. This project is believed
to serve client in an efficient way. Moreover, the global positioning system plays a vital part in
logistic support. Here, every individual are responsible for the project success. Various key
success factor mention above like stakeholder management, budget management, time
management, managerial skills are the fundamental pillar for the successful competition of the
project. And also, the knowledge area such as human resource management, stakeholder
management, Procurement Management, risk management, quality management has vital
important for the project. To sum up, this project comprises about the outsourcing part and its
development with agile methodology with scrum frame work

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